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běn néng
  • instinct;intuition;born ability
本能 [běn néng]
  • [instinct;intuition] 本身固有的、不学就会的能力

本能[běn néng]
  1. 逃离危险的地方是一种原始本能。

    It is a primitive instinct to flee a place of danger .

  2. 想在混乱中理出头绪是一种知性本能。

    The wish to impose order upon confusion is a kind of intellectual instinct

  3. 我本能地感到出了事。

    I had a feeling in my guts that something was wrong .

  4. 我的本能反应是否认一切。

    My instinctive reaction was to deny everything .

  5. 父母保护孩子的本能愿望应当与孩子独立的需要相平衡。

    Parents ' natural desire to protect their children should be counterbalanced by the child 's need for independence .

  6. 我发现当我们的目光相遇时,我本能地还以微笑。

    I found myself smiling back instinctively when our eyes met .

  7. 孩子表达自己的本能方法就是玩耍。

    The child 's natural way of expressing himself is play

  8. 你会感到一种本能的恐惧而想要去逃避。

    You feel an animal panic to run and hide .

  9. 当被别人弄疼时我们本能的反应是反击。

    Our instinctive reaction when someone causes us pain is to strike back

  10. 他们的本能并不总是和我们的相同。

    Their instincts do not always run parallel with ours

  11. 他总能知道几点了,仿佛是出于本能。

    He always knew what time it was , as if by instinct .

  12. 其实,医生们每天都会按照自己的本能判断行事。

    Well , physicians make judgment calls every day .

  13. 他怀疑那位精神科医生试图刺激他作出一些本能的反应。

    He wondered if the psychiatrist was trying to goad him into some unguarded response

  14. 飞行员本能地驾机避开他们。

    The pilot instinctively maneuvered to avoid them .

  15. 我们觉得受到威胁或遭受挫折时本能地会感到气愤。

    Anger is the natural reaction we experience when we feel threatened or frustrated .

  16. 这样的观点暗示我们的身体和性本能天生就是邪恶的。

    Such a view implies that our bodies and sexual nature are inherently ungodly .

  17. 《本能》使她跃至一线,成功跻身好莱坞耀眼的女明星之列。

    ' Basic Instinct ' catapulted her to top status among Hollywood 's glamour goddesses

  18. 请告诉我们你对我们所了解的这些事实的本能反应。

    Let 's have your gut reaction to the facts as we know them .

  19. 训练是基于狗搜寻和衔回的天生本能。

    The basis for training relies on the dog 's natural instinct to hunt and retrieve

  20. 这完全是本能的反应——如果一个孩子摔倒了你会把他扶起来。

    It 's an absolutely instinctive reaction — if a child falls you pick it up

  21. 警察和我们其他人一样,都有自我保护的人类本能。

    The police have the same human urge for self-preservation as the rest of us .

  22. 然后鸽子飞进了浓雾中,其闻名的归巢本能丧失了。

    Then the pigeons flew into thick fog , and the famous homing instinct failed .

  23. 弗洛伊德曾假定我们所有人都有生存本能和死亡本能。

    Freud postulated that we all have a death instinct as well as a life instinct .

  24. 他激发了她母性的本能。

    He aroused her mothering instincts .

  25. 他终于在针对每场新的政治变革的反应中发现了与大多数德国人的本能反应相吻合的一种。

    He has managed to find a response to each new political development that chimes in with most Germans ' instinct

  26. 当艾尔弗雷德·阿德勒于1908年首次提出人生来就有攻击性本能的假设时,弗洛伊德对此表示反对。

    When Alfred Adler first postulated in 1908 that there existed an inborn instinct of aggression Freud argued against it .

  27. 他对窃贼所做的是一种本能的反应。

    What he did to the burglars is the gut reaction .

  28. 生物都有求生存的本能。

    All living beings are endowed with an instinct for survival .

  29. 玛丽亚本能地垂下头,以免被人认出。

    Maria bent her head instinctively to avoid being recognized .

  30. 一个人的感情和本能并不总是言行的良好向导。

    One 's feelings and instincts are not always a guide to behaviour .