
shùn shì liáo fǎ
  • homeopathy;homeotherapy
  1. 大多数医生似乎都接受顺势疗法是一种合理的医疗手段。

    Most doctors appear to recognize homeopathy as a legitimate form of medicine

  2. 比如,澳大利亚国家健康与医学研究理事会(NationalHealthandMedicalResearchCouncil)也在今年3月发表了一个结论,顺势疗法对治疗任何疾病都毫无疗效,附和了2010年提交到英国下议院的一份报告的结论。

    For instance , homeopathy is ineffective for treating any medical condition , concluded Australia 's National Health and Medical Research Council last month , echoing a report for Britain 's House of Commons in 2010 .

  3. 有些药店在配发顺势疗法的药物时给出了错误或不当的建议。

    Some shops gave wrong or inadequate advice when dispensing homeopathic medicines

  4. 顺势疗法是基于“以毒攻毒”的原理。

    Homeopathic treatment is based on the ' like cures like ' principle .

  5. 我带她去看顺势疗法医师,那位医生首先花了很长时间详细记录她的病史。

    I took her to a homoeopath , who started by taking a very long and detailed case history .

  6. 我们公司的任何一款顺势疗法的产品上都不标有保质期,除了Hyland's的维生素C小片之外。

    There is no expiration date on any of our homeopathic products , except for our Hyland 's Vitamin C.

  7. 我的好朋友Butterfly是一个顺势疗法医生,他建议使用磷酸钙。

    My good friend Butterfly who is a homeopath suggested calc phos .

  8. 三联疗法联合中药辨证治疗Hp相关性胃炎的临床疗效观察国际顺势疗法医学联合会

    The Clinical Observation about Hp-associated Chronic Gastritis in the Treatment of Triple Therapy Anti-Hp Combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine

  9. 联合顺次法对兔膝骨关节炎软骨bFGF的表达及组织形态的影响国际顺势疗法医学联合会

    The Influence of the Combined Therapy in Order on bFGF Expression and Tissue Morphology in Knee Osteoarthritis Rabbits

  10. 现在委员会正计划进行第三个项目研究,这个项目最大的特点是对经抗AIDS药物治疗的艾滋病患者进行顺势疗法。

    The council also plans to undertake a third study on the impact of homoeopathic medicines , when given in combination with allopathic anti-AIDS drugs , on AIDS patients .

  11. 一个由议会成员组成的委员会表示:顺势疗法疗剂不比安慰剂好,希望英国NHS不要资助顺势疗法。

    Homeopathic remedies work no better than placebos , and so should no longer be paid for by the UK National Health Service , a committee of British members of parliament has concluded .

  12. 委员会亦批评英国药品及健康产品管理局(MHRA)为顺势疗法疗剂发牌注册的做法。

    The committee is also critical of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency ( MHRA ) and its practice of licensing homeopathic treatments .

  13. 英国药品及健康产品管理局(MHRA)认为为顺势疗法疗剂发牌注册是坚持一个「重要的顺势疗法传统」。

    The committee rejected the MHRA 's justification for licensing homeopathic remedies – that there is an " important homeopathic tradition " to uphold .

  14. 太多的教育、福利及刑事司法政策都不过是顺势疗法(homeopathy):讲一些什么会见效、听上去很奇妙的故事,更多地依靠信仰,而非证据。

    Too many policies on education , welfare and criminal justice are just so much homeopathy : cute-sounding stories about what works leaning more on faith than on evidence .

  15. 每片包含四个顺势疗法的药物,缓解这些不舒服的症状。

    Each tablet contains four homeopathic medicines that relieve these uncomfortable symptoms .

  16. 针灸疗法、反射疗法和顺势疗法都是辅助治疗的形式。

    Acupuncture , reflexology and homeopathy are all forms of complementary medicine .

  17. 如果顺势疗法失败,使用局部或处方口服药物。

    Use topical or prescribed oral medications if the homeopathic treatments fail .

  18. 正式认可;承认;正式接受;赞成大多数医生似乎都接受顺势疗法是一种合理的医疗手段。

    Most doctors appear to recognize homeopathy as a legitimate form of medicine .

  19. 有些旅行者则借助生姜和指压防晕腕带等顺势疗法来治疗晕动病。

    Some travelers rely on homeopathic remedies such as ginger or acupressure wrist bands .

  20. 非正统医术包括针灸、顺势疗法、整骨术、催眠疗法等治疗方法。

    Alternative medicine includes treatments such as acupuncture , homeopathy , osteopathy and hypnotherapy .

  21. 顺势疗法药品的一些吞咽时提供一些帮助,但只有很少的。

    Some of the homeopathic medicines give some relief when swallowing but only marginal .

  22. 顺势疗法技术在农业立体污染防治中的应用可能性探讨

    The Possibility Discussion of " Homeopathy " Technology Application in Agricultural Tri-dimension Pollution Control

  23. 并对顺势疗法的4个基本原则及其现代理论基础进行了分析;

    Also analyses the four basic principles and the modern theoretical basis of the homeopathy ;

  24. 我们曾尝试(对抗疗法和顺势疗法)各种药物,但他们没有帮助。

    We have tried various medications ( allopathic and homeopathic ), but they have not helped .

  25. 顺势疗法从业医生还建议使用橄榄叶油等草药精华来抵抗真菌。

    Homeopathic practitioners also recommend herbal extracts such as olive leaf oil for their anti-fungal agents .

  26. 学生们将详细学习针灸、顺势疗法、骨疗手法以及暗示疗法。

    Students will study in detail medical acupuncture , homeopathy . osteopathic manipulation and guided imagery .

  27. 难治性肾病与顺势疗法

    The Refractory Nephropathy and Homeopathy

  28. 顺势疗法是用于宠物治疗各种疾病,过敏,病毒感染。

    Homeopathy is used in pets to treat a variety of ailments , from allergies to viral infections .

  29. 历史:头花筹备工作所取得的已使用多年的顺势疗法药物的数以百计。

    History : Preparations made from the flowering heads have been used in homoeopathic medicine for hundreds of years .

  30. 大多数顺势疗法药物是从植物提取物,虽然有时也使用一些矿物质和动物副产品。

    Most homeopathic medicine is made from plant extracts , although some minerals and animal byproducts are sometimes used .