
  1. 从实践形态来说,儒家通过刑德尤其是德来建构了统治合法性并贯穿于整个中国古代社会。

    From the perspective of practice , the construction of the legality of ruling by using " morality " has a long history throughout the whole ancient society of China .

  2. 汉代经学刑德观已经深入到汉代法律思想、法律制度、法律实践的运作之中,形成了礼与法的历史连接。

    The conception of penal code and morality of canons in Han Dynasty had entered deeply into the thoughts of law , their systems , and the operation of practice , and formed the historical connection between the rituals and the laws .

  3. 从以上历史文献来看,战国黄老学派法律思想的内容可以概括为三点:道、法结合;刑德并用;礼法并用。

    According to the above historical documents , the legal ideology of the Huang-Lao school in the Warring States Period could be summarized into three points : to combine Taoist school and legalism , to use punishment and rewards simultaneously and to use proprieties and laws simultaneously .

  4. 从这个意义上说,我们研究中国古代的法律,如果不把经学纳入视野,不考虑经学中的刑德观在古代法律中的作用与影响,显然是有失妥当的。

    In this sense , the study of Chinese ancient laws , if not taking the hermeneutic into its perspectives , or not taking the role and its influence of the conception of penal code and morality of hermeneutic in ancient law , obviously , would be inappropriate .

  5. 四时被赋予道德属性,物候、气象、星象的位置成为时间道德的体现,依时而作的生产行为规范有了道德依据,刑德互用的政治模式有了伦理价值基础。

    The four seasons had been granted with moral attributes ; phenology , meteorology and astrology become the embodiment of time moralities ; production according to time achieve moral demonstrations ; the political mode , which simultaneously punished the offenders and used moral administration , had a firm ethical foundation .

  6. 在这一部分中首先对本文中涉及到的几个关键词,如刑、德的基本含义作了一个相应地交代,对刑、德基本概念及先秦儒家刑德观的起源与发展作了追溯。

    First of all , this part , accordingly , explains several key words involved , such as the basic meaning of the penal code , the morality , and so on .

  7. 它把刑、德与阴、阳联系起来,把天道作为使用刑、德的依据,指出刑、德是实行法治不可或缺的两种手段。

    It compared punishment and rewards with yin and yang ( negative and positive principles ) . It believed the Dao of Heaven to be the basis for punishment and rewards and pointed out punishment and rewards were indispensable means of rule by law .