
  • 网络Smog;photochemical smog
  1. Gear方法模拟光化学烟雾形成反应

    Simulation Photochemical Smog From Reaction Using Gear Algorithm

  2. 机动车NOx污染与光化学烟雾形成的原因分析

    Analysis on the Reasons of the Formation of Nitrogen Oxides Pollution and Photochemical Smog of Motor Vehicle

  3. 大气光化学烟雾反应机理比较(Ⅰ)O3和NOx的比较

    A comparison of atmospheric photochemical mechanisms (ⅰ) o_3 and no_x

  4. 矿物燃料燃烧产生大量烟气中所含氮氧化物(NOx)的排放是导致酸雨、光化学烟雾等一系列严重空气污染问题的主要原因之一。

    The combustion of fossil fuels generates NO_x pollutants which cause air pollution and acid rain .

  5. 氮氧化物(NOx)作为导致酸雨和光化学烟雾的主要成分,处理问题成为环境保护领域的一大难题。

    Dealing with nitrogen oxides ( NO_x ) as main components which cause acid rain and photochemical smog has become a major problem in the field of environment protection .

  6. 氮氧化物(NOx)是引起酸雨、光化学烟雾等破坏地球生态环境,导致人体呼吸道等疾病的主要大气污染物。

    NO_x is the main atmospheric pollutant , causing photochemical reaction , acid rain and so on which leads to the destroying of environment and human beings ' respiration disease .

  7. NOx在对流层和平流层化学中扮演着极为重要的角色,是产生一些环境问题诸如光化学烟雾,酸雨,气候变暖,尤其是平流层臭氧破坏的关键原因。

    These compounds are actively involved in both the tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry and contribute to environmental problems such as photochemical smog , acid rain , global warming and particularly , stratospheric ozone depletion .

  8. 氮氧化物(NOx)是大气中常见的主要污染物,会形成酸雨以及光化学烟雾,严重损害人体健康。

    Nitrogen oxides ( NOx ) are major pollutants in air , which form acid rain and photochemical smog , causing serious damage to human body .

  9. 系统地综述了NOx在光化学烟雾、酸雨、臭氧层消失和温室效应几个极为重大的环境问题中所起的作用,并对由此产生的生态效应进行了论述

    It was summarized that the acts of NOx on light chemistry smog , acid rain and ozone layer depletion as well as greenhouse effect The ecological effects from those were discussed

  10. 煤燃烧过程中排放的SO2和NOx会造成严重的大气污染,如酸雨污染、光化学烟雾污染及温室效应等。

    In the process of coal combustion , SO2 and NOx emissions cause serious air pollution , such as acid rain pollution , photochemical smog , greenhouse effect and so on .

  11. 燃烧(特别是燃煤)过程的氮氧化物(NOx)气体是引起酸雨、温室效应、导致光化学烟雾和破坏臭氧层的主要物质之一,已成为全球性面临的空气污染难题。

    NO_X is one reason of acid rain , greenhouse effect , photochemical fog and breakage of ozonosphere , which is produced by combustion ( especily combustion of coal ) . It has become the global problem of air pollution .

  12. 氮氧化物(NOx)是光化学烟雾、酸雨等大气环境污染问题的主要原因之一,不仅危害人体健康,而且严重破坏生态环境。

    Nitrogen oxides damage to the environment with the atmosphere of photochemical smog , acid rain . Not only endanger human health , but also a serious damage to the ecological environment .

  13. 氮氧化物NOx是一种大气污染物,可以造成酸雨,光化学烟雾,破坏同温层的臭氧层和对人体产生危害等。

    Nitrogen oxides plays important roles in destruction of environment , causing acid rain , photochemical smog , ground level ozone pollution and so on , as well as damage to human health .

  14. 结果表明光化反应的第一步是H原子提取反应,光化学烟雾是依靠vanderwaals力将分子集合在一起的。

    The experiment results indicate that the initial step of this photochemical reaction is an H abstraction from RH by excited SO_2 and that intermolecular actions of aerosols depend on van der waals force .

  15. 由于氮氧化物(NOx)是主要的大气污染物,NOx的过度排放能形成酸雨和光化学烟雾,使得NOx的催化分解和还原被广泛研究。

    Because high degree of NO_X emitted to the atmosphere from combustion sources contributes to acid rain and smog formation , it has become a major concern in air pollution , and catalytic decomposition and reduction of NO_X has been studied extensively .

  16. 利用自制光化学烟雾箱进行了一系列表征实验并模拟了乙炔和氮氧化物NOx在室温(20±1)℃下的大气光化学反应。

    A series of characteristic experiments were conducted in a self-made photochemical smog chamber , which was used to simulate atmospheric photochemical reactions of acetylene and NO_x under room temperature of ( 20 ± 1 )℃ .

  17. 光化学烟雾和大气臭氧形成的重要前体物之一&非甲烷烃(NMHC)的排放受到研究者的热切关注。

    As one important predecessor of photo-chemical smog and ozone , non-methane hydrocarbon 's ( NMHC ) emission is paid great attention .

  18. 作为空气污染的主要来源之一,易挥发有机物(VOCS)不仅是一次污染源而且还可能造成光化学烟雾等二次污染。

    Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCS ), as one of the major sources of air contaminations , can not only cause direct pollution , but also lead to secondary pollution , such as photochemistry smog .

  19. 光化学烟雾的重要产物过氧化氢(H2O2)和甲基过氧化氢(MHP)的浓度水平较高,最大浓度分别为3-69和3-26μg/m3。

    The concentration levels of H 2O 2 and methyl hydroperoxide ( MHP ), which were the important products of photochemical smog , were high , their maximum concentrations were 3.69 and 3.26 μ g / m 3 respectively .

  20. 挥发性有机物(VOCs)在光照作用下会导致光化学烟雾、二次有机气溶胶和大气有机酸的浓度升高,影响人体健康和大气环境。

    Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCs ) have an important influence on the formation of photochemical smog , secondary organic aerosols and organic acids in the air , which are severely harmful to human health and atmospheric environment .

  21. NO如直接排放会引起酸雨、光化学烟雾等一系列大气环境问题,采用高压脉冲放电等离子体活化NH3还原去除NO,这种新方法结合了脉冲放电等离子体技术和催化还原技术的优点来提高NO的去除率。

    If nitric oxide ( NO ) emitted directly cause acid rain , smog and other air pollution . In this study , activation of NH3 and catalytic reduction of NO by high voltage pulse discharging plasma .

  22. 随着经济的快速发展和大量化石燃料的使用,氮氧化物(NOX)污染所引起的光化学烟雾、酸雨等环境问题日益突出。

    With the rapid development of economy and a large number of fossil fuels used , some environmental problems , such as photochemical smog , acid rain , ozone depletion , and greenhouse effects , caused by nitrogen oxides ( NOx ) pollution is gradually serious .

  23. 已存在严重的光化学烟雾污染,预测表明城区未来大气环境中O3浓度的高低取决于机动车的排放量。

    The photochemical smog phenomenon has already existed in these urban areas and the pollution is getting more and more serious , and it is predicted that the O 3 concentration in the air of urban areas is depended on the vehicle emissions .

  24. 研究结果表明,上海的大气环境中,有NMHC强源和NOx源,造成了NMHC/NOx高比值的环境,使大气具有较强活性,在阳光允足的条件下,极有利于光化学烟雾的形成。

    The results indicated that there were strong sources of NMHC and sources of NOx in Shanghai atmosphere which accounted for high NMHC / NOx ratio and caused the atmosphere highly active . Photochemical smog will be formed at high probability when there is sufficient sunshine .

  25. 兰州市光化学烟雾污染的多元线性回归分析

    Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis on Photochemical Smog Pollution of Lanzhou City

  26. 光化学烟雾物理模拟实验数据采集系统的研制

    Development of data acquisition system for experiment of photochemical smog

  27. 蒙特卡罗法模拟光化学烟雾的形成

    The simulation of photochemical smog formation by Monte Carlo method

  28. 中国城市光化学烟雾污染研究

    The Study of Urban Photochemical Smog Pollution in China

  29. 然后总结出光化学烟雾污染的防治措施。

    We can summarize the prevention and cure measure of photochemical smog pollution .

  30. 光化学烟雾大气污染的形成机理

    The Occurrence Mechanism of the Photochemical Smog Air Pollution