
  • 网络Technical style;technological style;technique style
  1. 提出了调整队伍结构,强化技术风格与特点,加强科学训练与针对性训练的发展对策。

    The writer puts forward the countermeasures of adjusting team 's structure , strengthening technological style and characteristic , strengthening scientific training and pertinence training .

  2. 这种技术风格在铁饼速度上表现出持续加速的特征,在最后用力之前可以形成较快的水平分速度占优势的合速度。

    This technique style show a constant acceleration characteristic in discus speed and before final stage can form a fast speed which horizontal velocity is predominant .

  3. PicoContainer是最小的轻量级容器,只支持Java™技术风格配置,而不支持XML配置。

    PicoContainer is the smallest of the lightweight containers and uniquely supports a Java ™ technology-style configuration , rather than an XML configuration .

  4. 他的技术风格跟蒂姆•费里斯有类似之处,后者著有红极一时的生产力指导类书籍:《每周工作4小时》(The4-HourWorkweek)。

    His technocratic style is similar to that of Tim Ferriss , author of the smash hit productivity guide the 4-hour workweek .

  5. 新赛制对羽毛球女双技术风格的影响

    The Influence of New Game System on Badminton Doubles of Lady Competitors

  6. 篮球运动技术风格、流派的形成之探讨

    Formation of the Style and the School of Basketball Technique

  7. 竞技性艺术体操技术风格特征的研究

    Research on the Skill Style Characteristics of Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics

  8. 是这些球队和他以及他的技术风格不合?

    Were these teams just bad fits for him and his skills ?

  9. 中国乒乓球制胜技术风格的演变与基础训练对策

    Development of Chinese Table Tennis Technical Style and Countermeasures to the Basic Training

  10. 现代女子剑术的技术风格研究

    On Women Swordsmanship Style in Modern Time

  11. 他的技术风格是削中有攻。

    She cut her finger chopping vegetables .

  12. 审美欣赏水平的高低对能否正确认知健身气功温柔敦厚的技术风格起着很关键的作用。

    Level of aesthetic appreciation as to whether the correct cognitive Health Qigong gentle style of technology plays a key role .

  13. 意图通过实践解决画面问题,探索和研究适合个人的技术风格和发展方向。

    The motive is to solve painting problems through practice , and to explore and research individual technology style and development .

  14. 启发学生发挥主观能动性,引导学生形成自己的技术风格和基本的战术意识。

    Inspiring students to play an initiative to guide the students form their own style of technical and fundamental tactical awareness . 4 .

  15. 艺术体操的艺术美即技术风格特征也是竞争力,在难度凸显的当今艺术体操界,技术风格具有更实用的价值。

    Artistry of rhythmic gymnastics is also competitive ; highlight the difficulty in the current rhythmic gymnastics community , the value of artistry has more practical .

  16. 将篮球运动技术风格、流派的形成,作为一个相对独立的研究课题进行理论探讨,目前较少见。

    At present , it is short of the theoretical studies that regard Formation of the Style and the School of Basketball Technique as a comparative independent suject .

  17. 对南拳竞赛套路技术风格演进进行分析,比较研究了武术竞赛规则的演变对南拳技术风格的影响情况,为南拳运动的训练和竞赛提供参考。

    We make a study on skills tricks of Nangquan Boxing competition and also on the influence of Wushu competitive rules development on skills tricks of Nangquan Boxing .

  18. 并提出建议:加强身体素质训练;加强进攻能力训练;提高防守能力训练;养成队伍技术风格;引用国外优秀教练。

    And put forward Suggestions : strengthen the physical quality training : Strengthen offensive ability training : To improve defensive ability training : Develop team technical style ; Refer to foreign outstanding coach .

  19. 而整个小学教育系统中,存在着不同学校信息化水平参差不齐、现有应用系统技术风格各异、功能不全面、平台不统一等问题。

    The primary school education system , there exists the problem of different school informatization level uneven , existing application system of different style , not fully functional , the platform not unified .

  20. 中国羽毛球的起伏及当前所面临的严峻挑战,引发对“快、狠、准、活”技术风格的重新思考。

    The ups and downs of Chinese badminton team and the serious challenge the team are confronting with currently have induced the rethinking of the technical style of " being fast , aggressive , accurate and flexible " .

  21. 在纸质媒体普及后足球的快速传播中,南美足球技术风格初现,大众对足球的态度发生变化,政府开始通过扶持足球凝聚民心。

    After the popularity of paper-based media , and the rapid spread of South American football , the style of football there appeared , the mass change attitude on the football , the government began to rally public support through enabling football .

  22. 这种技术风格在左脚单支撑阶段可以获得最大效益的旋转力矩,但是在过渡阶段减少衔接时间和形成最佳用力姿势时出现困难,容易出现正确技术无法完成。

    This technique style can acquire the maximum efficiency rotating torque at the stage of left leg single support , but it will encounter difficulties when short transition time and form the best powerful posture , these will lead the right technique cannot be completed .

  23. 对女子柔道寝技进攻意识的建立和训练进行探讨,提出在短时间赶超国内先进水平,形成运动员独特技术风格训练方法、手段和措施。

    This article is about the forming and training of the Grappling-technique offensive consciousness in women 's judo , and how to catch up with even surpass the home level in a short period , and providing some special training methods to build the athletes ' characteristic .

  24. 以参加8运会羽毛球比赛的21支队伍(包括香港队)的运动员为研究对象,对全国羽毛球实力格局、后备队伍状况、技术风格与打法类型、体能状况等进行了分析讨论。

    Players of 21 provincial badminton teams ( including Hong Kong ) participating in the 8th National Games were studied as objects to make an analysis of the existing strength structure , the reserved talent players , skill and playing styles , and physical fitness of Chinese badminton .

  25. 在羽毛球界传统观念中,没有正确认识技术风格与制胜规律的关系,因而推导出现代女双正朝着“拉开、调动突击”方向发展的论断。

    The relationship between technical style and winning pattern is not correctly recognized by traditional viewpoints spread over the badminton community , thus causing the drawing of the conclusion that modern women 's doubles badminton is developing towards the orientation of " draw back , maneuver and then attack " .

  26. 此模型整合了学术和技术COE风格所特有的活动和突出功能。

    This model incorporates the activities and salient features characterized by the academic and technical COE styles .

  27. 武术套路器械技术演练风格类型研究

    Research of Styles of Wushu Appliance Technical Practice

  28. 关于榨汁技术和风格相结合的具体指导,也包括在此项果汁和果汁美妙的集合。

    A detailed guide on juicing techniques and combining flavors is also included in this wonderful collection of juices and smoothies .

  29. 在第五至第四世纪,在东周时期,出现了新的技术和风格,同时施工方法的改进。

    In the fifth to fourth century during the Eastern Zhou period , new techniques and styles appeared , along with improved methods of construction .

  30. 第一部分归纳了早期居住建筑的构筑技术与风格,以及传统建筑形象的变异和进化,即对符号造型语言及艺术表现的追求。

    Part one mainly generalizes the technology of construction and style of original dwelling architecture , as well as the evolution of configuration of traditional architecture which embodies the semiotic language and art expression .