
rú jiā
  • the Confucian school;the Confucianists
儒家 [rú jiā]
  • [the Confucianists] 崇奉孔子学说的学派。其学派崇尚礼乐和仁义,提倡忠恕和中庸之道。主张德治、仁政,重视伦理关系

儒家[rú jiā]
  1. 儒家终极关怀与思想政治教育

    Ultimate Concern of the Confucian School and Education in Ideology and Politics

  2. 一提到古代民本主义,人们往往会把它与儒家联系起来。

    Ancient people - oriented doctrines are often associated with the Confucian School .

  3. 儒家思想已成为我们文化遗产的一部分。

    Confucian ideas have become part of our cultural inheritance .

  4. 庄子说:“鲁国是儒家的故乡,但是只有一名儒生。这怎么能说鲁国儒生很多呢?”

    Zhuang Zi said : " The State of Lu is the native place of Confucianism , but there is only one Confucian scholar . How can you say that there are many Confucian scholars in the State of Lu ? "

  5. 儒家政治伦理的人本倾向与普世关怀

    The Humanism inclination of Confucian Political Ethics and Concerns about Universalism

  6. 儒家教育理念的现代价值探析

    A brief analysis of the modern significance of Confucian educational theories

  7. 先秦儒家德治思想的现代诠释

    A Modern Explanation of Pre-Qin Confucian Thought of Rule of Virtue

  8. 儒家思想的反省与前瞻

    Retrospect and Prospect of the Development of the Thought of Confucianism

  9. 儒家管理哲学的内容十分丰富,文章对其探讨包括以下三个方面:一是指出了“以人为本”是儒家管理哲学的根本精神;

    It has 3 aspects : the basic spirit of Humanism ;

  10. 先秦儒家孝伦理及其在汉代的变异

    The Pre-Qin-Dynasty Filial Ethics and Its Changes during the Han Dynasty

  11. 儒家传统教育的现代适应性研究

    The traditional education of confucianism is suitable for modern times entirety

  12. 道德理想主义与伦理中心主义:儒家伦理的双旋结构

    Moral Idealism and Ethical Centralism ; Joint Structure of Confucian Ethics

  13. 儒家文化究竟对中国古代科技产生了怎样的影响,自五四以来,这就是中国思想史、科技史、社会史共同面临但又悬而未决的问题。

    How did Confucianism influence science and technology in ancient China ?

  14. 西方宗教伦理与儒家伦理价值的现实启示

    An Enlightenment of the Western Religious Ethics and Confucian Ethical Value

  15. 论道家、儒家的人生境界之道

    On Tao of Taoism and Confucianism as a Realm of Life

  16. 他的文化身份是中国的,儒家的,反东方主义的。

    So His cultural identity is Chinese , Confucian , and anti-Orientalism .

  17. 试析高校艺术素质教育与儒家音乐美学思想

    On university art character education and Confucian music esthetic thoughts

  18. 儒家思想对武术道德的影响

    The Influence of Confucianism on the Ethics of Martial Arts

  19. 儒家和谐社会理念及其历史局限

    The Confucian Ideas of Harmonious Society and Their Historical Limitations

  20. 关于宽容与诚实的儒家思想资源及其局限性

    The Confucianist Resource of Tolerance and Sincerity and Its Limitations

  21. 儒家教育思想有明显的后现代主义特征。

    The Confucian educational thinking is obviously branded with post-modernism .

  22. 断垣残壁间的寻求与建构&对白嘉轩儒家文化身份的解读

    Interpretation of Bai Jiaxuan 's Cultural Identity as a Confucian

  23. 儒家伦理管理思想的时代价值

    Confucianism Thoughts of Humanistic Management Remain Value in the Contemporary Chinese Society

  24. 现代新儒家对五四反传统的反思&以徐复观为例

    Modern Neo-Confucianism 's Confrontational Introspection to " The May Fourth Movement "

  25. 儒家贵德价值观体系的结构分析

    The structure of the worth system analysis of the Confucianism moral regarding

  26. 佛教是伦理道德色彩极为浓厚的宗教,儒家文化本身就是伦理型文化,两二者在道德观上有可比之处。

    In terms of ethics , Buddhism and Confucianism can be compared .

  27. 先秦儒家理想人格思想与当代大学生健全人格的塑造

    Pre-qin Confucianist Ideal Personality Thought and Contemporary University Students Sound Personality Molding

  28. 中国古代法是儒家之法。

    China 's ancient law is deemed as Confucian law .

  29. 儒家伦理与现代市场经济

    The Relationship Between the Confucian Ethics and Modern Market Economy

  30. 儒家是一种理性的伦理价值生命意识,重视个体生命价值的实现,关注群体命运,积极入世;

    The Confucianist is one rational ethics value life consciousness .