
  • 网络Technology Policy;Technical policy;OSTP
  1. OECD国家科学技术政策的评估以及对发展中国家的启示

    The Evaluation of Science and Technology Policy of OECD Countries and Its Implication for Developing Countries

  2. 电力系统防污闪现状与技术政策分析&规范防污闪涂料行业、全面提高RTV综合性能

    Analyses on present status and technology policy of anti-contamination-flashover in power system

  3. 国家制定的环境保护规划必须纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,国家采取有利于环境保护的经济、技术政策和措施,使环境保护工作同经济建设和社会发展相协调。

    The plans for environmental protection formulated by the state must be incorporated into the national economic and social development plans ; the state shall adopt economic and technological the work of environmental protection with economic construction and social development .

  4. 电站锅炉NOx排放现状、预测及技术政策

    Current Situation , Forecast and Technical Policy of NO x Emission of Utility Boilers

  5. 通过研究日本国家产业技术政策的历史演变,分析日本科技补贴政策与WTO规则的适应性与冲突性,提出了制定我国科技政策的建议。

    The paper studies the evolvement of Japanese s t policy , analyzes the conflict and adaptability of Japanese s t subsidy policy and WTO agreement , and puts forward some advice .

  6. 乔治华盛顿大学(GeorgeWashingtonUniversity)科学与技术政策副教授、2013年IEEEComputerSociety主席格里尔(DavidAlanGrier)说,这令人很有些毛骨悚然。

    ' It is more than a little creepy , ' says David Alan Grier , an associate professor of science and technology policy at George Washington University and 2013 president of the IEEE Computer Society .

  7. 相比较而言,优于韩国的RD绩效日本RD绩效,原因在于韩国产业技术政策没有形成良好的组织及制度结构。

    In contrast to Japan , South Korea had not achieved successful RD performance . The reason was that the industrial technology policies of Korea had not played a role in forming a good organizational and institutional structure .

  8. 制定地方技术政策的几点依据

    A Number of Bases for Making Local S. & T. Policies

  9. 新形势下产业技术政策研究

    Study on China 's Industrial Technology Policy in the New Situation

  10. 韩国2.3GHz移动宽带接入业务与技术政策

    Korea 2.3 GHz Mobile Broadband Access Service and Related Technical Policy

  11. 对制定矿产资源综合开发利用技术政策的建议

    Suggestions on forming the technical policy of multi-utilization of mineral resources

  12. 《环境保护技术政策要点》的实施评估分析

    An Implementation Assessment on the Chinese Technical Policy for Environmental Protection

  13. 论法律与技术政策、技术伦理的协同对策&以技术法律控制边界为视角

    The Synergetic Countermeasures between Law and Technical Policy , Technical Ethics

  14. 甘肃农业机械化发展技术政策研究

    Research on Technology and Policy of Agricultural Mechanization Development of Gansu Province

  15. 执行建筑技术政策促进城市建设发展

    Carrying out policies of construction technology to accelerate the development of city

  16. 试论国家信息技术政策需求及其内容框架

    On the Needs and Framework of National Information Technology Policy

  17. 制订技术政策的一般原则与程序

    General principle and programme on the formulation of technical policies

  18. 日本科学技术政策的特征

    The character of the science and technology policy in Japan

  19. 城市信息化技术政策与标准研究初探

    The Discussion on Technical Policies and Standards for Urban Informationization

  20. 城市交通系统的节能降耗技术政策研究

    Research on Energy Saving Technology Policy in Urban Transport System

  21. 长春市公共交通技术政策研究

    Research on the Technology Policy of Urban Public Transport

  22. 谈如何避免技术政策上的重大失误

    Talk about how to avoid fault in technical policy

  23. 英国洁净技术政策及其启示

    The Policy of the " Clean Technology " in Britain and Its Enlightenment

  24. 美国科学技术政策的历史沿革

    The Evolution of US Policy of Science and Technology

  25. 铁路编组站建设发展的主要技术政策论证

    Demonstration of Main Technical Policies of Construction and Development or Railway Marshalling Yards

  26. 卫生科学和技术政策专家咨询组

    Expert Advisory Panel on Health Science and Technology Policy

  27. 均衡与演化框架下的技术政策比较

    Comparison of technology policy in equilibrium and evolutionary framework

  28. 欧洲新信息技术政策宣言

    Declaration concerning a European Policy on New Information Technologies

  29. 建设事业技术政策纲要(节选)

    Construction Enterprise Technology Policy Compendium ( Extract )

  30. 我国农村电网建设改造的技术政策分析

    Analysis on the Technology Policy of Rural Power Grid Construction and Transformation in China