
  • 网络stereo pair;stereopair;Stereo images
  1. 数字立体像对的自动相对定向

    Automatical relative orientation with digital stereo pair

  2. 最后,在解析测图仪APS&1上利用我国西南地区的一个1AP级立体像对进行了试验,取得了一些有益的结论。

    Finally , in analytical plotter APS-1 , some beneficial results using a panchromatic SPOT stereo pair of level1AP over the area of Southwest of China are presented .

  3. 高分辨率星载遥感立体像对3D测量模型

    Research on the Model of Satellite Stereophotogrammetry Based on High Resolution Stereo Images

  4. SPOT立体像对的DEM恢复及质量评价

    DEM Re-construction and Quality Evaluation of DEM Using SPOT Stereo Images

  5. 分析了利用SPOT卫星影像提取下垫面信息的现状,包括工程实践中通过SPOT立体像对恢复DEM的方法及其特点以及其他下垫面信息的提取方法及其特点;

    An analysis was performed of the method and characteristics of SPOT stereopair for DEM generation and some other methods for underlying surface information extraction currently used in engineering .

  6. 利用三线阵CCD图像自动提取数字高程模型(DEM)的关键问题是立体像对的匹配相关技术。

    The key problem to generate automatically the digital elevation model ( DEM ) by three-line CCD camera for photographic measurement is the stereo image matching technology .

  7. 本文讨论了IKONOS立体像对提取南极菲尔德斯半岛地区的DEM及其精度情况。

    The paper mainly addresses DEM generation and analysis of the Fildes Peninsula using IKONOS stereo pairs .

  8. 随着航空、航天遥感技术的不断发展,传感器的性能不断提高,可以通过遥感技术获取立体像对,通过摄影测量技术产生DEM。

    They have a property of hysteresis quality . With the continuous development of aerospace technology and aerial technology and the continuous increasement the performance of sensors , DEM can be got by photogrammetric surveying after stereo pairs have been got by RS technology .

  9. 基于近景立体像对的目标纹理提取与自动粘贴技术

    3D Texture Extraction and Automatic Mapp in g Based on Photogrammetry

  10. 最后证明了构建广义立体像对的可行性。

    Finally proves the feasibility of construction of generalized stereopairs .

  11. 基于城市航空立体像对的全自动3维建筑物建模

    Automated 3D Building Modeling Based on Urban Aerial Stereopair

  12. 因此,在进行影像匹配时首先需要确定立体像对的初始视差。

    So in image matching , the initial parallax should be determined firstly .

  13. 利用航空立体像对确定岩层产状的计算机方法

    The calculating method for layer attitude with airphoto pair

  14. 基于区域增长的立体像对稠密匹配算法

    Image Dense Stereo Matching by Technique of Region Growing

  15. 基于零立体像对立体匹配的配后质量控制

    The Quality Control After Stereo Matching Based On Zero-Stereo-Pair

  16. 使用雅可比行列式的立体像对校正方法

    A New Method of Image Rectification Using Jacobian Determinant

  17. 然后对立体像对用单一算法先进行初始匹配,得到稀疏的初始视差图。

    Then , get the initial sparse disparity map using one single matching method .

  18. 一种基于立体像对稠密匹配的三维重建方法

    3-dimensional reconstruction based on image dense stereo matching

  19. 基于沿主光轴方向摄影立体像对的相对定向与核线排列

    Relative Orientation and Epipolar Arrangement based on Forward Moving Image Pairs along the Optical Axis

  20. 基于投影基准面的线阵推扫式卫星立体像对近似核线影像生成方法

    Generation of Approximate Epipolar Images from Linear Pushbroom Satellite Stereo-imagery Based on Projection Reference Plane

  21. 本文介绍了一种利用PC&1500袖珍计算机根据航空立体像对计算岩层、构造产状的新方法。

    The authors put forward a calculating method for layer attitude with airphoto pair by PC-1500 computer or some others .

  22. 由于沿主光轴方向摄影立体像对的交会角小、精度低,在常规的、面向测图的摄影测量均不采用。

    The stereopairs along the optical axis have some deficiencies e.g.intersection angle is too small and precision is not satisfied .

  23. 本文深入研究了其中的关键技术即深度图的几种获取方法,并重点研究了基于立体像对的深度图提取算法。

    This paper studies several methods to generate the depth map and focuses on the algorithm based on the stereo image pairs .

  24. 通过对航空立体像对及其边缘影像的分析,提出了一种新的航空影像初始视差的确定方法。

    This paper presents a new algorithm for determining parallax of aerial images with analyzing the property of aerial images and corresponding edge-images .

  25. 根据摄影测量学原理,利用左右立体像对进行路面目标点空间三维坐标计算。

    Based on principle of photogrammetry , a stereo image pairs is used to calculate the three dimension coordinators of the object points on pavement .

  26. 为了提高三维重建的性能,提出了一种新的基于立体像对稠密匹配的三维重建方法。

    The second step is to select seed points to determine the performance of the algorithm and then we can do dense matching with these seed points .

  27. 通过这些稀疏的配准结果,可以估计出立体像对的最大最小视差以及灰度相关阈值等参数,用于稠密配准中。

    The matching result can be used to estimate the maximum and minimum disparity , gray correlation threshold and some other parameters which play important roles in dense matching .

  28. 并且对存在一定角度的旋转、遮挡或一定交会角的近景立体像对,都能达到较高的匹配率。

    In this situation , when contained certain angles about rotation , occlusion , or close range with a certain intersection angle stereo image pairs , the method can have higher matching accuracy .

  29. 本论文研究了如何由非定标图像序列恢复三维实体模型,对其中的若干关键技术进行了深入研究,特别是立体像对的稠密匹配。

    Our research is focused on the problems of the recovery of a realistic textured model from image sequences and some critical issues related to this subject , such as dense matching to stereo images .

  30. 摄影测量是目前获取数字地面模型的最主要方法,它基于特征匹配原理,通过寻找立体像对上的同名像点以获取视差信息。

    Photogrammetry is the main method to generate the DTM , which is based on the principle of feature extraction and feature matching . It is aim to find the pairs of matched points and get the parallax information .