
xínɡ shì chǔ fèn
  • criminal disposal;criminal disposition;criminal sanction
  1. 劳动教养是我国对有违法犯罪行为而不够刑事处分的人实行收容、强制劳动和教育改造的一种行政处罚措施。

    Reeducation through labor is an administrative penalty to take in and reeducate through labor the criminals who have violate the law not gravely enough to get a criminal sanction .

  2. 在此情况下,犯罪分子不仅会依法受到刑事处分,还会被根据情况判处赔偿经济损失。

    If that is the case , the criminal shall not only receive criminal sanction according to law , but also be sentenced to make compensation for the economic losses in the light of the circumstances .

  3. 未成年人严重不良行为的矫治&以未成年人非刑事处分措施的完善为视角

    Rectification and Treatment of Serious Juvenile Misbehaviors & From the Perspective of Non-criminal Procedure 's Improvement

  4. 这个青年完全有可能成为十足的浪子。未成年人严重不良行为的矫治&以未成年人非刑事处分措施的完善为视角

    This young man had all the inclination to be a profligate of the first water . Rectification and Treatment of Serious Juvenile Misbehaviors & From the Perspective of Non-criminal Procedure 's Improvement

  5. 然而,其可能引起的对国家刑事实体处分权的松动及刑罚轻缓化泛化等的趋向不能不令人担忧。

    We can not help worrying that it may make disposition power of criminal justice weak and penalty reprieve possible .

  6. 关于刑事诉讼当事人处分权的思考

    On Consideration of Right of Disposing by Criminal Litigant