
  1. 代表好莱坞电影公司的上海律师事务所的杨军表示,尽管赔偿金不高,但提起诉讼仍是值得的,因为它们让公众意识到,盗版DVD是违法的。

    Yang Jun , at the Shanghai law firm that represented the studios , says the lawsuits are worthwhile despite the low damages because they make the public aware that fake DVDs are illegal .

  2. 上海律师群体阶层状况及发展分析

    On the Status & Future of Shanghai Lawyer-Class

  3. 民国时期上海本土律师的法律业务

    Legal Business of the Shanghai Local Lawyers under the Nationalist Regime

  4. 建设与社会主义法治城市相适应的律师队伍&上海市律师队伍建设的现状与对策

    Constructing the Lawyers Contingents Suitable to the Socialist City Ruled by Law

  5. 2006年上海地区律师血压状况分析

    Analysis of the Blood Pressure Level of Lawyers in Shanghai in 2006

  6. 举行地点为上海市律师协会。

    This forum is held in Shanghai Lawyers Association .

  7. 在法律与社会之间:民国时期上海本土律师的地位和作用

    The attorney and the coroner between law and the society : the position and function of local Shanghai lawyers in the Republic of China

  8. 上海华籍律师从事职业活动的法制环境是极其复杂的,这种复杂性主要表现在适用法律的多元与审判机关的多元上。

    The legal environment of Shanghai Chinese lawyer was very complicated and it showed mainly in the multivariate of applying law and judicial organ .

  9. 民国时期的上海本土律师主要通过发布广告,开展交际活动,依靠掮客这三个途径来获得他们的法律业务。

    During the Nationalist regime , Shanghai local lawyers got their legal business mainly from three ways : advertisement , social activities and relying on brokers .

  10. 因此,这三家企业聘请上海段和段律师事务所全权代理在美国的起诉、索赔等法律事务。

    Therefore , the three companies engaged the Duan Duan Law Firm and authorized handling of such legal affairs as litigation and claims for indemnification in the US , etc.

  11. 以档案材料为主,结合其他各种相关资料,对上海华籍律师从事职业活动的法制环境、组织形式及具体办案过程进行了动态的考察和全景的展现。

    Based on archives and other related documents , this chapter has given a dynamic investigation and panorama appearance of Shanghai Chinese lawyer 's legal environment , organizational form and contact course of handling cases .

  12. 上海新文汇律师事务所的律师富敏荣说该服务与那些招聘男朋友或者女朋友来见经常唠叨成年孩子安定下来并结婚的父母类似。

    Fu Minrong , a lawyer with Shanghai New Wenhui Law Firm , said the service has similarities to those hiring a girlfriend or boyfriend to meet their parents , who often nag adult children to settle down and marry .

  13. 然而,北京大成(上海)律师事务所的专利律师杨宇宙指出,与美国不同,中国承认“实用新型”专利,这类专利一般更容易获得,而且保护发明的期限比标准专利要短一些。

    However , Yang Yuzhou , a Shanghai patent lawyer at Dacheng Law , noted that China , unlike the US , recognised " utility model " patents , which are typically easier to secure , and protect inventions for a shorter period of time than standard patents .

  14. 上海的许多律师和投资者都认为,有些时候,你必须也有政府的朋友。

    Many lawyers and investors in Shanghai agree that at some point you will need government friends too .

  15. 来自上海的周明律师表示,可以说,视频直播已经对学生的隐私构成了侵犯。

    Zhou Ming , a Shanghai-based attorney , says a case could be made that the live-streaming constitutes a violation of student privacy .

  16. 上海市恒泰律师事务所是一家严谨、高效、蓬勃向上的合作制律师事务所。

    Heng Tai Law Office (" Heng Tai "), is a modern law office which takes pride in its rigorous and efficient approach to its legal work .

  17. 据上海蓝白律师事务所的律师潘嘉琪所言,更糟糕的是,他们还会因为违约面临严重惩罚。

    Even worse , hires that breach their contracts face significant punitive action , according to Pan Jiaqi , a lawyer with the Lanbai Law firm in Shanghai .

  18. 上海一所律师事务所的数据显示,在他们受理的没有签订婚前协议的离婚纠纷中,几乎90%的都属于财产纠纷。

    According to data provided by a Shanghai law firm , almost 90 percent of the divorce disputes it handles between people without prenups are over the division of property .

  19. 一名驻上海的外国律师表示:这种事情我见过太多次了。他指出,外国公司雇员尤其是华裔常常被悄悄地拘留。

    I 've seen this so many times before , says one foreign lawyer in Shanghai , noting that employees of foreign companies – especially those of Chinese descent – have often been detained without so much fanfare .

  20. 熊彦律师系上海市世通律师事务所专职律师,华东政法学院法学学士,同济大学工程管理学士,上海市法学会会员。

    Lawyer Cathy Xiong is a member of Shanghai stone law firm , law Bachelor of East China University of politics and law , Construction Management Bachelor of Tongji university , and is a member of Shanghai law association .

  21. 一位经常去上海的国际律师开玩笑说,企业有三本账:一本给国际投资者看(夸大利润);一本给税务人员看(少报利润);一本记录着实情。

    An international lawyer who frequents Shanghai jokes about companies with three sets of books : one for international investors ( which overstates profits ) ; one for the taxman ( which understates profits ) ; and one recording the truth .

  22. 上海市中天阳律师事务所全体律师愿以客户需求为己任,我们的职责是保护客户的合法权益。

    Our obligation is to satisfy the demands of our clients through protecting their legal rights and interests .

  23. 尚公上海的公司业务律师团队由多名专门从事公司业务的合伙人及律师组成。

    The Lawyer Team of Litigation and Arbitration of S & P Shanghai is composed of Partners and Lawyers specialized in Litigation and Arbitration .

  24. 王燕是上海一家美资律师事务所的律师,每年大概工作3000个小时,如果按每天工作8小时计算,就是375天。

    As an attorney in a US law firm in Shanghai , Wang Yan works approximately 3000 hours a year , which translates to 375 days on the job if it is averaged out to 8-hour days .

  25. 上海地点:上海浦东南路855号世界广场33楼D座金博大(上海)律师事务所。

    Shanghai Venue : Shanghai World Plaza , 855 Pudong South Road , 33 Floor , Block D Gold Partners ( Shanghai ) Law Firm .