
  1. 中俄刑事辩护制度比较试析新刑法确立的正当防卫制度

    Analgsis of justifiable defence system in the new criminal law

  2. 律师刑事辩护制度完善之构想

    A Perspective of How to Perfect a Lawyer 's Criminal Defense Mechanism

  3. 试述南京政府时期刑事辩护制度之变革

    The Revolution of Criminal Procedure System in Nanjing Nationalist Government

  4. 论刑事辩护制度的哲学基础

    On the Philosophical Foundation of The System of Criminal Advocacy

  5. 律师伪证罪对刑事辩护制度的挑战

    Challenge of Lawyer ′ s Perjury to the Criminal System of Advocacy

  6. 我国刑事辩护制度之思考

    The Consideration of the Criminal Defense System in Our Country

  7. 刑事辩护制度诚实信用原则初论

    On the Good Faith Principle in Criminal Pleading System

  8. 俄罗斯现行刑事辩护制度若干评析

    Analysis of the current criminal defense system of Russia

  9. 刑事辩护制度不和谐探究

    A Discussion on the Unharmony of Criminal Defendant System

  10. 刑事辩护制度与诉讼正义

    The Regime of Criminal Defense and Proceedings Justice

  11. 关于改革、完善我国刑事辩护制度的几个重要问题

    Several Important Issues on Reforming and Perfecting China 's Systems of Assistance of Counsel

  12. 对刑事辩护制度理论基础的再认识

    Reflections on the Theoretical Basis of Criminal Defense

  13. 中国律师刑事辩护制度与联合国刑事司法准则

    Counsels ' Criminal Defence System of China and Criminal Judicial Norms of the United Nations

  14. 为此,完善刑事辩护制度应该从制度、原则层面上去建构。

    Therefore , improving the criminal proceeding defense should be based on principles and systems .

  15. 律师会见制度是一项关键的刑事辩护制度,从某种意义上是“刑事辩护之门”。

    The Meeting System between Counsel and the Accused is a pivotal Criminal Defence System .

  16. 刑事辩护制度具有天然的挑错、防错和纠错功能。

    Criminal defense system naturally serves functions to choose , prevent and correct the errors .

  17. 因此,建立良好的刑事辩护制度具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of great significance to establish a sound criminal defense system .

  18. 刑事辩护制度的产生和存在有着深刻的哲学基础。

    The creation and existence of the system of criminal advocacy have a profound philosophical foundation .

  19. 改革、完善我国律师刑事辩护制度若干问题的思考

    Considerations to the Reformation and Perfection of Our Country 's System of Criminal Defense by Attorney

  20. 律师辩护在整个刑事辩护制度中具有极为重要的地位。

    It has extremely important status in the whole criminal system of advocacy that the lawyer pleads .

  21. 律师作为刑事辩护制度的重要角色和辩护职能的主要承担者,应当享有十分广泛的诉讼权利。但现实中的律师在履行辩护职责时,于刑事诉讼的各个阶段都会遇到种种制度性障碍。

    Lawyers as important roles of criminal defensive system and main undertakers of defensive duty should enjoy a very extensive right of lawsuit .

  22. 刑事辩护制度是刑事诉讼中的一项重要的制度,曾被称为是上帝给与人类最好的恩惠。

    Criminal defense system is an important criminal proceeding system , which is once known as the best grace God gave to humanity .

  23. 刑事辩护制度是现代刑事诉讼对诉讼正义追求的结果。

    As the basic legal regime of modern criminal proceedings , the regime of criminal defense results from the insistence of modern criminal proceedings on justice .

  24. 再论我国刑事辩护制度的完善&写在新《律师法》施行一周年之际

    On China 's Criminal Defense System & Write in the first anniversary of the implementation of the new " Solicitor Law " International Association of Penal Law

  25. 国际司法桥梁项目尤其注重强化中国迅速发展的贫困人群刑事辩护制度的效率以及提高刑事辩护的质量。

    IBJ 's programming focuses specifically on strengthening the capacity of China 's rapidly expanding indigent criminal defense system as well as the quality of the criminal defense bar .

  26. 我国的刑事辩护制度的缺陷严重影响刑法的准确实施,对刑事辩护制度的进一步完善已经成为一种迫切的社会需要。

    The our country criminal defense system flaw serious influence criminal law accurate implementation , already became one kind of urgent social need to the criminal defense system further consummation .

  27. 通过对现代刑事辩护制度发展趋势的分析,借鉴国际上的先进经验,结合我国实际,对我国辩护律师权利保障制度进行完善。

    Through the analysis on the developing trend of modern criminal defense system , we can reconstruct the system of defense attorney rights , based on combination of international standards and our real national conditions .

  28. 以“被指控人有权获得辩护”为理论核心建立和发展起来的律师刑事辩护制度,是刑事法律制度的重要组成部分。

    Criminal defence system of counsels , which is established and developed at the theoretical core of " the accused has the ringt to get defence ", is an important part of penal law system .

  29. 在我国刑事辩护制度中确立诚信原则,符合律师承担真实义务理论以及律师职业伦理的要求,有利于保障被追诉者的合法权利和利益。

    In the criminal plead system , this principle accords with the need of occupational ethics of lawyer and the theory of true obligation . It benefits the protection of the legal right and interest of the accused .

  30. 考虑到前苏联刑事辩护制度曾对中国的影响,研究俄罗斯的刑事辩护制度变化对我国有关制度的变革有着重要意义。

    Given the effects of the defense system of the Soviet Union on that of China , studies of the changes of Russian criminal defense system is of great significance to the modification of the relevant system in China .