
  • 网络modern western philosophy;Contemporary Western Philosophy
  1. 现代西方哲学的流变及启示(上)

    Changes and Inspiration of Modern Western Philosophy ( Part I )

  2. 简论现代西方哲学的语言学转向

    A Brief Comment on the Linguistic Turn of Modern Western Philosophy

  3. 其二,应当如何看待马克思主义哲学和现代西方哲学的联系和本质区别。

    Another is how we treat the connection and essential difference .

  4. 试论现代西方哲学的三大批判

    Tentatively Discuss the Three Kinds of Criticisms of Modern Western Philosophy

  5. 试论现代西方哲学的语言转向

    Talking about the " Linguistic Turn " of Occidental Philosophy

  6. 对现代西方哲学时间观念的批判与反思

    Critique and Reflection on the Time Concept in Western Philosophy

  7. 反思现代西方哲学的理性批判及其问题

    Reflection of the Criticism to the Rationality from Modern Philosophy

  8. 现代西方哲学主体间性理论及其困境

    The Modern Philosophic Theory of Inter-subjectivity in the West and Its Predicament

  9. 现代西方哲学研究的回顾与展望&从复旦大学西方哲学学科的建设说开去

    Review and Prospect of the Study of Modern Western Philosophy

  10. 现代西方哲学与美学语言学转向述评

    Analysis on Linguistic Change of Modern West Philosophy and Aesthetics

  11. 相对主义、怀疑主义:现代西方哲学中的幽灵

    Relativism and Skepticism : Ghosts in Modern Western Philosophy

  12. 休谟经验论与现代西方哲学思想的神会

    Consistency of Hume 's Empiricism and Modern Western Philosophy

  13. 现代西方哲学思潮对我国社会的影响

    Influences of the contemporary western philosophy on our society

  14. 自然与历史的关系问题是现代西方哲学中的一个难题。

    Relations between nature and history is a crux in Modern Western Philosophy .

  15. 马克思的语言观与现代西方哲学语言的转向

    Marxist Conception of Language and Concept of Linguistic Turn in Western Modern Philosophy

  16. 现代西方哲学中的和谐思想

    The thought on harmony in the modern western philosophy

  17. 在现代西方哲学的背景下认识马克思主义哲学的当代性

    Understand Modernity of Marxist Philosophy Under the Western Background

  18. 第三,关于马克思主义哲学和现代西方哲学的关系。

    The third is on the relation of Marxist philosophy and contemporary western philosophy .

  19. 对现代西方哲学研究对象和基本特征的再认识

    Rethinking on the Objects of Study and the Fundamental Features of Modern Western Philosophy

  20. 日本近代哲学是以引进现代西方哲学为起点而开始其历程的。

    The Japanese modern philosophy began its course from introducing the contemporary Western philosophy .

  21. 略论现代西方哲学对传统二元论的反对

    Brief Analysis on the Opposition of the Modern Western Philosophy to the Traditional Dualism

  22. 第三部分分析现代西方哲学反形而上学的合理性与缺陷。

    The third part analyses the rationalization and the defects of " the opposition " .

  23. 近、现代西方哲学中,传统诠释学与科学哲学分属于欧洲大陆哲学与英美哲学传统,一度呈现出水火不容的分裂态势。

    Traditional hermeneutics and philosophy of science belong respectively to Continental tradition and Anglo-American tradition .

  24. 语言哲学转向是现代西方哲学的一个重要特征。

    The tuning of linguistic philosophy is one of the important characters of modern philosophy .

  25. 相对主义、怀疑主义的严重泛滥,也使得现代西方哲学内部蕴涵着否定自身的危机。

    The overflow of relativism and skepticism contains a self-denial crisis in modern western philosophy .

  26. 现代西方哲学的批判视野

    Critical Vision of Modern Western Philosophy

  27. 现代西方哲学以独特的视角对本质的结构与构成作了有益的探索。

    The contemporary western philosophy had discussed that structure and composing of essence in a distinctive angle .

  28. 现代西方哲学的演变证明了马克思主义关于哲学基本问题的观点。

    The development of the modern western philosophy has proved the Marxist viewpoint on basic problems of philosophy .

  29. 为此,形成了现代西方哲学中的两大思潮:科学主义和人本主义。

    Therefore , two big ideological trends , scientism and humanism have formed in the modern west philosophy .

  30. 现代西方哲学在批判逻辑经验主义的基础主义认识论的过程中,出现了一股自然主义认识论潮流。

    A naturalist epistemological trend appears when the foundationalist logical empiricism has been examined by modern western philosophy .