
  • 网络Golden Theater
  1. CCTV黄金剧场:王冠上璀璨的宝石

    CCTV Gold Theater : the Brightest Stone on the Crown

  2. 解读CCTV-1黄金剧场广告的含金量

    Analysis the Value of CCTV-1 Gold Theater AD

  3. 如果你是个德国人,你说不定哪天会成为《黄金时段剧场》节目里嘲弄的对象。这个广播站位于柏林威丁区的节目在当地颇受欢迎。

    IF YOU are a German , the odds are that one day you will be mocked at the tiny PrimeTime Theatre in Wedding , a goulash of a neighbourhood in Berlin .