
Huánɡ Yán Péi
  • an early advocate of vocational education
  1. 浅析黄炎培的大职业教育主义思想

    Analyzing Huang Yan-pei 's thoughts of the " Macro-Vocational Education "

  2. 黄炎培大职业教育思想的理论价值

    On HUANG Yan-pei s Vocational Education Thought and Inspiration

  3. 浅析黄炎培的职业道德教育标准

    A brief analysis of Huang Yanpei ′ s standards of vocational ethical education

  4. 黄炎培职业教育思想的哲学基础探讨

    On the Philosophical Basis of Huang Yanpei ′ s Thoughts of Vocational Education

  5. 民国时期黄炎培华侨汉语文教育思想探析

    Study on Huang Yan-pei 's Thought on Education of Overseas Chinese in Chinese Language and Literature during the Republic of China

  6. 黄炎培在教育实践中吸取了杜威理论和学说中的合理因素,并结合中国国情在实践中进行改造,形成了具有自己特色的教育理论。

    He drew the rational factor in Dewey 's theory and formed his own one according to national condition and educational practice in China .

  7. 黄炎培大职业教育主义的提出,是中国近现代教育史上的一个重要里程碑。

    It is an important milestone in the near modern history of Chinese education for Huang Yan-pei to propose the idea of " Macro-vocational education " .

  8. 黄炎培毕生从事职业教育,形成了一整套在中国发展职业教育的体系和职业道德教育的理论,为我国现代职业教育事业的发展做出了卓越贡献。

    He made even greater contribution by putting forward a whole set of theories of developing a vocational education system and education on vocational morality in China .

  9. 张謇与黄炎培都曾立足职业教育,为我国近代教育事业作出了伟大的贡献。

    Both ZHANG Jian and HUANG Yan-pei have made great contribution to the cause of education of China in modern times as far as vocational education is concerned .

  10. 研究黄炎培职业教育的教育观、人才观,对审视当前的高等职业教育,乃至整个教育现状,颇有借鉴意义。

    It is very valuable to study his educative ideas and the outlook of ability person , and scan the high vocational education , even whole education at present .

  11. 黄炎培职业教育思想不仅奠定了我国现代职业教育思想的基础,也是我国职业教育理论的重要组成部分。

    His vocational education thoughts not only has been one of the important constituents of vocational education theory in our country , but also has laid the foundation for modern vocational education theory in china .

  12. 《生活》周刊系1925年10月10日由黄炎培创办于上海,初为中华职业教育社的机关刊物,以刊载职业教育信息等内容为主。

    Life Weekly was established by Huang Yan-pei in Shanghai on October , 1925.It grew out of an official magazine of the professional education society of China , which focused on the information of professional education .

  13. 本研究试图尝试从社会心理学的角度,通过对蔡元培、黄炎培和陶行知三位教育家社会心理和行为特点的分析和探讨,构建一种以社会心理学概念、范畴为基础的心理史学研究范式。

    The paper attempts from the angle of social psychology to construct a study paradigm based on social psychology 's concept and category by analyzing and discussing of three educators , namely Cai Yuan-pei , Huang Yan-pei and Tao Xing-zhi , social psychology and behaviour patterns .