
  • 网络Huangshan City;huangshan
  1. 黄山市区域野生动植物保护系统构建初探

    Preliminary Structure Exploration for Regional Wildlife Protection System in Huangshan City

  2. 黄山市2000~2002年22家宾、旅馆卫生状况调查分析

    Hygienic Investigation and Analysis of Hotels in Huangshan City from 2000-2002

  3. 发展黄山市体育旅游的SWOT分析

    An Analysis of the Development of Sports Tourism SWOT in Huangshan

  4. 本文采用实证研究方法,以黄山市为研究对象,运用SWOT分析工具对黄山市旅游业发展的现状以及旅游业发展的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁等方面进行了综合分析。

    Meanwhile , using SWOT analysis tool , this paper analyzes the basic situation , strengths , weakness , opportunities and threat of Huangshan Tourism Development .

  5. 并运用SWOT模型进行分析,指出了黄山市体育旅游开发的优势、劣势、机遇和存在的威胁,促进黄山体育旅游更上一个台阶。

    SWOT analysis and use models , pointed out the development of Sports Tourism strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats exist to promote sports tourism of Huangshan to a higher level .

  6. 针对旅游供需两方面存在的问题,采用DEMATEL调查法整理出黄山市旅游发展中存在的潜在问题,并提出了3种解决方案。

    After considering the problems of both tourist supply side and tourist need side , DEMATEL method was conducted and three plans were presented to solve those problems .

  7. 黄山市兰科植物资源的调查及保护与开发对策

    The Protection and Development of Orchid Germplasm Resource in Huangshan Region

  8. 旅游生态足迹模型及黄山市实证分析

    Touristic Ecological Footprint Model and Analysis of Huangshan City in 2002

  9. 黄山市城市水土流失及预防对策

    The Soil and Water Loss and its Preventive Countermeasure in Huangshan City

  10. 黄山市经济型酒店发展态势与策略研究

    The Trend and Strategy to Develop Economy Hotel in Huangshan

  11. 最后提出了黄山市城市旅游可持续发展的对策。

    Finally , sustainable development strategies of Huangshan urban tourism are advised .

  12. 黄山市体育旅游优势的研究

    Research of Opportunities and Advantages of Sports Tourism in Huangshan

  13. 黄山市公益林建设有关问题的研讨

    The problem discussing of Non - commercial forest construction in Huangshan city

  14. 黄山市地质灾害及防治工作现状、问题与对策

    On Geological Hazard and Its Preventive Situation & Countermeasures of Huangshan City

  15. 黄山市蜡梅属植物资源的调查研究与利用

    Investigation and Development of Plant Resources of Chimonanthus Genus in Huangshan City

  16. 黄山市景观橡胶坝对地下水位的影响

    The Impact of Sight Rubber Dams on Groundwater Levels of Huangshan City

  17. 浅析黄山市信息化建设

    On the Construction of the In formation in Huangshan

  18. 黄山市体育彩票消费者群体的调查分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of Consuming Group of Sports Lottery in Huangshan City

  19. 黄山市发展会议旅游的思考

    An Initial Thought on Convention Tourism in Huangshan City

  20. 基于产业园区发展的山水型城市空间结构演进优化建议&以黄山市规划设计为例

    Optimized Proposal for the Evolution of Urban Spatial Structure of Industrial-Park-Based Scenic City

  21. 黄山市体育营销城市的理论与实践研究

    Theory and Practice of Sports Marketing in Huangshan City

  22. 黄山市人文旅游资源及其开发利用研究

    Human tourist resources in Huangshan City and its development

  23. 黄山市2002年中小学生视力低下状况调查分析

    Analysis of Dysphotia Situation of Student ` s in Huangshan city in 2002

  24. 黄山市桑科植物资源及开发利用研究

    Exploitation and Utilization Research of Moraceae in Huangshan Region

  25. 黄山市理发美容院卫生状况调查

    Hygienic Investigation on Beauty Parlors in Huangshan City

  26. 对黄山市城市空间、环境与历史和谐的思考

    An Analysis of the Harmony of Urban Space , Environment and History in Huangshan

  27. 黄山市小水电发展存在问题的探讨

    Investigation on small hydropower development in Huangshan City

  28. 黄山市生态环境质量评价与制图

    Eco-environment Quality Evaluation and Cartography in Huangshan City

  29. 黄山市新安江流域水环境管理与旅游发展研究

    Study on Water Environment Management and Tourism Development in Xin'an River Basin , Huangshan City

  30. 最后,对黄山市生态旅游开发提出几点建议。

    Finally , some measures are proposed to the development of ecotourism in Huangshan City .