
  • 网络stratigraphic unit;STRATUMS;Rock Units
  1. 造山带区调填图非正式岩石地层单位划分及其意义

    On the division and significance for informal litho & stratigraphic unit during the mapping for the regional geological survey in orogenic belt

  2. 试论地层单位的划分从展示到纪录合成地震记录层位精细标定应用研究

    Application of Fine Demarcation with Synthetic Seismic Record for Stratigraphic Unit

  3. 本文以陆地卫星MSS的第五波段图象为基本图象,研究了湖南涟源煤田的构造变形,进而建立了该区12个遥感地层单位的影象特征和三个影象标志层。

    The fifth band of MSS is an important image for analyzing structural deformation . Three image marker beds and twelve image features of stratigraphic units of remote sensing are established for interpretation of geological structrue in Lianyuan coal field .

  4. 论湘中佘田桥阶的岩石地层单位

    On the lithostratigraphic units of the shetianqiao stage in central Hunan

  5. 非正式年代地层单位来源于不同层位的地下水相互混合。

    Informal chronostratigraphic unit Ground waters originating in different beds commingle .

  6. 建议江苏采用和摒弃的地层单位名称

    A Proposal on Adopting and Disregarding Stratigraphic Units in Jiangsu Province

  7. 关于1:5万组图中第四纪地层单位划分的讨论

    Classification of Quaternary stratigraphic units in the 1:50000 map series-a discussion

  8. 庐山地区第四纪岩石地层单位划分

    The classification of the Quaternary lithostratigraphic unit in Lushan Area

  9. 该剖面的船山组灰岩为跨时的岩石地层单位。

    The Chuanshan Formation in this section is a diachronous lithostratigraphic unit .

  10. 浙江省白垩系和第四系中新建立的岩石地层单位

    New lithostratigraphic units established for the Cretaceous and Quaternary in Zhejiang Province

  11. 中国奥陶系和下志留统下部年代地层单位的划分

    Stratum Ordovician to the lowest Silurian chronostratigraphic subdivision in China

  12. 第二部分是建议采用的岩石地层单位名称索引(一)、(二);

    The second is the index of these lithostratigraphic units ;

  13. 生物地层单位及其在地层分类中的地位和作用

    Biostratigraphic units and their position and function in stratigraphic classification

  14. 罗圈组为一穿时地层单位,时代为震旦纪&早寒武世。

    Luoquan Formation is a diachronous unit from Sinian to Lower Cambrian .

  15. 雅鲁藏布组&一个特殊的岩石地层单位

    The Yarlung Zangbo Formation & a special lithostratigraphic unit

  16. 试论下扬子地区早石炭世岩石地层单位

    Early Carboniferous lithostratigraphic units of the lower Yangtze area

  17. 昆阳群的层序及顶底问题试论地层单位的划分

    The stratigraphic sequence of the Kunyang group and its top and bottom boundaries

  18. 河南省华北型寒武纪生物地层单位划分与对比

    Division and correlation of the North China type Cambrian biostratigraphic units of Henan Province

  19. 重新厘定了一些地层单位的名称和含义;

    The name and meaning of some stratigraphic units were newly collated and stipulated .

  20. 清理地层单位的几点意见和建议

    Views on registering and regulating the stratigraphic units

  21. 福建省新建岩石地层单位

    New lithostratigraphic units established in Fujian Province

  22. 年代地层单位属中更新统。

    It is middle Pleistocene in age .

  23. 变质岩区构造地层单位划分及鉴别标志探讨

    Mark design discussion on division and distinguish criteria of tectono-stratigraphic unit in the metamorphite regions

  24. 河湖沉积体系层序地层学研究试论地层单位的划分

    Sequence Stratigraphic Study of Fluviolacustrine Sedimentary System

  25. 青海省岩石地层单位概要

    Outline of lithostratigraphic units of Qinghai Province

  26. 从层序地层学角度论岩石地层单位界线的厘定与优化

    Revision and modification of lithostratigraphic unit ′ s boundary from the angle of sequence stratigraphy

  27. 赣东北地区浅变质岩岩石地层单位划分及沉积构造背景分析

    Division of stratigraphy and analysis of sedimentary tectonic background of lower metamorphics in the northeastern Jiangxi

  28. 关于鲁西侏罗纪&白垩纪岩石地层单位使用之我见

    An Opinion on Employment of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Lithostratigraphic Units in the West Shandong Area

  29. 非正式生物地层单位【地质】希尔顿含植物层

    Informal biostratigraphic unit Hilton plant beds

  30. 岩石地层单位是根据地层的岩性特征划分的地层单位,组是岩石地层的基本单位。

    The term formation is the basic lithostratic unit which is divided based on the lithological characters .