
jì shù měi xué
  • Technical aesthetics;applied aesthetics;industrial art
  1. 技术美学与工业造型设计发展动态

    The Trends and Developments of Technical Aesthetics and Industrical Moulding Design

  2. 现代工业设计中的技术美学问题研究

    Study on the Technological Aesthetics of Modern Industrial Design

  3. 新的技术美学在不断发展。

    The new approach of technologic-aesthetics has been developed .

  4. 技术美学对当代景观设计的影响及发展趋向

    Discussion on the Influence and Development of Technical Aesthetics in Modern Landscape Design

  5. 技术美学与现代机电产品设计

    Aesthetics of Technology and Modern Electromechanical Product Design

  6. 技术美学与工程机械驾驶室设计

    Technological Aesthetics and Cab Design of Construction Machinery

  7. 大空间公共建筑创作中的技术美学表达

    Expression of Technological Aesthetics in Large-span Public Buildings

  8. 现代设计与技术美学的思考

    Thoughts on Modern Design and Technology Aesthetics

  9. 电影技术美学的历史

    History and Theoretical Concepts of Film Technologic-aesthetics

  10. 网页设计的技术美学思考

    Probing Technological Aesthetics of Web Design

  11. 板式刨花板家具的设计属于现代工业设计的范畴,它以技术美学的理论为指导。

    Designing for panel furniture of particleboard belongs to the category of modern industry design instructed by technique aesthetics .

  12. 产品的包装装潢美是科学技术美学、生产美学和商品美学的一个重要组成部分。

    The beauty of package decoration is an important integrant of scientific and technologic aesthetics , production aesthetics and commodity aesthetics .

  13. 本文主要从技术美学的角度对新媒体时代电影的观影体验的影响问题展开了理论探讨。

    The paper probes into the influence of the new media on view experience of movie from the perspective of technical aesthetics .

  14. 技术美学是随本世纪现代科学技术进步产生的新的美学分支学科。

    Technical aesthetics is with the progress of modern science and technology of this century , the emergence of new aesthetic branch .

  15. 技术美学是美学原理在物质生产和生活系统的具体化,同时又是设计观念在美学上的哲学概括。

    Technical aesthetics is of aesthetic principle in material production and living system of concrete , while the design concepts summarized in the aesthetic philosophy .

  16. 应加强对理工科大学生的科学与技术美学教育高等职业技术教育应走科学技术教育与人文教育相契合之路

    The aesthetic education of university student of science and technology is to be strengthened Higher Professional Education Should Take the Way of Technological Education Agreeing with Humanistic Education

  17. 技术美学是一种知识形态,也是一种理论问题,其论述主要是物质生产领域中涉及的技术与美学的结合问题。

    As a form of aesthetics and a theoretical question , technological aesthetics mainly researches the questions how to integrate technology with aesthetics in the field of material production .

  18. 高层建筑美学价值由技术美学价值和艺术美学价值二部分组成,是二者的对立统一。

    Aesthetics value of high-rise building is composed of aesthetic value of architectural technology and aesthetic value of architectural art , and is antinomy and unification of the both .

  19. 本文以现代美学原理,尤其是审美哲学和技术美学的思想为理论依据,在美学与教育学相统一的视野上对学校教育活动展开思考。

    The article , based on the theory of modern aesthetic philosophy and technological aesthetics , expounds on school educational activities from the integrated viewpoint of aesthetics and educational theory .

  20. 通过对技术美学原理的分析,指出其中的技术的价值原理和技术的表情原理对现代家具设计具有十分重要的指导意义。

    This study analysis on technical aesthetic principles , noting that " value principle of technology " and " expression principle of technology " have very important guiding significance for modern furniture design .

  21. 近两百多年来,西方建筑审美观发生了从古典美学到技术美学、再从技术美学到反的美学的两次重大变更。

    In the two hundred years , two important transformation of aesthetic views have taken place in western architecture , changing from classic aesthetics to technological aesthetics and from technological aesthetics to anti-aesthetics .

  22. 技术美学已从现代主义初期的“机器美学”走向更为复杂和人性化的美学范畴,当今的技术表现作为技术在建筑美学领域的体现,已具有更为广泛的内涵。

    The technology aesthetics has already gone into more sophisticated and humanized aesthetical category . Today , as an embody of technology in architectural aesthetics field , technology representation has much wider contents .

  23. 提出了技术美学的十大设计准则。结合矿山机械从不同角度论述了机械产品美学设计的重要性

    This paper analyzes the basic contents and describes the design rules of the aesthetics , then associates with the mine mechanical products design , and talks about the importances of the aesthetic design

  24. 同时,本文对工业文明背后的西方近现代哲学思想进行了反思,结合当代技术美学与生态美学的观点,提出了伦理道德的重要性,认为传统文化具有生态学意义将被更好的继承和利用。

    And combining the contemporary technology esthetics and the ecology esthetics viewpoint t proposed the importance of ethics morals and thought that the traditional culture will be much better inherited and used , which had the ecology significance .

  25. 同时对技术美学在实践领域中的应用做出了分析,旨在探讨将技术美学的相关理论用于指导我们实际的室内设计活动。

    At the same time the theory discussed the application of Technological Aesthetics in real life , aim to make the theory of the Technological Aesthetics reification and practicality , and then guide our activities on the actual interior design .

  26. 乒乓球技术的美学特征

    An Analysis of the Aesthetic Features of the Table Tennis Techniques

  27. 技术与美学思想显著发展。

    Technical and es the tics thought remarkable development .

  28. 夕少了动君己己pv.阳光、技术与美学&兼谈光伏技术在建筑中的应用

    Sunshine , Technology and Aesthetic & On the Application of PV Technology in Building

  29. 技术时代美学的策略

    The Aesthetic Strategies in Technical Time

  30. 图像技术与美学观念

    Image Technology and Aesthetic Conception