
xínɡ shì biàn hù rén
  • criminal defendant
  1. 外国人能否被委托担任刑事辩护人?

    May foreigners be appointed as the defender in criminal cases ?

  2. 刑事辩护人过失行为研究

    A Research on Criminal Defense Errors

  3. 另一方面非律师的刑事辩护人不享有量刑建议权。

    However , other defenders than lawyers do not have the right to suggest a sentence .

  4. 律师担任刑事辩护人时,可以同在押的被告人会见和通信。

    When acting as defenders in criminal cases , lawyers may meet and correspond with the defendants held in custody .

  5. 但,外国人或者无国籍人是被告人的近亲属或者监护人,由被告人委托担任刑事辩护人的,人民法院可以准许。

    However , if the foreigner or the stateless person is a near relative of the defendant , and is appointed as the defender by the defendant in criminal cases , the People 's count may approve .

  6. 韩国刑事诉讼辩护人制度综述

    Summarizing the System of Counsel of Criminal Suit in Korea

  7. 本文通过综述韩国刑事诉讼辩护人制度,试图向我国刑事诉讼法改革提供有益的参考资料。

    This paper summarizes the system of counsel of criminal suit in Korea in order to provide some valuable reference material for reform of Chinese criminal procedure code .