
lì fǎ yì huì
  • legislative assembly
  1. 新泽西州有自己的立法议会,和全面的法律,财政和行政制度。

    Jersey has its own legislative assembly , and comprehensive legal , fiscal and administrative systems .

  2. 美国立法议会是两院制的,它由众议员和参议员组成

    The United States has a bicameral legislative assembly , composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate

  3. 法国国家立法议会的形成怎么样?

    How about the formation of the French National Constituent Assembly ?

  4. 保罗自幼在法利赛教派的影响下长大,并且是被称作公会的犹太立法议会的成员之一。

    Paul was brought up a Pharisee and had been a member of the Jewish council called the Sanhedrin .

  5. (国会或其他立法议会中的)藉投票表决以终止辩论的方法

    ( US cloture )( in a parliament or other legislative body ) method of ending a debate by taking a vote

  6. 地方政府的组织、地方立法议会的运作、地方司法的开展与落实,以及各项地方制度和政策的执行都与地方的发展密不可分。

    The organization of local government , the operation of local legislative assembly and the judicial system coincide with the development of the local government .

  7. 本月早些时候政府总理英拉克·西那瓦在立法议会上宣布全部每个涉及近年来泰国政治冲突的人后引发了抗议。

    Protests erupted earlier this month when the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra introduced legislation in parliament to grant a blanket amnesty for everyone involved in Thailand 's political conflicts of recent years .

  8. 加拿大联邦制是建立在加拿大历史、地理、经济、民族、宗教等多样性的基础之上的。早期加拿大联邦制以强调中央立法议会作用和加强中央集权为特点。

    Canadian federalism that was established on the basis of the diversities of its history , geography , economy , nationality and religion was characterized by emphasizing the function of central legislature and strengthening the centralization at the early stage .

  9. 那类立法在议会内外都引起了激烈的争论。

    Legislation to that effect created fierce controversy both in Parliament and outside

  10. 在较低的立法会议议会成员(如在法国)。

    A member of the lower chamber of a legislative assembly ( such as in France ) .

  11. 立法须得到议会两院的一致通过。

    Legislation requires approval by both houses of parliament .

  12. 该市立法机构伦敦议会(LondonAssembly)下设的环境委员会发布的最新报告写道,市长应该考虑在该区域禁行所有柴油车。

    A recent report by the environmental committee of the London Assembly , the city 's legislature , said the mayor should consider banning all diesels from the zone .

  13. 英格兰国教会的立法机构总议会(GeneralSynod)在进行了很大程度上是象征性的举手表决后,宣布通过了这一具有历史意义的变革。

    Approval of the historic change , which was first agreed to in July , was announced after a largely symbolic show of hands at the General Synod , the lawmaking body of the Church of England .

  14. 立法须得到议会两院的一致通过。

    Legislation requires Appproval by both houses of parliament .

  15. 政府的立法机构是议会。

    The legislative branch of government is the Parliament .

  16. 该立法在现议会任期之内将不会被通过。

    The legislation won 't be passed during the life of the present parliament .

  17. 立法必须由议会批准。

    Legislation has to be approved by parliament .

  18. 议会行使立法权,议会议员每届任期5年。

    Legislative power is vested in the chamber of deputies , directly elected to 5-year terms .

  19. 在议员报销丑闻之后,英国政府提议新的立法以肃清议会。

    The British government has proposed new legislation to clean up parliament following the scandal over MP 's expenses .

  20. 由从立法机构或者议会里选举出来的、并对立法机构或者议会负责的内阁成员行使最高立法权。

    Having the supreme legislative power resting with a body of cabinet ministers chosen from and responsible to the legislature or parliament .

  21. 根据提议的立法改变,议会将接手财政部的在新税收的基础上,批准老消费税标签条款的任务。

    Under proposed legislative changes , Parliament should take over from the finance ministry the task to approve the term of old excise labels at the acception of the new .

  22. 竞选捐款、成群的收入丰厚的游说者,以及企业资助的、为公共事务展开的公关运动,使得立法机构、议会、监管机构以及国际团体根本无能力反映劳动者和公民的价值。

    Campaign contributions , fleets of well-paid lobbyists , and corporate-financed PR campaigns about public issues are overwhelming the capacities of legislatures , parliaments , regulatory agencies , and international bodies to reflect the values of workers and citizens .

  23. 最终,英国通过将中世纪司法机构的议会改造成近代立法机构的议会,来实施对国王行政权力的政治规范和约束,并完成了代议制型宪政模式建构。

    Finally , Britain controlled the king 's administrative authority politically through the transformation from the judicature organization parliament in the Middle Ages to the modern legislation institution parliament , and finished establishing the constitutional government pattern with the representative system .

  24. 立法机构开始以议会党团为运作方式。

    Legislative institution first operated in the form of parliamentary groups .

  25. 该立法即将被送往议会上院。

    The legislation is now set to go to parliament 's upper house .

  26. 属于县之立法权,由县议会行之。

    The legislative power of the Hsien shall be exercised by the Hsien council .

  27. 向高等法院申请推翻立法会或区议会的选举结果。

    Applications to the High Court to challenge the results of the Legislative Council or District Council elections .

  28. 竞选阿拉伯联合酋长国的立法构联邦国民议会的议员席位的妇女人数创了新高纪录。

    A record number of women are running for seats on the United Arab Emirates'legislative body , the Federal National Council .

  29. 法官、各政府部门及相关组织的首长,以及立法会及区议会议员等嘉宾届时亦会出席。

    Guests including judges , heads of various government departments and other related organizations , Legislative Councillors and district councillors will also attend .

  30. 专责小组会在短时间内与立法会、区议会、法律界、学术界及其他各界团体会晤。

    The task force will shortly meet with the legislative council , District councils , the legal sector , academics and other sectors .