
  • 网络prosecute;criminal prosecution;criminal charge;increased criminal prosecutions
  1. 目前还不清楚这些父母是否会面临刑事起诉。

    It is unclear whether such parents could face criminal charges .

  2. 相关官员已对几名青少年进行刑事起诉。

    Officials have brought criminal charges against several teenagers .

  3. 针对美国博科通讯系统有限公司(brocadecommunicationssystems)前任总裁雷耶斯先生的指控,是因去年成为新闻头条的期权回溯丑闻导致的首次刑事起诉。

    The charges against Mr Reyes , a former boss of brocade communications systems , represented the first criminal prosecution to result from the options backdating scandal that made headlines last year .

  4. 丰田(Toyota)收到了一个美国联邦大陪审团的传票,要求其解释对汽车安全问题的处理办法。这一进展是一个开端,表明这家日本公司可能面临刑事起诉和巨额罚款。

    Toyota has received a subpoena from a US federal grand jury over its handling of safety problems with its cars in a development that opens the door to criminal prosecution and hefty fines for the Japanese company .

  5. 如果提出刑事起诉需要付出的成本高于能够收回的税金,可以理解,HMRC宁愿选择一鸟在手,而不是双鸟在林。

    If prosecutions cost more than they raise it is understandable that HMRC prefers one bird in the hand over two in the bush .

  6. 我国刑事起诉程序的不足与完善

    The Deficiency of Criminal Prosecution Procedure in China and its Perfection

  7. 结果现在摩根大通发现自己面临刑事起诉。

    Today , JPMorgan finds itself criminally charged as a consequence .

  8. 上周,香港进行了首例刑事起诉。

    Hong Kong this week saw its first criminal prosecution .

  9. 原刑事起诉法庭的制度继续保留。

    The previous system concerning criminal prosecution shall be maintained .

  10. 刑事起诉与不起诉制度研究观点综述

    Comments On The System Researches In Commencement Of Criminal Action And Non-Criminal Action

  11. 可能被提起刑事起诉的;易患糖尿病的。

    Liable to criminal charges ; liable to diabetes .

  12. 日中刑事起诉原则比较

    Comparison Between Japanese and Chinese Principles of Criminal Prosecution

  13. 关于刑事起诉证据标准的探讨

    The Discussion About The Standards of Criminal Evidence

  14. 我会因此被刑事起诉吗?

    Can I be charged criminally with this ?

  15. 刑事起诉政策问题研究

    Study on the Policy of Criminal Prosecution

  16. 你可能要面临刑事起诉。

    You could face criminal charges .

  17. 斯塔滕岛地区检察官正在调查此案,他会决定是否提起刑事起诉。

    The Staten Island District Attorney is investigating and will decide whether to bring criminal charges .

  18. 德日刑法中的思考方法浅析日中刑事起诉原则比较

    The Thinking Methods in German and Japanese Criminal Law Comparison Between Japanese and Chinese Principles of Criminal Prosecution

  19. 新造的大桥坍塌了,一名工程师和两名地方官员为此受到刑事起诉。

    The collapse of the big newly-built bridge led to criminal prosecution against an engineer and two local government officials .

  20. 我国在刑事起诉制度上实行以公诉为主、自诉为辅的原则。

    In our country 's criminal proceedings , public prosecution is the main form of prosecution and private prosecution is on the side .

  21. 如今市府的那些高级官员面临刑事起诉甚至可能服刑。

    But a smart TV reporter dug the dirt up anyway and now these top city officials face criminal charges and maybe jail .

  22. 其他很多国家实行的蔑视法,允许以侮辱或冒犯公共官员或机关的尊严为由,对新闻工作者提出刑事起诉。

    In many others , desacato laws permit criminal prosecution of journalists for insulting or offending the dignity of public officials or institutions .

  23. 不起诉制度是刑罚理论由惩罚论向目的论转化的产物,是刑事起诉便宜主义的具体体现。

    Non-prosecution policies are the production of the penalty theory transformed from punishment to teleology , also are the embodiment of the convenience of prosecution .

  24. 来自塞浦路斯法马古斯塔区校车司机已被开除,并面临被捕获后,受酒精影响下驾驶刑事起诉。

    A SCHOOL bus driver from the Famagusta area has been fired and faces criminal prosecution after being caught driving under the influence of alcohol .

  25. 刑事起诉模式之我见&从我国三类刑事自诉案件看我国的刑事起诉模式刑事自诉案件研究

    View on the Mode of Criminal Prosecution & Considering the Mode of Criminal Prosecution from Three Kinds of Criminal Cases of Private Prosecution in Our Country

  26. 日中刑事起诉原则差异主要表现为:日本没有自诉制度,我国有自诉制度;

    There are some major differences between Japanese and Chinese principles of criminal prosecutions : in Japan there is no a system of private prosecution which exists in China .

  27. 过去五年里,我们看到金融领域的不良行为被连篇累牍地曝光,却很少看到刑事起诉。这种状况催生了现在已经被有关方面听到的公愤。

    The past five years have seen the exposure of a litany of financial wrongdoing yet a dearth of criminal prosecutions , generating uproar that has now been heard .

  28. 日中刑事起诉原则比较公诉裁量权并非是必然就有的,其取决于各国在公诉问题上所持的立场,也即所实行的起诉原则。

    Comparison Between Japanese and Chinese Principles of Criminal Prosecution It 's not necessity , depends on the grounds of countries of the accusation or principles of the accusation .

  29. 如果经过核查发现所报的数字是假的,申报人将被处以罚款,如果情节严重便会受刑事起诉。

    If an audit reveals that someone has filed a false or fraudulent return , the person is subject to fines and , in severe cases , to criminal prosecution .

  30. 他辩称,宪法中关于总统享受刑事起诉豁免权的规定,应定义为他同时可以免于出庭,甚至可以免于接受质询。

    He argues that the president 's constitutionally granted immunity from criminal prosecution should be defined in a way that also forbids him to appear in court or even be questioned .