
xínɡ xùn bī ɡònɡ
  • extort a confession by torture;subject a criminal suspect to the third degree
  1. 刑讯逼供现象研究

    Study on the Phenomena of the Lawmen Extort a Confession by Torture

  2. 刑讯逼供定量定性研究

    Extort a Confession by Torture Ration is It Study to Determine the Nature

  3. 他认为她是被刑讯逼供的。

    He thought her confession had been made under duress .

  4. 刑讯逼供的法律结构原因和根本对策

    Legal Structural Reason and Countermeasure on Extortion of Confession by Torture

  5. 刑讯逼供深为人恶,但屡禁不止。

    Inquisition by torture is hated but fails to be prohibited .

  6. 活动人士担心他会遭到刑讯逼供。

    Activists fear that torture-tainted evidence would be used against him .

  7. 其次是对刑讯逼供行为实行举证责任倒置原则。

    The next is to implement the extorting confessions onus probandi .

  8. 口腔正畸患者遵医行为心理分析刑讯逼供行为心理分析

    The Psychological Analysis of Orthodontic Patients in Obeying Doctor 's Instruction

  9. 精神折磨能否构成刑讯逼供罪。

    " Mental torture " can constitute the crime of torture .

  10. 试论严禁刑讯逼供的法律完善

    On Legal Perfection of Offense of Extorting a Confession by Torture

  11. 刑讯逼供的屡禁不止,很大程度上在于制度本身的缺陷。

    Stubborness of torture is mainly a defect of the system itself .

  12. 彻底废除刑讯逼供制度,还需要一个漫长的过程。

    Abolishing this cruel punishment still has a long way to go .

  13. 关于“刑讯逼供”问题的思考

    Thinking on " using torture to coerce a statement "

  14. 刑讯逼供理性批判与制度改革

    Criticism on Extorting a Confession by Torture and System Reformation

  15. 四是在加大处罚力度上限制刑讯逼供行为。

    Fourthly , it is to enhance punishment on extorting confessions restrictions .

  16. 也经常听到有关嫌疑人遭到刑讯逼供以及误判的事情。

    Allegations they are tortured and wrongful convictions are common .

  17. 我国不断有非常恶劣的刑讯逼供现象发生。

    Our country has a very bad constantly torture phenomenon .

  18. 讯问犯罪嫌疑人程序研究&以遏制刑讯逼供为目标

    A Study on the Procedures of Interrogating Criminal Suspects

  19. 刑讯逼供是我国司法活动中的一个顽症。

    Extort a confession by torture is a stubborn problem in judicial practice .

  20. 最后是加大对防止刑讯逼供方面的资金和技术手段投入。

    The last is to prevent forced confessions of funds and technology input .

  21. 主要包括以下几点:第一,有关刑讯逼供的问题。

    Mainly includes the following points : First , the question on torture .

  22. 对司法过程中刑讯逼供根源及对策的探讨

    The Causes of Inquisition under Torture in Administration of Justice and Its Countermeasures

  23. 确立刑讯逼供者对受害人的损害赔偿责任

    Establish Compensation Liability of a Civil Servant Who Extorts a Confession by Torture

  24. 刑讯逼供的法理分析及改良措施

    Legal Analysis of the Extortion of Confessions by Torture and Measures for Improvement

  25. 刑讯逼供法律成因分析

    Analysing the Legal Origin of Extorting Confessions by Torture

  26. 传统哲学中的部分陈腐理念是刑讯逼供存在的思想根源;

    The old and decayed idea in traditional philosophy is the ideological roots ;

  27. 他们对他进行刑讯逼供。

    They extorted a confession from him by torture .

  28. 那些短信宣称包含有关阿联酋公民被刑讯逼供的信息。

    The messages purported to contain information about the torture of U.A.E. citizens .

  29. 进而分析同步录音录像制度在制止刑讯逼供方面所能起到的作用。

    Analyse synchronous recording system in stop torture aspects can play the roles .

  30. 大多定罪都是对刑讯逼供的结果。

    Many convictions were secured with little more than a confession extracted under torture .