
  • 网络Nasal catheter;Nasal Cannula
  1. 结论脑死亡患者停止人工通气经鼻导管声门前输氧,自主心搏可继续维持7min以上。

    Conclusions Given up artificial ventilation and supplied with oxygen by nasal cannula at pre glottis , the spontaneous heartbeat in the patients with brain death can maintain more than 7 minutes .

  2. 应用的工具8例为双侧鼻导管,2例为Heimlich气管导管,后者在全国尚未开展。我们认为本法颇有前途,应予推广。

    Cases with nasal cannula and 2 cases with Heimlich transtracheal catheter were used in the study , The authors believe that the home oxygen therapy has a great future and should be spread widely in our country .

  3. 对53例急性颅脑损伤病人采用两种氧疗方法,即高频通气(HFV组)和常规鼻导管(常规组)吸氧法行氧疗的疗效观察及分析。

    The effects of two oxygen-therapies , high frequency ventilation ( HFV ) inspiring oxygen and routine nasal catheter ( RNC ) inspiring oxygen , in 53 patients with acute intracerebral injury were observed and evaluated .

  4. 自制双孔鼻导管在婴幼儿肺炎氧疗中的应用

    Application of Self-designed Double-hole Nasal Tube in Oxygen Treatment for Infant Pneumonia

  5. 鼻导管吸氧法导管插入深度的临床研究

    Clinical Study on the Insertion Depth of Nasal Tube of Oxygen Inhalation Therapy

  6. 对照组(12例):常规治疗的同时给予鼻导管低流量吸氧。

    12 in control group in which nasal catheter oxygen inhalation was used .

  7. 目的为探讨适宜的鼻导管吸氧时导管适宜的插入深度。

    Objectives To explore the suitable depth of ductus insertion during nasal oxygen breath .

  8. Ⅱ组,鼻导管给氧;

    Group ⅱ, offering oxgen with nose ;

  9. 结论鼻导管给氧仅适用于术后通气无明显抑制的病人;

    Conclusion Oxygen delivery via nasal tube is suitable for patients without obvious inhibited ventilation .

  10. 重症监护病房患儿呼吸障碍及鼻导管给氧干预的研究

    Respiratory disorders of children in ICU and intervention results by oxygen provision via nasal canula

  11. 鼻导管吸氧,氧管插入的深度是多少?

    How deep should you insert the oxygen pipe when administering oxygen inhalation through nasal catheter ?

  12. 鼻导管吸氧时导管插入深度不同对血氧饱和度的影响

    Study of the Effect on Oxygen saturation of blood by different depth of ductus insertion during nasal oxygen breath

  13. 临床随机试验:在新生儿初级的复苏期经鼻导管间断性加压给氧与经面罩给氧的疗效比较

    A randomized trial comparing oxygen delivery on intermittent positive pressure with nasal cannulae versus facial mask in neonatal primary resuscitation

  14. 对照组31例,用鼻导管持续低流量吸氧治疗。

    And in the control group , 31 cases were treated with low flow continuous oxygen inhalation of nasal catheter .

  15. 目的对比观察静脉注入过氧化氢碳酸酰胺与鼻导管给氧法在治疗低氧血症方面的疗效。

    Objective To compare the two curative effects on hypoxemia between intravenous CO ( NH 2 ) H 2O 2 and nasal catheter oxygen inhalation .

  16. “我们发现了一种简单的方法通过开放的鼻导管输送加热加湿的空气,以持续高流率提高咽部压力。”他们说。

    " We developed a simplified method for increasing pharyngeal pressure by delivering warm and humidified air at a continuous high flow rate through the open nasal cannula ," they said .

  17. 结论无痛胃镜检查,不给氧不可取,用鼻导管给氧存在一定风险,而用麻醉机面罩给氧和进行高频喷射通气给氧是安全有效的方法。

    Conclusion Painless gastroscopy , no oxygen offering no proper , and offering oxygen with nose tube is dangerous , the safe and valid ways are offering oxygen with mask of anesthesia machine and with high frequency jet ventilation .

  18. 鼻胆导管引流术的观察及护理

    Observation and Nursing Care of Patients Accepted Naso-biliary Tube Drainage

  19. 经内视镜下空肠置管术在肠内营养的研究经鼻小肠导管置入治疗小肠梗阻85例护理体会

    To report experience naso-intestinal tube intubation in 85 patients with small bowel on nursing

  20. 目的评价经鼻置入导管行肠内全程减压在术后早期炎症性肠梗阻保守治疗中的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the role of via-nasal ileus tube in the conservative treatment of early postoperative inflammatory small bowel obstruction ( EPISBO ) .

  21. 经鼻肠梗阻导管与鼻胃管在单纯性粘连性小肠梗阻治疗中作用的对比研究

    Comparison between nasointestinal obstruction tube and nasogastric tube in simple adhesive small bowel obstruction

  22. 全组均采用经鼻插入气管导管,采用CMV+PEEP0.4kPa行机械通气;

    Endotracheal tube was intubated through nose in all newborns , and CMV + PEEP 0.4 kPa was applied for mechanical ventilation ;

  23. 鼻内镜下导管法咽鼓管吹张及鼓室给药治疗非化脓性中耳炎鼻内镜下咽鼓管吹张注药鼻咽癌放疗后分泌性中耳炎的疗效观察

    Treatment of chronic nonsuppurative otitis media by endoscope-assisted eustachian catheterization and intratympanic administration of prednisolone and hyaluronic acid Exploration of treatments for secretory otitis media after radiotherapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients

  24. 经统计和参照组各项指标对比具有显著差异,P均0.05。结论经鼻型肠梗阻导管在治疗小肠粘连性肠梗阻时发挥了重要作用。

    Statistics and reference groups , all contrast with a significant difference , P 0.05.Conclusion transnasal ileus tube played an important role in the treatment ofsmall intestinal adhesion ileus .

  25. DSA引导下经鼻肠梗阻减压导管置入术治疗粘连性小肠梗阻

    Application of DSA guided transnasal ileus tube placement in the treatment of adhesive small intestinal obstruction

  26. 鼻肠管导引气管导管在非预测声门暴露困难患者插管中的应用

    Study on feasibility of naso-intestinal tube guiding tracheal catheter for intubation in patients with non-predicated glottis exposing difficulty

  27. 结论经鼻型肠梗阻导管能更有效胃肠减压,减轻腹胀,促进肠蠕动,治疗腹部术后早期炎性肠梗阻作用显著。

    The ilues tube has a notably treatment effect to the patients with early postoperative inflammatory small bowel obstruction .

  28. 用鼻、咽拭子方法取材可靠,较鼻咽部细导管负压吸引法更加快捷、方便。

    Collecting nasopharyngeal secretions by nasopharynx swab for rapid detection of influenza virus is a more reliable , faster and more convenient , compared with collecting method by nasopharyngeal suction catheter . 3 .