
bí jìng
  • muzzle;rhinoscope;nasal speculum;rhinarium
鼻镜 [bí jìng]
  • [nasoscope;rhinoscope] 用于检查鼻腔的器械

鼻镜[bí jìng]
  1. 之后症状扩展到舌头、齿龈、鼻镜、鼻孔、乳头和蹄趾之间的空隙形成水泡,有时使动物不能站立。

    From there the symptoms expand to blisters on tongue , gums , muzzle , nostrils , teats and the spaces between the hoof segments , sometimes crippling the animals .

  2. 方法:通过前鼻镜、鼻内窥镜、鼻窦冠状位CT检查,观察鼻中隔偏曲患者鼻腔、鼻窦情况及慢性鼻窦炎患者鼻中隔情况,并作统计分析。

    Method : Emphases was focused on the status of nasal cavity and sinuses for the patients with nasal septum deviation and on the condition of septum for the patients with sinusitis .

  3. StanfordA型主动脉夹层改良象鼻手术的影像学随访研究任何材料制的接目镜(不包括光学配件)(不包括玻璃)眼镜,护目镜、夹鼻镜上的

    Following up the updated elephant trunk procedures in Stanford type A aortic dissection with imaging modality eyepiece ( excl. optical elements ) of any material ( excl. glass ) for spectacles , goggles , pince-nez

  4. 有斑点的鼻镜或肉色鼻镜属于缺陷。

    A spotted or flesh colored nose is to be penalized .

  5. 鼻镜宽阔,鼻孔张开,颜色为黑色。

    Nose broad , with open nostrils and black in color .

  6. 白色、粉色或蝴蝶状鼻镜属于缺陷。

    White , cherry or butterfly bad faults .

  7. 完全为黑色的鼻镜属于失格。

    A totally black nose is a disqualification .

  8. 从鼻镜到止部的距离与从止部到后枕骨的距离大致相等。

    The length from nose to stop is approximately the length from stop to occiput .

  9. 口吻从根部向鼻镜方向略呈锥形,尖端略圆。

    The muzzle tapers little from base to nose and is rounded at the tip .

  10. 白色被毛的狗,如果鼻镜、嘴、眼圈是黑色的,就不是白化病,可以接受。

    A white coat does not imply albinism provided nose , mouth , and eyelids are black .

  11. 与头部颜色相称的深肝色鼻镜是可以接受的,但不理想。

    A deep liver-colored nose conforming to the coloring of the head is permissible but not desirable .

  12. 如果向鼻镜方向拉扯耳朵,耳廓的长度能延伸到口吻的中间。

    When extended toward the nose , the leathers reach approximately halfway the length of the muzzle .

  13. 目的研究鼻内窥镜在鼻出血诊断与治疗中的应用,并与前鼻镜比较。

    Objective To study the clinical applications of the nasal endoscopy for the diagnosis and therapy of epistaxis .

  14. 迅速准确地将鼻镜安放于蝶窦前壁的最佳位置,是减少手术创伤,缩短手术时间的关键步骤;

    To locate the anterior wall of sphenoidal sinus quickly and precisely , is a pivotal step of the operative procedure ;

  15. 窥鼻镜准确地置于蝶窦前壁的最佳位置,是减少手术创伤的关键;

    It is beneficial to reduce the operative invasion that endoscope is placed at the best site on the anterior wall of sphenoid sinus .

  16. 黑色的狗有纯黑色的鼻镜;红色的狗有深褐色的鼻镜;兰色的狗有深灰色的鼻镜;

    Nose solid black on black dogs , dark brown on red ones , dark gray on blue ones , dark tan on fawns .

  17. 显得精致,从上面和侧面观察,头部的形状是一个长而钝的楔形,从耳朵到鼻镜方向逐渐变细。

    The head should be refined and its shape , when viewed from top or side , should be a long , blunt wedge tapering slightly from ears to nose .

  18. 与脑袋相比,口吻显得长而大,宽度和深度是从与脑袋结合的位置向鼻镜的方向逐渐变小。

    The muzzle is large and bulky in proportion to the size of the skull , diminishing slightly in width and depth from junction with the skull to the nose .