
xiàn shí zhènɡ zhì
  • realpolitik;practical politics
  1. 第二章则从意识形态的角度探讨了政治符号与社会现实政治之间的关系以及具体的作用方式,提出政治符号是意识形态具体化的结果,它是意识形态的崇高客体。

    Chapter Two , discussing through an ideological perspective about the relation between political symbols and social practical politics and their concrete functioning manner , comes to a conclusion that political symbols are the concretization of ideology , advanced objects of ideology .

  2. 政治学理论体系的意义不在于系统介绍有关政治现象的各类知识,而在于通过探讨、论述政治学研究的目的、对象、方法及基本范畴,为研究现实政治提供正确的理论与方法。

    The importance of the theoretical system of political system does not lie in introducing the knowledge of relevant political phenomena , but in providing the effective theories and methods in studying the practical politics by the way of exploring the political sciences objectives , objects , methods and categories .

  3. 俾斯麦的现实政治与德国的统一

    Realistic politics of Bismarck and the unification of Germany Unity Square

  4. 这种观念体系是在与现实政治的结合中不断发展的,而在儒学与现实政治的结合过程中,汉元帝起到了十分重要的作用。

    The thought system was developed when it combined with politics .

  5. 汉初现实政治的需要;

    The realistic need for politics of the beginning of Han Dynasty .

  6. 儒家积极入世的精神要求儒家与现实政治结合,儒家的政治理想要付诸实现,必须依赖一定的政治权威。

    Confucian active realism request its Combining with existent politics .

  7. 经过龚自珍、魏源等的再造,今文经学与现实政治密切结合;

    Gong Zi-zhen and Wei Yuan link it with the actual politics closely ;

  8. 但放在现实政治中,这一结论可能只是暂时的。

    But when it comes to realpolitik , this conclusion may be temporary .

  9. 现实政治的思想和美国的政治演说是性质不同的

    Real politic thinking is uncongenial to american political discourse

  10. 儒家政治文化对我国现实政治发挥着双重作用。

    The Confucian political culture plays a dual role in China 's current politics .

  11. 无论是从原则还是从现实政治考虑,不为雷曼纾困的决定都是正确的。

    Both in terms of principle and realpolitik , the Lehman decision was sound .

  12. 一个重要的因素是政党煽动宗教情绪为自己谋取现实政治利益;

    A important factor is political parties to instigate religion emotion for themself profits ;

  13. 史学应该研究近现代史,为现实政治提供借鉴;

    The historian should study the near modern history and give lessons to realistic political ;

  14. 在我国现实政治生活中就公民参与政策制定过程来说,仍然存在多方面的障碍,而这些障碍的存在又是多方面的综合因素形成的;

    In practice , there still exist barriers to citizens ' participation in policy-making in China .

  15. 可是,儒学理论在与现实政治的相互关系中,它必须作出一定的调整。

    But it must make certain adjustment in order to fit in with the present politics .

  16. 换句话说,现实政治和自由国际主义殊途同归。

    Realpolitik and liberal internationalism , in other words , both pull in the same direction .

  17. 现实政治常指一种扩张的国家政策,把国家利益看作是唯一的原则性进展。

    A usually expansionist national policy having as its sole principle advancement of the national interest .

  18. 通过戏剧,萨特把他的文学主张有效地付诸了实践。他的每一部戏剧都渗透了他对现实政治的认识与理解。

    Effectively he embodies his literary propositions in his dramatic creations with penetrating understanding of the political reality .

  19. 但是,这种影响不会超越美国对现实政治和国家安全利益的考虑。

    However , this influence will be limited with the framework of realistic politics and national security interests .

  20. 他们对政治意象的建构与现实政治斗争需要密切相关,有极强的功利性。

    They need closely related at political image construction and reality political struggle , which have extremely strong utility .

  21. 自然与名教的冲突,不可避免地要从思想界反映到现实政治生活中来。

    The conflict between the Taoist naturism and the Confucian ethical code reflected from ideology to real political life inevitably .

  22. 现实政治的复杂使人类放弃了全体一致原则,而采用多数表决。

    Man adopts the majority voting and abandones the principle of unanimity because of the complexity of the political reality .

  23. 这可以解读为现实政治的做法,但它也是今年一个良好的投资策略。

    This can be read as realpolitik , but it would also have been a good investment strategy this year .

  24. 最后立足于现实政治、社会环境提出匆匆入思惟库发铺的详细办法。

    Keep a foothold finally bringing forward the concrete measure boosting a think bank developing in Realpolitik , the social environment .

  25. 魏晋南北朝时期历史撰述与现实政治著述编年史的历史学家。

    Relations between Historiography and Politics in the Period of Wei Jin Nan Bei Dynasties ; a historian who writes annals .

  26. 网络政治相对于传统的现实政治而独立存在,其根本之点就在于它深层次的政治思维的独特性、理性和建设性。

    Network Politics exists independently to reality politics relatively and its root is the particularity reason and constructiveness of politics thinking .

  27. 战后初期,美国在战时为印度支那所设计的非殖民化之路逐渐被现实政治所吞没。

    In the early postwar period the decolonization that the US has previously designed for Indochina is engulfed by the realistic politics .

  28. 从政治学的角度看,网络既促进了政治发展,也对现实政治带来了严峻的挑战。

    From the angle of politics , network not only promotes political development , but also brings about severe challenge to politics .

  29. 明末清初,一些文人纷纷以现实政治大事为题材,写作时事小说。

    During Late Ming to Early Qing Dynasty , some writers often wrote the current events fictions based on political important matters .

  30. 它既是理学家对先秦以来儒家思想的继承,同时也是理学家对现实政治统治的反思以及理学思想体系特性的反映。

    It is not only inherits the preQin Confucianism , but also the reflection of government rule and characteristic of the NeoConfucianism .