
xínɡ fǎ tǐ xì
  • Criminal law system;system of criminal law
  1. 本章其次对公司犯罪的概念、当代公司犯罪概览及其在刑法体系中的地位进行研究。

    Secondly , this chapter studies the definition , contemporary general situation of corporate crime and its status in the system of criminal law .

  2. 共犯与身份问题尽管在刑法体系中属于一个小问题,但是这个问题却在刑法理论中引起了不小的争论。

    Though the accomplice and the problem of identification are narrow aspect which belongs to system of criminal law , the problem arouses lots of arguments .

  3. 第三,有利于完善刑法体系。

    Third , help improve the criminal justice system .

  4. 危险在刑法体系中具有特定的含义。

    Danger has specific implications in criminal law system .

  5. 浅议全球化背景下我国环境刑法体系的缺失与完善

    Disadvantages and Perfection of System of Chinese Environmental Criminal Law Under the Background of Globalization

  6. 国际刑事法院的建立是国际刑法体系发展的一个重要里程碑。

    The establishment of ICC is a landmark for development of international criminal law system .

  7. 大陆法系注重抽象的体系思考,设想建构“开放的刑法体系”;

    Currently Chinese scholars have not deeply researched thinking foundation of continent legal system criminal theory system .

  8. 大陆法系的刑法体系可以说是对一个个刑法信条加以整理、整序而成的信条学体系。

    Criminal law system of Continental Law actually is a Dogmatik system made up of dogma of criminal law .

  9. 这样不但可以增强司法实践中的操作性,同时也使我国刑法体系更趋完善。

    This design not only strengthen the operability in judicial practice , but also consummate the Chinese Criminal Law system .

  10. 刑事判例在我国刑法体系中的定位应同刑事司法解释同处于一个效力层面。

    In Chinas criminal law system , judicial precedents should be positioned equal to criminal judicial interpretations in terms of effect .

  11. 刑法体系构建的三种思路&兼论类型的体系形成功能

    The Three Ideas of Criminal Law System Formation & Also on the Function of System Forming of the " Type "

  12. 现行刑法体系中排除犯罪性行为与犯罪构成相分离的关系并不合理。

    It is not correct that justified act in criminal law is separated from crime constitution in our present criminal law system .

  13. 刑法体系解释作为刑法解释的一种方法在实际的刑法解释过程当中运用的频率较高。

    Systematic interpretation of criminal law , as a month of explanation of criminal law , is used in explanatory during frequently .

  14. 该罪的主体限于国家机关工作人员是符合整个刑法体系的;

    I considered the subjects of the crime only include personnel of state organs that confirm to the system of penal law ;

  15. 死刑作为最古老的刑罚,流传久远且最为严酷,是我国刑法体系中最为严厉的刑罚。

    Death penalty as the oldest , most popular long and harsh , our criminal justice system is the most severe penalties .

  16. 在我国目前的刑法体系下,单位犯罪刑事责任主要由单位和单位内部责任人员共同承担。

    Under the current criminal system in China , the responsibility of unit criminal offenses should be shared by the responsible within the main unit .

  17. 在刑事立法立场的选择上,主客体统一表现为:理想的刑法体系人格刑法与客观现实的统一,即相对的客观主义立场的选择。

    While choosing the standpoint of criminal legislation , the unification of the subject and the object suggests that we should choose the relatively objectivism standpoint .

  18. 刑罚执行是实现刑罚目的,使整个刑法体系得以稳固的重要因素。

    Execution of punishment is serious not only to realize the purpose of the punishment , but also to steady the whole system of the criminal law .

  19. 选择对特定情境下事后防卫行为不予惩罚的刑法体系虽然存在缺陷,却可在更多方面凸显其价值合理性。

    Though the criminal law system has defects when it chooses to forgive the afterwards defense , but it shows its rationality in a good few fields .

  20. 通过对罪数进行定位,明确罪数论在整个刑法体系中的地位,目的是夯实罪数论研究的理论基础。

    By locating Crimes Number to clear the status of it in the penal system , in order to consolidate the theoretical basis of Crimes Number for research .

  21. 而对刑法体系解释的功能与作用、这种解释方法操作的步骤以及需要注意什么问题研究成果不多。

    And for the function and effect of systematic interpretation of criminal law and the steps of operation and what problems need to pay attention are not much .

  22. 立法上集中体现在环境刑法体系的设置、空白罪状在环境刑法中的合理利用、环境行政机关起诉建议权的赋予等问题上。

    For legislation it shows as environment criminal system design , reasonable using for blank crime of environment criminal law , and endowing environmental administration department with lawsuit right .

  23. 对修正案草案所做的修改将有助于依照“宽严相济”的政策对国家的刑法体系进行重组。

    The changes to the draft amendment will help restructure the country 's system of criminal law in accordance with its policy of " tempering justice with mercy " .

  24. 所以,对刑法体系解释进行深入研究一方面是理论研究发展的需要,另一方面也是体系解释方法在实践中存在操作不规范等问题亟待解决的需要。

    Therefore , the research of systematic interpretation of criminal law is not only need of development of the theory , but also problems need to be solved in practice .

  25. 在我国刑法体系中,管制刑是唯一一种不以羁押为条件的主刑,它具有轻缓化、人道化和社会化的特点。

    In the criminal law system of our country , control punishment is the only one of principal punishments without any detention conditions . It has humanitarian and social characteristics .

  26. 在对目前的观点进行评析后,得出了在目前的刑法体系中还不能用现有的罪名对其加以定性。

    In carries on the evaluation after the present viewpoint , obtained has not been able to use the existing charge in the present criminal justice system to determine the nature .

  27. 我国立功制度的产生和发展经历了一个漫长的历史演变过程,其地位在刑法体系中也日渐重要。

    Our nation 's system of meritorious service experienced a long historical production and development course . Its position is important day by day in the criminal law system , too .

  28. 因此,论文第四章在介绍刑法体系解释方法一般原理的基础上,集中阐述体系解释在以上两种比较突出的经济犯罪立法形式中的运用。

    Therefore , while based on the introduction of general principals about this method , the fourth chapter focuses on its application to those two forms of legislations in economic crime area .

  29. 不过我国对期待可能性的研究起步相对较晚,由于我国的刑法体系与大陆法系的差距,在许多问题上还没有形成一个较为统一的意见。

    But the possibility to expect China started relatively late research , because our country criminal law system and the continental law system , the gap in many problems have not form a unified .

  30. 伴随着我国刑法体系的逐步完善与成熟,我国刑法界学者表现出对刑罚个别化浓厚的兴趣,以追求对犯罪人处以正确、适当的刑罚。

    With the gradual improvement and mature of our criminal law system , The community of scholars demonstrated interest about criminal individual punishments , so as to get right and proper punishments of crime .