
bí kǒng
  • nostril;nares;naris
鼻孔 [bí kǒng]
  • [naris;nostril] 鼻子的外开口;泛指带有鼻子外开口的鼻窝的前部

鼻孔[bí kǒng]
  1. 所有南美洲的猴子都有平鼻子和宽大的鼻孔。

    All South American monkeys have flat noses with widely spaced nostril .

  2. 黄蜂跳起神秘的舞蹈,让哈桑惊讶不已。接着,黄蜂朝生长在岩石上的一棵松树飞去,绕树三圈,又飞回酣睡中的杰迪身边,消失在他的右鼻孔里。

    Hassan was ruminating on a rock , circled the tree three times , and then returned to the sleeping Jehdi and disappeared into his right nostril .

  3. 用手指捏住鼻孔止血。

    Pinch the nostrils together between your thumb and finger to stop the bleeding .

  4. 那只鸟呼吸困难,并且鼻孔里还在流血。

    The bird had trouble breathing and was discharging blood from the nostrils .

  5. 鼻衄就是鼻孔流血的结果。

    A nosebleed is an issue of blood from the nose .

  6. 你跟别人一鼻孔出气,艾伦!她回答。

    You are leagued with the rest , ellen ! she replied .

  7. 他那轮廓分明的鼻孔在打颤。

    His finely chiselled nostrils quivered .

  8. 他们商量了半天以后发现,每个人都有嘴巴、鼻孔、耳朵、眼睛等七窍,可以吃东西,闻味道,听声音,有大自然美景,只有浑沌没有七窍,无法享受。

    After discussing for a long time they realized that everyone has seven orifices ; the mouth , nostrils1 , ears , eyes , so that they can eat , smell , listen , and see the beautiful scenery of nature . Only Hun Dun did not have them and could not enjoy these pleasures .

  9. 垂体腺瘤MRI诊断与单鼻孔经蝶窦入路切除

    Resection of MRI Diagnosis and Transnasal Transsphenoidal Approach in Pituitary Adenomas

  10. Z成形术治疗后天性前鼻孔狭窄

    ' Z ' - plasty for treatment of acquired stenosis of anterior naris

  11. “Z”成形术;后天性前鼻孔狭窄;手术治疗。

    " Z " - plasty ; acquired stenosis of anterior naris ; treatment .

  12. 明天我们将有机会交换看法。n.鼻孔

    We have an opportunity to exchange views tomorrow . nostril

  13. 方法:对21例NPC放疗后后鼻孔闭锁患者采用鼻内镜与微波相结合的方法,经鼻腔切除膜性闭锁,术后分期进行随访。

    Method : Twenty-one cases of choanal atresia after radiotherapy were treated by microwave under nasal endoscope .

  14. 前鼻孔至鼻内孔距离为左侧(1.40±0.22)cm,右侧(1.35±0.22)cm。

    The mean distances from the anterior nostril to the inner nostril are the left ( 1.40 ± 0.22 ) mm and the right ( 1.35 ± 0.22 ) cm .

  15. 今天跟bf视频,过一会我就忘了然后开始大挖特挖鼻孔。

    Today , I was on webcam with my boyfriend . A while later , I forgot about it and started digging my nose vigorously .

  16. 3例因鼻出血严重,经反复前鼻孔或前后鼻孔填塞都无效后,采用DAS的基础上颌内动脉末梢血管栓塞。

    Cases who were not controlled by anterior and posterior nasal packing received DSA and embolization of internal maxillary artery .

  17. 同时,为了进一步提高鼻子定位的精度,本文还研究了人脸图像中鼻孔的定位问题,提出了一种基于快速角点检测(FastCornerDetection)和同态滤波的鼻孔定位方法。

    In order to improve the accuracy of nose localization , the problem of nostril localization from a face image is also studied , and a nostril detection approach based on fast corner detection and homomorphic filtering is presented .

  18. CT扫描结果术前CT扫描结果:增生肥大的腺样体呈软组织密度影,不同程度阻塞鼻咽部,其中9例患儿腺样体突入后鼻孔。

    CT scanning results . Preoperative CT scanning results : The nasopharyngeal airway is narrow because of the hyperplasia of adenoid which shows soft tissue density shadow on the CT image . Adenoid of nine children grows into the posterior naris .

  19. 在瑜伽中,这被称为“纳地净化调息”(nadishodhana)或者“鼻孔交换呼吸法”。

    In yoga this is called nadi shodhana or alternate nostril breathing .

  20. 目的:对比上颌窦后鼻孔息肉(ACP)与普通鼻息肉(NP)的组织学构造,以了解其相关的病因和病理机制。

    Objective : To investigate the possible cause and pathologic mechanism , the histologic structure of antrochoanal polyps ( ACP ) was constrasted with that of nasal polyps ( NP ) .

  21. 我高中的时候认识一女孩叫AnnaMay,AnnaMayFletcher她生下来只有一个鼻孔,她去整容,然后整成了三个。

    Penny : Anime.You know , I knew a girl in high school named Anna May . Anna May Fletcher . She was born with one nostril . Then she had this bad nose job and basically wound up with three .

  22. 鼻内窥镜下气囊导尿管后鼻孔充气止血护理对策Foley管牵引固定尿道拖入术治疗外伤性后尿道狭窄

    The Nursing Countermeasure to Cure Nosebleed with Foley Catheter Foley catheter ballon as a pulling and fixing device in Badenoch pull through procedure for posterior urethral stricture

  23. 方法106例鼻出血都行前后鼻孔填塞,填塞天数为5d~14d,平均天数为9.5d。

    Method 106 cases of epistaxis patients underwent anterior and posterior nasal packing . The duration of packing was 5 to 14 days with average of 9 . 5 days .

  24. 对经睡眠监测诊断为OSAHS的318例儿童,所有患者均近一年来无扁桃体炎病史,并已排除鼻中隔偏曲、鼻炎、后鼻孔狭窄、舌体肥大等其他因素所引起OSAHS。

    Methods : 318 children with OSAHS without antiaditis in the recent one year and without deflection of nasal septum , rhinitis , posterior naris stenosis , tongue body hypertrophy and etc.

  25. Foley导尿管压迫止血治疗顽固性后鼻孔出血50例临床观察与护理脑血管病患者介入术后应用动脉压迫止血器的护理

    Effect of compression hemostasis with Foley catheter on intractable choanal hemorrhage : 50 cases observation Clinical application of YM-GU-1229 arteria constricting hemostat after interventional treatment of cerebrovascular disease and relative nursing care

  26. 眼睛和嘴巴部位采用SUSAN算子检测眼角和嘴角,鼻子采用水平和垂直积分投影定位鼻孔,眉毛部位先用Canny算子检测边缘,然后对边缘图像进行积分投影定位眉毛的左右边缘点。

    SUSAN operator is used to locate eye and mouth corner . Nose is located by gray level projection . Canny operator is adopted to detect the edge of eyebrow , and then gray level projection is applied to locate eyebrow edge points .

  27. 目的:对后鼻孔息肉鼻内镜手术(FESS),手术前后护理,并发症的观察及护理进行探讨,预防和避免并发症的发生,以保证治疗效果,提高治愈率。

    Objective : To explore preoperative and postoperative nursing of FESS of choanal polyp , observation and nursing of complications and prevent and avoid complications so as to ensure therapeutic effect and raise cure rate .

  28. 一个人说:“这个孩子永远不会闻到和睦烟斗(peace-pipe)的香味,除非我把他的鼻孔张开。”

    One said : " This child will never smell the perfume of a peace-pipe unless I stretch his nostrils . "

  29. 但那女孩的鼻孔太惊人了。

    But the girl , she has the most extraordinary nostrils .

  30. 单鼻孔蝶窦入路垂体瘤切除术的围手术期护理

    Perioperative nursing of pituitary tumor resection via single NARIS-SPHENOIDAL sinus entrance