
  • 网络CABLE;submarine cable;fnal;EAC
  1. GIS技术在海缆路由设计中的应用

    Application of GIS Technology in the Submarine Cable Route Planning

  2. 基于BP网络实现海缆埋设机定位方法

    The Machine of Burying Submarine Cable Location Based on BP Network

  3. C油田群动态海缆不停产铺设技术方案研究及实施效果

    The technical program and implementation effect of dynamic subsea cable installation under production in C oilfield group

  4. 991(II)型海缆船更新埋设设备的改装设计

    Conversion design for cable burial equipment of Type 991 ( II ) cable layer

  5. 2000t海缆作业船推进系统论证研究

    Demonstration and study on the propulsion system of 2000t submarine cable workboat

  6. 但是,现有的大有效面积光纤(LEAF)存在着零色散斜率高、对弯曲敏感等问题,对于陆上应用并不理想,最适于海缆应用。

    But present large effective area fibers ( LEAF ) still have some problems with higher zero dispersion slope and bending sensitivity , it is not ideal for terrestrial application and it is best for submarine cables .

  7. 中国网通与中国电信共享FNAL海缆。

    It shares the FNAL cable with China Telecom .

  8. 尽管经久耐用的SAT-3海缆提供高速低价的服务,但不会使用互联网的人数还是很高。

    The number is higher in west Africa , where the more robust SAT-3 undersea cable provides for higher speeds and lower costs .

  9. 超长度、大截面海缆过缆的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on Crossing of Extra-long Large Sectional Marine Cable

  10. MG-1型海缆埋设系统总体设计

    The general design of Mg 1 submarine cable burying system

  11. 小型海缆船尾门吊的设计

    Design of the stern gate crane for the minitype of cable layer

  12. 地震作用对琼州海峡海缆路由区海底稳定性影向的分析

    Seabed Stability Analysis of Cable Route in Qingzhou Channel under Seismic Action

  13. 一种精确海缆铠装钢丝几何建模法探讨

    Discussion on the Precise Geometric Modeling Method of the Armored Ocean Cable

  14. 海缆埋设深度检测技术的研究

    Study on the Detection Technique for the Buried Depth of Submarine Cables

  15. 计算分析潮流对海缆路由稳定性的影响

    Calculation and Analysis of Effect of Tidal Current on Submarine Cable Route Stability

  16. 海缆安全影响因素评述

    A Survey of the Factors Affecting Submarine Cable Safety

  17. 地震作用下海缆路由的稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of Submarine Cable Route Under Earthquake Actions

  18. 近海海缆线路工程设计

    Submarine Cable Line Project Design in the Coastal Waters

  19. 调查锚在海缆路由调查中的应用

    Application of surveying anchor to submarine cable route survey

  20. 海缆无源探测数据采集系统的设计

    Data Acquisition System Based on Designing of MCBSP

  21. 中国海海底沙波对海缆埋设施工的影响分析

    Analysis of Effects of Sea Bottom Sand Waves on Submarine Cable Burial Operation in China Seas

  22. 研究表明,利用该网络对海缆埋设机定位可以满足所需定位精度,该方法是可行的。

    The result shows this method can be used in the machine of burying submarine cable location .

  23. 简介海底光缆系统路由调查时常用的探测设备及手段和海缆路由的选择与优化。

    It presents instruments and means for submarine cable route survey , selection and optimization of submarine cable route .

  24. 选配(积木)式优化设计及其在海缆通信系统均衡器设计中的应用

    Selective ( Building Block ) Type Optimal Design and Its Application on Equalizer Design of Sea Cable Communication Systems

  25. 海底光缆有源探测中临近海缆干扰造成的探测误差研究

    Study on the Detection Error by Proximity to other Submarine Cable in an Active Detection of Optical Submarine Cable

  26. 在此基础上制订完整而系统的试验实施方案,包括室内试验、委托试验与现场试验,为检验海缆综合监测系统的实际效果提供依据。

    The experimental implementation contains laboratory tests , commissioned tests and field tests to achieve intelligent and intensive online monitoring .

  27. 提出了发电机安装自动电压调节器,配合海缆线路安装避雷器来抑制参数谐振过电压的方案。

    This paper proposed using installation of arrester on submarine cable with generator installed AVR to curb the parametric resonance overvoltage .

  28. 电视摄像机和传感器可以监视经过海缆附近的鱼和洋流,从而帮助理解海洋环境和鱼类资源。

    " TV cameras and sensors can monitor fish and currents passing near the cable to help understand the ocean environment and fish stocks ," he said .

  29. 2000吨海缆作业船主要担负我国近海海域内海底光缆及小型海底电缆/光电复合缆的布放、埋设和维修等任务。

    A 2,000 ton submarine cable workboat is mainly responsible for the laying , burying and maintenance of submarine optical cable and small submarine cables / optical composite cables .

  30. 最后,本文研究了海上石油平台电力系统中海缆的过电压问题。

    So the design about protection of the power system of marine petroleum platform is perfect . Finally , the paper researches the problem about overvoltage of marine cable .