
  1. 尼克松访华,我在电视上看到了,感到十分高兴。

    I did watch with great joy when Nixon visited China .

  2. 中国崛起并不是尼克松访华造成的。

    China , s rise was not the result of the Nixon embrace .

  3. 尼克松访华后,中国乒乓球队回访了美国。

    Following Nixon 's visit to China , the Chinese team came to the United States .

  4. 尼克松访华祝酒词

    Toast Speech by Richard Nixon

  5. 一九七二年二月尼克松访华,上海公报签字。

    In February 1972 , Nixon visited China , and the " Shanghai Joint Communique " was signed .

  6. 从1972年尼克松访华到1978年底中美建交公报发表,两国关系正常化经历了一个漫长的时期。

    Normalization of diplomatic relations between China and the United States took a long time after the President Nixon 's visit to China in 1972 for many reasons .

  7. 1971年7月9-11日,美国总统国家安全事务助理基辛格秘密访华,为尼克松访华做准备工作并进行必要的安排,成为中美建交重要的历史时刻。

    On 9th July , 1971 , Henry Kissinger , Secretary of the States in US , set up his secret trip to China . This trip was to pave the way for the later Nixon 's visit to China , which turned to be a historical event in the history of Sino-American Relations .

  8. Icebreaker的本意是“破冰船”,icebreakertrip就是“破冰之旅”的意思了。电影中指的是1972年尼克松总统访华,中美交往的大门终于打开,这在历史上被称为“破冰之旅”。

    China 's surprise invitation to the American pingpong team paved the way for President Nixon 's historic icebreaker trip in 1972 .

  9. 事情沉寂了九个月,直到传出了尼克松将访华的消息。

    It sat there for nine months until word came out that Nixon was going to China .

  10. 恰逢尼克松总统访华和《中美上海公报》发表30周年

    Coincide with the 30th anniversary of President Nixon 's visit to China and the release of the Shanghai Communique

  11. 还是尼克松的访华,而在他之前,亨利。基辛格已经来华了多次。

    Or whether it be Nixon 's trip to China , which was preceded by Henry Kissinger , many times before he went .

  12. 自尼克松首次访华开始,西方世界就希望中国能完全融入全球经济。

    Since Richard nixon 's first trip to beijing , the West has wanted China to be fully enmeshed into the global economy .

  13. 尼克松总统访华时,我们被迫携带了一个地面卫星接收站,以便有效地与国内沟通,同时便利媒体报道。

    When President Nixon came to China , we had to bring a ground station with us in order to communicate effectively and for our media to communicate .

  14. 美国总统尼克松和一次访华时的祝福词

    Toast Given by US President Nixon on His First Visit to China