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  • nasal septum;septum nasi
鼻中隔 [bí zhōng gé]
  • [nasal septum] 鼻道之间的骨性和软骨性间隔

鼻中隔[bí zhōng gé]
  1. 并发症:A组眶周血肿1例,B和C组鼻中隔血肿2例。

    Complication : the periorbital hematoma was 1 case in group A , the nasal septum hematoma was 2 cases , 1 case in group B and another one in group C.

  2. 目的:1、从临床和CT研究的层次,观察鼻中隔偏曲与单侧上颌窦炎性病变的关系。2、探讨鼻中隔偏曲在双侧慢性鼻窦炎致病因素方面的作用。

    Objective : 1 、 To observe the relation of nasal septum deviation and unilateral inflammatory maxillary sinus disease 2 、 To evaluate the role of nasal septum deviation on etiological factor of unilateral inflammatory maxillary sinus disease .

  3. 中鼻甲、鼻中隔解剖变异的螺旋CT评价

    MDCT Evaluation of Anatomic Variants of Middle Turbinate and Nasal Septum

  4. 两种填塞材料用于鼻中隔Little区出血临床分析

    The Clinical Analysis of Two Materials Used to Treat Epistaxis in Little Area of Nasal Septum

  5. C组有6例鼻中隔穿孔,D组2例。

    But there were 6 cases of perforation of nasal septum in group C and 2 cases in group D.

  6. 目的介绍切割吸引器和CO2激光辅助的鼻中隔成形术,在局限性鼻中隔偏曲治疗中的应用及其疗效。

    Objective To compare the outcomes of powered-assisted septoplasty with CO_ 2 laser-assisted septoplasty .

  7. 方法:45患者就诊时均行鼻窦内镜检查、鼻骨侧位片和鼻窦CT检查。均在鼻窦内镜下行鼻骨骨折复位术和鼻中隔成形术。

    Methods : 45 patients were examined with nasal endoscope and X-ray or CT before the nasal bones repositioned and nasal septoplasty .

  8. 地塞米松诱导胎鼠腭裂形成过程中鼻中隔软骨Bcl-2基因的表达

    Bcl-2 gene expression in nasal septum cartilage in the Dexamethasone-induced cleft palate embryonic mice

  9. 方法:对1993~1998年间28例鼻中隔矫正术失败的患者进行了鼻窦CT扫描和鼻内窥镜检查,再次手术在鼻内窥镜下完成。

    Method : 28 cases were investigated by high resolution CT scan and nasal endoscopy . Another operation was completed in endoscopic sinus surgery .

  10. 婴幼儿期鼻中隔呼吸区粘膜对吸入空气起着重要的温湿作用;小儿外伤性鼻出血的主要原因是由于Little区粘膜的增厚隆起,易被手指擦伤所致。

    Little 's area , because of its bulge , is readily grazed by one 's own finger , which is the main cause of the traumatic epistaxis in young children .

  11. 鼻中隔偏曲与鼻窦炎相关性的MSCT分析

    An analysis on the correlation between the nasal sinusitis and nasal septum deviation by MSCT

  12. 结论:详细检查并酌行CT扫描,注意发现鼻中隔骨折、颅脑损伤及鼻窦骨折的存在;

    Conclusion : Patients must be checked carefully also with CT scan , one must pay attention to the symptoms of septum fractures , and the possibility of craniocerebral injury and nasal sinus fractures .

  13. 1例术后随访18个月,另1例术后随访6个月,MRI未见肿瘤复发。无嗅觉丧失、无鼻中隔穿孔等并发症。

    During the 6 or 18 months follow-ups respectively on two patients , there was no residual or recurrent tumor on MRI and no complications such as anosphrasia and septal perforation etc.

  14. 方法对120例局限性鼻中隔偏曲患者的嵴突、棘突在鼻内窥镜下使用XPS切除。

    Methods 120 patients with deviation of nasal septum received correction of the deviation ( resection of the ridge or the spur ) using XPS .

  15. 应用鼻中隔矫正术和(或)筛前神经电灼术治疗鼻中隔偏曲伴变应性鼻炎(PAR)患者86例。其中,A组:24例,用筛前神经电灼术治疗;

    Eighty-six cases of nasal septum deviation complicated with allergic rhinitis ( AR ) were treated with nasal septum correction and ethmoidal nerve cauterization .

  16. 结果:鼻中隔偏曲的患病率,总体为48.8%,男明显高于女(53.9%,34.7%;P<0.01)。

    Results : The incidence of nasal septal deviation was 48 . 8 % . There was signigicant difference between male and female incidences ( 53 . 9 % , 34 . 7 % ; p < 0 . 01 ) .

  17. 结论:可将大鼠和成人鼻中隔软骨分为三层,在软骨细胞和前成软骨细胞层边缘部的基质中有SP、CGRP及VIP免疫反应物的存在。

    SP , CGRP and VIP existed in chondrocytes and the matrix of border of prechondroblastic layer for the nasal septal cartilages of the rats and human .

  18. 微波治疗鼻中隔Littles区出血的疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on Microwave Treating Hemorrhage in Little 's Area of Nasal Septum

  19. 应用观察内镜直接自单侧鼻腔进入,于鼻中隔后1/3处作1.0cm的鼻黏膜剥离,离断骨性鼻中隔根部,暴露双侧蝶窦开口,咬开蝶窦前壁进入蝶窦腔。

    A nasal endoscope was used to open the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus .

  20. 治疗后30、45、60d分批处死,取鼻中隔粘膜行形态学观察。

    Morphological changes of the nasal mucosas were observed under light-microscopy after treating for 30 days , 45 days and 60 days in two groups .

  21. 方法体外培养人鼻中隔软骨细胞,利用UV-C波段的紫外线(254nm)近距离照射诱导细胞凋亡,采用HE染色及流式细胞仪检测凋亡细胞。

    Method Human nasal septal chondrocytes were cultured in vitro , apoptosis of chondrocytes was induced by ultraviolet radiation ( UV - C , 254nm ), we detected it by short distance flow cytometer and hematoxylin eosin staining .

  22. 对经睡眠监测诊断为OSAHS的318例儿童,所有患者均近一年来无扁桃体炎病史,并已排除鼻中隔偏曲、鼻炎、后鼻孔狭窄、舌体肥大等其他因素所引起OSAHS。

    Methods : 318 children with OSAHS without antiaditis in the recent one year and without deflection of nasal septum , rhinitis , posterior naris stenosis , tongue body hypertrophy and etc.

  23. 目的:探讨腭裂与胚鼠的犁骨、Jacobson器官和鼻中隔旁软骨发育的关系。

    Objective : The aim of this study was to investigate whether cleft palate is associated with the mal_development of the vomer , Jacobson ′ s organ and para_septal cartilage .

  24. 方法:观察82例12~40w胎儿鼻中隔发育的组织形态学特点。

    Methods : The histology and morphologic characters of the nasal septum were observed on 82 fetuses from the age 12 ~ 40 weeks .

  25. 方法将30例鼻中隔矫正手术病人随机分为3组,术后分别使用3种不同鼻腔填塞材料:凡士林纱条,红霉素软膏纱条和sorbalgon;

    Methods Thirty nasal septum correction patients were divided in 3 groups , three kinds of nasal packing stuffs ( Vaseline , erythromycin ointment and sorbalgon ) were used after operation .

  26. 显微镜下用耳屏软骨修补鼻中隔中穿孔

    Repairing the perforation of nasal septum with Tragus Cartilage under microscope

  27. 乳突筋膜及骨膜-骨组织瓣修补鼻中隔穿孔11例报告

    Repair of septal perforation with mastoidal fascia and periosteum-bone tissue flap

  28. 鼻中隔、多副鼻窦联合手术的临床初探

    Clinical primary study on nasal septum surgery combined with multi-sinus surgery

  29. 经鼻中隔蝶窦垂体肿瘤切除术出血及与出血有关的并发症

    Bleeding and Complications Related to Hemorrhage During Transsphenoidal Removal of Pituitary

  30. 253例原发鼻中隔肿块的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of the primary nasal septum mass in 253 cases