
dì céng duì bǐ
  • stratigraphic correlation
  1. 典型的化石资料、区域地层对比以及较为精确的SHRIMP同位素测年资料为这一时期的火山活动建立起了较为精准的时间标尺。

    Based on a typical fossil data , regional stratigraphic correlation , as well as more accurate information SHRIMP dating for the volcanic activity during this period to establish a more accurate time scale .

  2. 利用有序元素的最佳匹配法进行地层对比

    Stratigraphic Correlation by Using the Best Match Method of Sequential Elements

  3. 元素俘获谱测井(ECS)利用定量测得的钙等多种元素的含量,计算岩石的碳酸盐岩含量,进而进行岩性识别和地层对比;

    The contents of sand , shale or carbonate in complex formations can be obtained from logs of Elemental Capture Spectroscopy Sonde ( ECS ) .

  4. 地层对比中将红粘土与细砂互层与黄土沉积的L4相对应。

    The interbed of red clay and sand layers wascorrelated to L4 in loess-paleosol sequence .

  5. Agip公司YHD-1井地层对比的思考与教训

    Reflection and Lesson of Strata Comparison of Well YHD-1 by Agip Company

  6. 用ECS给出的岩性剖面和元素含量,结合常规测井资料,能进行更为细致的地层对比;用ECS各种元素变化特征识别沉积环境、进行沉积分析等方面获得了较好的认识和成果。

    The study shows that using ECS lithological profile and element content integrated with conventional well log data , the strata correlation , sedimentary environment recognition and deposition analysis could be conducted in more detail .

  7. 通过成因地层对比、构造形态和盆地演化过程分析,在黔中南至桂西鉴别出一条NNE向延续的陆内软碰撞带。

    A intracontinental soft collision foldbelt elongated to NNE orienation is recognized by the aid of genetic stratigraphic comparison , structural form and basin evolution analysis in Middle and South Guizhou and East Yunnan provinces .

  8. 灰色关联法在地层对比中的应用及其改进

    Application of Grey Correlation Method for Stratigraphic Correlation and Its Improvements

  9. 亚洲及远东地层对比区域委员会

    Regional Committee on Stratigraphic Correlation for Asia and the Far East

  10. 复杂断块老油田精细地层对比综合方法的提出与应用

    Fine stratigraphic correlation method and its application in complicated fault-block oilfield

  11. 建立了扶余油层钻井等时间地层对比格架。

    We established the isochronal stratigraphic framework of Fuyu oil reservoir .

  12. 地层对比是多井评价、油气藏描述中不可缺少的部分。

    Formation correlation is indispensable for multiwell evaluation and reservoir characterization .

  13. 一种基于目标约束遗传算法的地层对比方法

    A Method of Stratigraphic Correlation Based on Target Constraint Genetic Algorithm

  14. 一种数学方法在现场地层对比中的应用

    Application of a mathematical method for formation contrast in logging site

  15. 一种基于虚拟井和多层对比的地层对比方法

    A Method of Stratigraphic Correlation Based on Virtual Wells and Multi-Layer Correlation

  16. 利用主成分曲线进行地层对比

    An approach to Stratigraphic Correlation by Using Main Component of Well Logs

  17. 鄂西上二叠统吴家坪阶牙形石生物地层对比

    Correlation of conodont biostratigraphy in Upper Permian Wujiaping stage of Western Hubei

  18. 并识别出6个地层对比标志层。

    Also , six horizon markers for strata correlation have been identified .

  19. 以气候变化为标志的中国第四纪地层对比表

    Table of Chinese Quaternary stratigraphic correlation remarked with climate change

  20. 利用测井资料时频特征进行地层对比的方法及其应用

    A Method of Log Data Time-frequency Characteristics Stratum Correlation and Its Application

  21. 动态模式匹配算法在地层对比中的应用

    Application of the Dynamic Pattern Match Algorithm to Stratigraphic Correlation

  22. 测井剖面定量地层对比新技术

    Contrasting ; a new technique of quantitative stratigraphic correlation of well logs

  23. 曲线对比是地层对比的基础手段。

    STRATUM Curve Comparison is a foundation correlation method in formation correlation .

  24. 哺乳动物化石在油气区地层对比中的作用

    A note of mammal fossil in stratigraphic correlation in a hydrocarbon-bearing region

  25. 吉辽徐淮地区新元古代地层对比格架

    The Neoproterozoic stratigraphic correlation framework in the jilin-liaoning-xuzhou-huaiyang area

  26. 重矿物用作地层对比的方法

    The method of utilizing the heavy minerals as a means of stratigraphical correlation

  27. 泥河湾与黄土高原地层对比及其旧石器文化序列

    Correlation of the stratigraphy between Nihewan and Loess Plateau and their Paleolithic sequence

  28. 模糊聚类分析已经广泛地用于油气检测和构造评价,它也可以用于地层对比。

    Fuzzy cluster analysis has been used in hydrocarbon indication and trap evaluation .

  29. 试论永康群时代及区域地层对比

    Age of the Yongkang Group and Regional Stratigraphic Correlation

  30. 句法模式识别及其在地层对比中的应用

    Syntax pattern recognition and its application in stratigraphic correlation