
  • 网络Matthias;Mattia
  1. 但是,马提亚不再出现,神已经选了保罗。

    However , Matthias is never mentioned again & God had already chosen Paul .

  2. 剩下的十一位使徒选出马提亚代替犹大当十二使徒之一。

    The Eleven Apostles chose Matthias to replace Judas as one of the twelve Apostles .

  3. 于是选举两个人,就是那叫作巴撒巴又称呼犹士都的约瑟,和马提亚。

    And they appointed two , Joseph called Barsabas , who was surnamed Justus , and Matthias .

  4. WZB的调查员李江红以及马提亚·波尔曼·舒尔特通过德国社会经济研究小组的样本数据,研究了德国父亲通勤上下班与孩子社会和情感问题间的联系。

    Using a representative sample from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study , WZB researchers , Jianghong Li and Matthias Pollmann-schult , examined the relationship between fathers ' commute to work and children 's social and emotional well-being at ages 5 to 6 in Germany .