
  • 网络Huang
  1. 历来研究联绵词的学者一般都提到清代的王念孙、段玉裁,很少有人提到之前的黄生。

    When we study the lian-mian words , scholars always mention Wang Nian-sun and Duan Yu-cai , and almost no one refers to Huang Sheng before them .

  2. 黄生在文化思潮嬗变的影响下,形成了其独特的文学观念,其诗学思想既坚持了诗歌创作的文学性又兼顾了诗歌的社会实用性。

    Influenced by the culture trends change , Huang Sheng forms his unique literary concept . His poetics not only upholds the literary nature of poetry creation but also takes poems ' social utility into consideration .

  3. 黄生(1622-1696)是明末清初徽州学人的典型代表,为后人留下了丰富的文化遗产,在文化学术思想史上影响深远。

    Huang Sheng ( 1622-1696 ) bequeathed to his descendants a great cultural heritage . As the model of scholars in the area of Huizhou during the transition from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty , Huang Sheng profoundly impacted the culture and academic ideas in history .