- 名frontal sinus

Frontal Sinus Drainage Pathway and Associated Nasal Structures : MDCT Evaluation
Anatomical Study of the Frontal Sinus and Its Drainage Channels with High-Resolution CT
Objective : To study the CT anatomic features of frontal drainage system .
The result of CT scanning coincided with the result of anatomical observation .
The demonstration and significance of frontal drainage channel with oblique coronal thin - section CT
3D computed tomographic study of frontal sinus drainage pathway in volunteers without frontal sinus disease
CT anatomic features of frontal drainage system
Conclusion : The demonstration of the anatomic features of frontal sinus on spiral CT can provide useful information for chronic frontal sinusitis .
Objective To study the anatomic features of frontal drainage system on CT scan in chronic frontal sinusitis , and to evaluate its clinical value .
Conclusion The demonstration of the anatomic features of frontal sinus district on CT scan in patients with chronic frontal sinusitis can provide detailed image information for endoscopic sinus surgery .
Methods CT and MRI findings of meningiomas at special locations ( lateral ventricle , diaphragma sellae , frontal sinus ) in 11 cases confirmed by pathology were analyzed retrospectively .
Conclusion The agger cells situated at the pathway of the intranasal frontal sinus during surgery and dacryocystorhinostomy , the nasal CT scan might be beneficial to the prevention of surgical complications .
Objective To evaluate the value of Advantage Windows 3.1 ( AW 3.1 ) software for anatomical study of nasofrontal region , and to study the CT characteristics of nasofrontal region which related to the frontal sinus surgery .
The distance of frontal sinus ostium to the floor of columella nasi and the corresponding angle to the nasal floor were ( 60.8 ± 4.2 ) mm and ( 70.1 ± 4.7 )° .
Objective To study the scanning technique of HRCT for demonstrating the anatomical structures of the frontal sinus and its drainage channels , including ostium of frontal sinus , nasofrontal duct , ethmoid infundibulum , middle nasal meatus , etc.
[ Method ] Collect frontal sinus computer radiographic films according including criterion . Using descriptive epidemiology to describe and analyse statistically the frontal sinus characteristics , i. e. the ratios of various width and morphologic characteristics .
ECT cerebrospinal fluid imaging thought that proximal frontal sinus of right cerebral frontal lobe was the leakage , and the liquid glucose in nasal cavity was quantitatively confirmed to be cerebrospinal fluid .
Brain magnetic resonance imaging ( MR I ) gadolinium enhanced scans show : the tentorium and right posterior temporal , occipital , partial dura were significantly strengthened with more significantly enhanced tentorium and pair of maxillary , ethmoid , frontal sinus inflammation .
Conclusion : the structures of the OMC , especially the drainage channel of frontal sinus , can be better demonstrated with coronal oblique thin-slice scanning technique , and thus it can be a valuable choice of radiology .
Results : The locations of frontal , ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses were continual .
Here we report our experience using frontal intersinus septum takedown ( FISST ) to address unilateral obstruction while preserving the opposite frontal outflow tract .
Conclusions The modified intranasal endoscopic Lothrop procedure is an ideal surgical approach for recalcitrant frontal sinus disorders on the basis of proper selection of surgical equipments and patients by the experienced surgeon .
Endoscopic frontal sinus surgery through the route anterior to ethmoidal bulla
All patients then underwent balloon dilation of the frontal ostium .
The imaging examination and anatomic study of frontal drainage approach
The effect of partial middle turbinectomy upon the frontal sinus
Frontal osteomyelitis induced by sinusitis is the most frequent clinical presentation .
Results The total 100 frontal sinuses were all revealed .
The management of frontal sinus during the endoscopic surgery for chronic sinusitis
Applied anatomy of the pneumatization of frontal-ethmoid sinus toward the supper-orbit cell