
  • 网络Adobe;Derby;bypass ratio;Angus Dobbie;Dobhy
  1. 较为系统地总结了国外大涵道比涡扇发动机的研制特点和设计特点。

    The development and design features of the high bypass ratio turbofan engine in foreign are comprehensively summarized .

  2. 计算结果表明,低压涡轮和混合器的调节对发动机的性能和涵道比的影响尤为显著;

    The results of calculation show that the adjusting of low-pressure turbine and mixer has a remarkable effect on the performance of engine and bypass ratio .

  3. 本文简单介绍了几种猝灭校正方法&外标准源道比法,样品谱指数法和H数法。首先比较了这些方法的特点。

    Several methods for quench correction-external standard channels ratio method , spectral index method and " H number " method are simply introduced .

  4. 许多跨国公司为发展中国家设置出一道比单纯TBT或知识产权壁垒更高、更难对付的非关税壁垒&技术标准壁垒。

    Many multinational companies setting up the technical standards that more higher and more formidable non-tariff barriers than TBT or intellectual property barriers for developing countries .

  5. 发展了一种低涵道比混合排气加力涡轮风扇发动机接通加力时的数值模拟方法。

    Numerical simulation of turbofan engine afterburner light-on process was presented .

  6. 沟道比降对淤地坝建设影响的定量研究

    Quantitative Study on the Influence of Gully Slope to Warping Dam Building

  7. 大函道比涡扇发动机试车台气动力设计的特点

    Aerodynamic design characteristic of test cell for-high . by-pass ratio turbofan engine

  8. 现代高涵道比涡扇发动机关键技术

    Key Technology of Modern High Bypass Ratio Turbofan Engine

  9. 液体闪烁测量的道比折回现象及其解释

    The " returning phenomenon " of CHANNELS-RATIO in liquid scintillation counting and its interpretation

  10. 大涵道比涡扇发动机涡轮结构设计关键技术分析

    Analysis of Key Technologies of Turbine Structural Design for High Bypass Ratio Turbofan Engine

  11. 因此低叶尖切线速度是将来大涵道比风扇的发展趋势。

    Therefore , the low tip tangential speed design of high bypass ratio is a trend .

  12. 道比折回点是一次测量道比曲线理论可用范围的极限。

    The returning point of channel-ratio may be considered as the application limit of once measured channel ratio curves .

  13. 通过一个高涵道比涡扇发动机故障诊断的实例分析,验证了三层逆传播网络的可行性。

    The case study of a high bypass ratio turbofan engine has verified the feasibility of a three-layer back propagation network .

  14. 这些经验对于我们今后设计大函道比涡扇发动机和螺浆风扇发动机试车台时,将是十分有用的。

    This experience will be very helpful in the design of test for high by-pass ratio turbofan engine and propeller-fan engine .

  15. 以发展大涵道比涡扇发动机为例,说明了约束条件对设计循环参数的限制。

    As an example , the development of a high bypass ratio turbofan engine was used to demonstrate how the constraints restrict design cycle parameters .

  16. 本文指出了一次测量道比(即不减本底道比)的折回现象。

    In the present work a " returning phenomenon " in once measured channel-ratio ( i. e. channel-ratio not subtracting the background ) has been shown .

  17. 建造更加环保型的喷气发动机还可另辟蹊径:增大发动机的涵道比(注1),采用开放转子的结构。

    There is another way to build a greener jet engine : by bypassing the turbine to an even greater extent , with an open rotor .

  18. 得到:(1)其必为变涵道比循环系统,由可变几何内、外涵通道提供对涵道比的主动控制;

    Therefrom some conclusions are obtained as : 1.The system 's bypass ratio must be actively controlled by adjusting both core and bypass engine 's through flow areas .

  19. 为正确使用和推广减推力起飞技术,分析了高涵道比涡轮风扇发动机温度特性和大型民航机起飞性能。

    For correct and wide application of reduced thrust takeoff technique , the temperature characteristics of high bypass ratio turbofan engines and the takeoff performance of large aircrafts were analyzed .

  20. 结果表明宜采用小涵道比涡扇发动机,而且不考虑费用时涡轮前温度取值越高越好,考虑费用时则有最大值;

    The results show that a turbofan engine with a small bypass ratio must be installed , and a suitable turbine entry temperature is obtained by optimization with life cycle cost .

  21. 我尖叫了一下,突然发现身体里有一股奇特的力量,我爬过一道比我还高的金属栅栏来到我家的那条街上,几秒钟以后我已经跑进家里,发疯似的把门锁上。

    I screamed myself and found a sudden acrobatic ability in me when I scaled a metal fence taller than myself into my own street , and within seconds was in my house and was frantically locking the door behind me .