
  • 网络lu shi chun qiu;lüshi chunqiu;Springs and Autumns of Master Lü
  1. 吕氏春秋是秦国最重要的一本历史文献,它的编撰者就是吕不韦。

    Lu Shi Chun Qiu is the most important historical literature of Qin .

  2. 吕氏春秋上说:物勒工名,意思是,器物的制造者要把自己的名字刻在上面。

    Lu Shi Chun Qiu records : Wu Le Gong Ming , which means that the manufacturer must engrave their names on their products .

  3. 《吕氏春秋》中的人欲论心理学思想

    Psychology Idea on People 's Desire Theory of Lu Family 's Age

  4. 从《夏小正》到《吕氏春秋·十二纪》&中国年鉴的雏形

    On the Embryonic Form of the Yearbook in China

  5. 《吕氏春秋》领导心理思想研究

    Study on the thoughts of leadership psychology of lu 's spring and Autumn Annals

  6. 《吕氏春秋》还包含有正视自然灾害、因势利导、从容应对灾害的思想。

    LvShiChunQiu also covers the thought of envisaging natural disasters and tackling them calmly .

  7. 《吕氏春秋》与现代行政人力资源管理

    On I ü shi Spring and Autumn Annals and the Modern Human Resource Administration

  8. 《吕氏春秋》与先秦百家的思想渊源关系

    Relationship between the Sources of Thoughts of Lu-shih Ch'un-ch'iu and Hundred Schools in pre-Qin Times

  9. 20世纪《吕氏春秋》研究综述

    The Summary of the Study of Lu 's Spring and Autumn Annals in the 20th Century

  10. 《吕氏春秋》对现代企业人力资源开发的启示

    Analyses on ' lushi spring and autumn ' and The human resource exploit of modern enterprise

  11. 《吕氏春秋词典》双音并列合成词语素结合关系研究

    Studies on the Morpheme Combination Relations of Disyllabic Paratactic Compound Words in Lv Shi Chun Qiu Dictionary

  12. 该文认为《吕氏春秋》蕴涵着丰富的领导心理思想。

    The authors consider that the book of Lits Spring and Autumn Annals containsrich ideas of leadership psychology .

  13. 他们的改革措施在《吕氏春秋》中都有记载。生产力的提高使农民有剩余产品可交换。

    The enhanced productivity of the peasant household allowed them even to sell some surplus on the markets .

  14. 二是在理解《吕氏春秋》音乐思想的历史意义时,应把握好其音乐存在的非独立性和音乐追求的人间进取性。

    The other is the non-independence in musical existence in its historical significance and the progress in musical pursuit .

  15. 专书词类研究原则与方法的可贵探索&《吕氏春秋词类研究》读后

    A Valuable Exploration of the Principles and Methods in the Research of Parts of Speech of the Special Books

  16. 但《吕氏春秋》更强调天子的产生方式是在争斗基础上的选举。

    But " Lvshi Chunqiu " emphasize more on the opinion that the production of the emperor is based on struggle .

  17. 公元前250年,吕不韦著《吕氏春秋》,这是一部内容广泛的哲学著作。

    A comprehensive anthology of philosophical thinking around 250 BC is the Lushi Chunqiu , compiled by the chancellor Lu Buwei .

  18. 从《吕氏春秋》的天人观看其存在哲学实践的中介意义&论黑格尔辩证法的存在基础

    The Medial Meaning of Practice & on the function and status of practice in Hegels Philosophy on Existential Foundation of Hegels Dialectics

  19. 《吕氏春秋》作者认为大自然到处都充满着声音,我们所熟知的音乐就是对大自然声响的模仿。

    The author thinks that nature is full of sound ; we are familiar with the music which is imitated with nature sounds .

  20. 结合对音乐结构及形式的理解,《吕氏春秋》创造了一个被后世学者广为称赞的宇宙图式。

    Combined with the understanding of musical structure and form ," Lv Spring and Autumn " creates universe schema that later scholars widely acclaimed .

  21. 《吕氏春秋》在博采众家思想之长的基础上,熔铸了其博大精深的管理哲学思想体系。

    Based on the absorption of advanced thoughts of many thinkers , The Annals of Lu Buwei casts broad and profound ideology in managerial philosophy .

  22. 本文在前人研究的基础上,结合《吕氏春秋》的哲学思想,探讨其文艺思想的主要内容,展现其文艺思想的主要特色。

    Based on the research of fore-runners , the paper discusses the main content and characteristics of the literary thought by combining the philosophic thought .

  23. 谓词性向心结构向非向心结构变换的考察&《吕氏春秋》谓词性向心结构的考察之一左心声学造影诊断左向右分流先天性心脏病

    A Study on the Switch of Predicative from Endocentric to Non-Endocentric Construction ; Left-sided Contrast Echocardiography in Diagnosis of CHD with Left to Right Shunt

  24. 《吕氏春秋》是一部综合诸子百家学说而成的著作,在中国文化发展史上具有重要地位和作用。

    Lu Spring and Autumn is a book synthesizing the various schools of thought , which occupies an important place is the history of Chinese culture .

  25. 第二部分论述《吕氏春秋》心适乐适以适听适等有关审美主体及审美客体的理论,指出它们形成了初步的文艺审美理论系统。

    The second part expounds the aesthetic thought of literary and points out that the question about aesthetic subject and object has formed a tentative theory system .

  26. 现代外语教学应该继承祖国的传统教育精髓,活用《吕氏春秋》的教育思想与方法,将其作为实现优秀外语教学的途径之一,在更高水平上促进中国外语教学的发展。

    They are of applicable value even today . We should inherit the essence of traditional education method in foreign language teaching so as to promote its development .

  27. 《吕氏春秋》蕴含了大量丰富的文化思想,在中国传统文化发展史上具有重要意义。

    There are so many rich cultural thoughts embodied in Lu 's Spring and Autumn Analects that it makes a significance in the history of Chinese traditional culture development .

  28. 《吕氏春秋》“圆道”概念的形成,使老子之“道”的“圆境”义得以全幅的呈现,对中国文化“圆境”理念的定型具有指点与深化意义。

    The formation of the concept " round Tao " in LuShiChunQiu highlighted the meaning of round of the Tao , and deepened the idea of round state of Chinese culture .

  29. 他的《吕氏春秋》是一部体系分明、条理清晰的哲学与文学著作,而且也是文学商业化运作的成功典范。

    His " Lu Shi Spring and Autumn Annals " was a well-organized philosophical and literary work and at the same time a successful example of Publicizing Literature in a commercial way .

  30. 《吕氏春秋》认为事物的美应是在宇宙万物的运动变化之中,审美主客体相契相适之中,人生追求的理想之中。

    Lu-shih ch'un-ch'iu hold the view that beauty lies in the movement of the universe , in the harmony of aesthetic subject and object and in the pursuit of one 's ambition .