
bí tì
  • snot;mucus;nasal discharge;snivel;nasal mucus
鼻涕 [bí tì]
  • [nasal mucus;snivel] 鼻腔粘膜所分泌的液体

鼻涕[bí tì]
  1. 过敏性鼻炎西医诊断标准:①阵发性鼻痒、连续喷嚏、鼻塞、鼻涕清稀量多为主要症状,伴有嗅觉减退、眼痒、咽喉痒等症状。

    Western medicine diagnosis criteria : ① paroxysm rhinocnesmus , continuous sneezing , nasal obstruction , nasal mucus of clear-thin and much quantity were main symptoms , accompanying with symptoms of hyposmia , itching of eyes and itching of throat .

  2. 鸡感染MG后临床上主要表现为咳嗽、流鼻涕、呼吸时发出啰音,严重时张口呼吸。

    The clinical infection is characterized by coughing , nasal discharge , rattling and forced - breathing .

  3. 她尽量文雅地擤了擤鼻涕。

    She blew her nose as daintily as possible .

  4. 你流鼻涕了。

    Your nose is running .

  5. 土壤排水畅通,鼻涕虫就不会造成什么麻烦。

    The soil drains freely and slugs aren 't a problem .

  6. 感冒开始时通常会流鼻涕、嗓子发干。

    A cold usually starts with a streaming nose and dry throat .

  7. 她伸手拿纸巾擤鼻涕。

    She reached for a Kleenex and blew her nose .

  8. 擤鼻涕太用力会造成耳痛。

    Blowing your nose too hard can cause earache .

  9. 蒂莫西正在哭泣,主要是因为太累了,而且他还流着鼻涕。

    Timothy was crying , mostly from exhaustion , and his nose was running .

  10. 症状包括流泪、流鼻涕、头痛和咳嗽。

    Symptoms are streaming eyes , a runny nose , headache and a cough .

  11. 他又是流鼻涕,又是流眼泪,还有点咳嗽。

    He suffered from a snotty nose , runny eyes and a slight cough .

  12. 其中一个学步的小孩在大哭,另外一个流着鼻涕。

    One of the toddlers was bawling , and the other had a runny nose .

  13. 我伤风感冒很重,直流鼻涕。

    I have got a bad cold , running at the nose .

  14. 阿莫西林胶囊可以治流鼻涕打喷嚏的热感冒吗?

    Can capsule a Mo Xilin treat the hot cold of snorty sneeze ?

  15. 他流鼻涕,打喷嚏,喉咙沙哑。

    He has a runny nose , sneezing and a scratchy throat .

  16. 成年人每年有几次流鼻涕感冒的经历都是预料之中的事情。

    Adults can expect a couple of bouts1 of streaming noses every year .

  17. 你只是流鼻涕罢了。

    You only have the sniffles .

  18. 我认识的一个川菜爱好者说,麻辣的感觉就像“舌尖上的高潮”,能让你脉搏加快,瞳孔扩大,往往还会让你流鼻涕,让你的大脑在一个充满幸福的空间里飘荡。

    One Sichuan devotee I know describes the ma la sensation as a “ tonguegasm . ” The pulse increases and the pupils dilate2 , often accompanied by a postnasal drip . The brain floats in a euphoric ether .

  19. Chris打得他鼻涕乱飞

    Chris beat the snot out of him .

  20. 在没有药物的帮助下你不可能区分季节性流感和A(H1N1)型流感之间的区别。典型的症状与季节性流感类似,包括:发烧,咳嗽,头痛,身体疼痛,嗓子发炎和流鼻涕。

    Typical symptoms to watch for include fever , cough , headache , body aches , sore throat and runny nose .

  21. OwenHendley和一些儿科感染疾病研究者将CT和其他测量工具用于咳嗽、打喷嚏及擤鼻涕的研究。

    Owen Hendley and other pediatric infectious disease researchers at the University of Virginia conducted CT scans and other measurements as subjects coughed , sneezed and blew their noses .

  22. 上个月,我觉得不太舒服(undertheweather),我想我可能感冒了(caughtacold),流鼻涕(runnynose),眼睛发痒,喉咙痛,咳嗽。

    Last month , I was not feeling well . I was under the weather . I thought I had caught a cold . I had a runny nose , itchy eyes , a sore throat and a cough .

  23. 要牢记于心的坏榜样是伍迪縠伦(WoodyAllen)在《罪与错》(CrimesandMisdemeanors)中饰演的角色,在听着妹妹一把鼻涕一把泪,绘声绘色地讲述她那糟糕的艳遇。

    The bad role model to bear in mind is the Woody Allen character in Crimes and Misdemeanors listening to his sobbing sister recount , in graphic detail , an erotic encounter gone wrong .

  24. 他们称它为“鼻涕机器人”。这架无人机是大疆Inspire1。2015年三月,两个男人在渥太华装备了一架有光泽的白色、带有罗马烛光烟花的无人机并在这架机器发射喷射火花的弹丸时裸奔。

    They called it " SnotBot . " It was a DJI Inspire 1 . In March 2015 two men in Ottawa equipped a sleek white drone with Roman candle fireworks and sprinted away shirtless as the machine fired spark-spewing projectiles .

  25. 在开始使用石器工具和创作洞穴壁画的年代,能人们肯定会想方设法干掉流着鼻涕的家伙的。.Penny,你要原谅Sheldon,他有点病理恐惧。

    Somewhere between tool using and cave painting , Homo habits would here figured out how to kill the guy with the runny nose Leonard : Penny , you 'll have to excuse Sheldon .

  26. 一条鼻涕虫正准备向他发射导弹。

    A slug was preparing to launch a rocket at him .

  27. 我流鼻涕并且不停地咳嗽。

    I have a running nose and can 't stop coughing .

  28. 我不觉得那些拖着鼻涕虫的小鬼会像你说的那样。

    I can 't see some snotty-nose kid going this far .

  29. 你流鼻涕了――快用手帕擦一擦。

    Eg3 : Your nose is running & use your hanky .

  30. 别担心,我会用纸巾擤鼻涕的。

    Don 't worry , I will sneeze into my tissues .