
xíng chǎng
  • execution ground;place of execution
刑场 [xíng chǎng]
  • [execution ground] 对犯人执行死刑的地方

刑场[xíng chǎng]
  1. 死刑可以在刑场或者指定的羁押场所内执行。

    A death sentence may be executed on the execution ground or in a designated place of custody .

  2. 这3人枪杀在南门外刑场上。

    Later , the three people were shot dead on the execution ground outside the south gate ;

  3. 她本可以让凶手走上刑场。

    She could have brought your SORs killer to justice .

  4. 曾经因攻击上司而被判处死刑,兰斯洛特·塔尔塔洛斯从刑场上把他救了下来。

    Once attacked his superior officer , but was saved from the consequences by Lans Tartare .

  5. 在去刑场的路上,基督摔倒了,一个名叫西门的人被迫替基督背著十架上路。

    Somewhere along that road , Christ stumbled and Simon was compelled to help carry His cross .

  6. 刽子手把犯人带到了刑场,他的双手绑在背后。

    The prisoner , his hands tied behind his back , was brought to the scene by the hangman .

  7. 前年的今日,我避在客栈里,他们却是走向刑场了;

    Two years ago today , I was lying low in a hotel while they marched to the execution grounds .

  8. 这里有美丽的山水,肥沃的田畴,同时又有黑暗的监狱和刑场。

    Here , besides beautiful mountains and rivers and fertile farmland , we have ghastly prisons and execution grounds as well .

  9. 如果是女人,在她走向刑场的半路上,也可能会要求一点时间来化妆。

    If a woman were on her way to her execution , she would demand a little time to put on make - up .

  10. 以悲痛之路而著名的苦路是当年耶稣被钉在十字架上押往刑场时走过的路。

    Known as the ' way of sorrows ,' Via Dolorosa traces the route walked by Christ toward the cross where he was crucified .

  11. 以“悲痛之路”而著名的苦路是当年耶稣被钉在十字架上押往刑场时走过的路。

    Known as the ' way of sorrows , " Via Dolorosa traces the route walked by Christ toward the cross where he was crucified .

  12. 那些印象随着时间渐渐减褪或竟消失了,但是人们察觉到,从此以后,主教总避免经过那刑场。

    In course of time these impressions weakened and probably vanished , nevertheless , it was observed that the bishop thenceforth avoided passing the place of execution .

  13. 彼拉多很恐惧自己所做的事,就将圣者的遗体交还祂的父母,由他们将祂埋葬在刑场四周。

    Pilate became afraid of his action , and gave the body of the saint to his parents , who buried it near the spot of his execution .

  14. 这次他年纪总算够大,可与父兄同往刑场,一观国王律法的执行。

    This was the first time he had been deemed old enough to go with his lord father and his brothers to see the king 's justice done .

  15. 时钟敲了三点,从人群中犁出的沟畦转了一个弯,来到刑场和目的地。

    The clocks are on the stroke of three , and the furrow ploughed among the populace is turning round , to come on into the place of execution , and end .

  16. 在他被押赴刑场之前,他在给她的诀别信中,签下了“fromyourValeninte”。从那以后这句话一直被沿用至今。

    Before he was taken to his death , he signed a farewell message to her , " From your Valentine . " The phrase has been used on his day ever since .

  17. 我去刑场是为了观察聚集围观的人群。我不时有绝佳的观察机会,从黑夜到黎明,从黎明直到这盛大的活动终结。

    I went there with the intention of observing the crowd gathered to behold it , and I had excellent opportunities of doing so , at intervals all through the night , and continuously from daybreak until after the spectacle was over .