
jì shī
  • technician;engineer;mechanic;technical expert;artificer;technicist
技师 [jì shī]
  • [technician;technicist;technical expert] 相当于初级工程师的技术人员职称之一

技师[jì shī]
  1. 烟雨江南,诗意校园&无锡市技师学院规划设计

    Misty rain in South of River and Poetic Campus : The Planning of Wuxi Artificer College

  2. 在支撑体系中,创新性地设置了技师文化内容,提升学生的职业素质。

    To improve the vocational diathesis of the students , the artificer culture was intercalated creatively in the supporting system .

  3. 他们要派一名技师来安装电话。

    They 're sending an engineer to fix the phone .

  4. 一名技师把一盒录影带装进其中一台机器。

    A technician loads a video tape into one of the machines

  5. 计算机安全系统将由独立的技师来设计。

    Computer security systems will be designed by independent technicians

  6. 技师正忙于修理那台机器。

    The technician is busy repairing the machine .

  7. 我是一名医药技师,频繁的洗手以及阿拉斯加恶劣的天气,让我的皮肤十分干燥。一天晚上,我在休息前用凡士林膏抹了抹手,并带上了一副旧的白手套。

    Frequent hand-washing in my job as a medical technologist and the harsh and covered them with a pair of old white gloves .

  8. 提高技师综合素质与降低CT摄影废片率

    Elevating the comprehensive capability of CT technician and decreasing the incidence of waste film

  9. 山东民族技师学院实习工厂BOT项目风险性分析

    BOT Project Risk Analysis on School Factory of Shandong Ethnological Technical Institute

  10. 他的电影摄影技师ConradHall因此将他誉为黑暗王子。

    Fellow cinematographer Conrad Hall consequently dubbed him the Prince of Darkness .

  11. 接着,他们安排我去X光室做检查,在那里有十来个人正在从X光技师的肩膀上方盯着他的屏幕。

    They dispatched me to the X-ray area , where a dozen people were watching the technician 's screen over his shoulder .

  12. 同时问询了是否有临床医生、放射学家、技师或者其他人让病人知情CT检查的实质方面的内容。

    It also asked whether referring physicians , radiologists , technologists , or somebody else was in charge of informing patients about the nature of their scans .

  13. 在双证制流行的市场需求下,Z技师学院加大对实训教学的关注,进行实训楼建设。

    In the " double certificate system " popular market demand , Z technician institute strengthen the practice teaching and conduct training building construction .

  14. 提出用全生命周期成本集成化虚拟组织,对Z技师学院实训楼建设项目成本控制进行研究。

    Full life cycle cost integrated virtual organization is put forward , on Z technician college training building construction project cost control for research .

  15. 在莱德维尔100英里山地自行车赛等一些赛事中,CEOChallenges会配备技师来为高管组装自行车,还会准备一个房子,用于赛后淋浴和更衣。

    At some events like the Leadville Race , CEO Challenges provides mechanics to assemble executives " bicycles and a house to shower and change after the race .

  16. 通过完成大量的实验,学生们将会成为合格的牙科技师(CDT)。

    Upon completing a board examination , the student becomes a Certified Dental Technician ( CDT ) .

  17. 研究人员JuliaNeily是退伍军人管理局一名护士。他说,该训练旨在强化每名队员,包括技师在内。

    Researcher Julia Neily , a Veterans Administration nurse , says the training seeks to empower each team member , including technicians .

  18. 约翰希尔(johnhill)自称是一位“微技师”,他说自己做这项工作已有31年,但“还没达到炉火纯青的水平”。

    John Hill , who describes himself as a " micro-technician " , says he has been working at this job for 31 years but has not " quite reached perfection " .

  19. 劳合社的技师们为其市场上的42家保险中介创设了一项服务,他们可以通过Google上最受欢迎的GoogleEarth地图服务来确保他们能更好地管理世界各地的风险。

    Technicians at Lloyd 's have created a service that the market's42 managing agents can use with Google 's popular mapping service to ensure they are better prepared to manage the world 's risks .

  20. 在上海中药制药一厂(shanghaino.1tcmfactory),引人注目的不是压力控制室里在身着白大褂的技师监督下、从锃亮的机器里生产出的棕色小药丸,而是药品的成份。

    It is not the small brown pills that stand out at the Shanghai No.1 TCM factory , produced by shiny machines inside pressure-controlled rooms and supervised by technicians in white coats . It is the ingredients .

  21. 我的教练是高空杂技师ZoeJones,他在伦敦有工作室,并且一对一训练,收取私教的价格。

    My trainer was aerialist Zoe Jones , who holds workshops in London and works one-to-one for about the price of a personal trainer .

  22. 这时,AbigailRajala&威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校神经科学培训计划(NeuroscienceTrainingProgram)一个有经验的动物技师,提及到其中的一只猴子可以在小镜子中认出自己。

    Then Abigail Rajala , an experienced animal technician who is in the university 's Neuroscience Training Program , mentioned that one of the monkeys could recognize himself in a small mirror .

  23. Volvo在采用信息系统帮助维修站技师有效工作方面处于世界领先地位。

    Volvo is a world leader when it comes to information systems that can help the technicians in the workshops do their job efficiently .

  24. RT应用服务器是为了放射治疗工作流程中的临床应用而设计的,它可以辅助医生、放射技师和治疗操作人员制定放射治疗的计划和对病人实施放射治疗。

    RT application server is designed for clinical applications in radiation therapy workflow , it can assist doctors , radiographers and the operator to planning and carrying out radiation therapy .

  25. “这个国家的牙科技师仍然是全世界最多的,”阿伦J何特说,他是专攻牙齿矫正专业器具的付总裁。

    " The dental techs in this country are still some of the greatest in the world ," said Arlen J.Hurt , vice president of Specialty Appliances in Cumming , Ga. , which .

  26. 而在第一个弯角取得领先之后,事情就变得容易一些了,尽管我仍然无法和我的技师ChrisDyer取得联系。

    Once ahead of the pack after the first turn , things became slightly easier , although I could not communicate with my engineer Chris Dyer .

  27. 威廉?布莱德福?萧克利(WilliamBradfordShockley)出生于伦敦,他的父亲是采矿技师,母亲则为采矿勘测员。

    William Bradford Shockley was born in London , where his father , a mining engineer , and mother , a mineral surveyor , were on a business assignment .

  28. 运用SWOT矩阵分析,指出了山东医药技师学院的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,并制定出山东医药技师学院切实可行的发展战略方案,以保证其确立长期的竞争优势。

    To be Used SWOT analysis of matrix , strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats of Shandong Medicine Technician College were pointed out . And it formulates feasible operation strategy program , established to ensure its long-term competitive advantage .

  29. 知道了。Atechie就是一位对某项技术极具兴趣又特别专长的技师专家的意思,而且往往和电脑方面有关。

    Jo : Well , a techie is a technician who is very good at ? and interested in ? a particular technology , particularly computers .

  30. GRC板是一种新型墙板,但在施工中存在问题较多,本文就该墙板的质量要求,施工工艺、技师标准、成品保护及应注意的问题进行阐述,以达到该墙板顺利推广。

    GRC plate is a new wall slab , but there are many problems on the construction . The paper discuss the quality requirements , the technology of construction , technician criterion , finished product is protected , and paints ofr attention .