
  • 网络Technology Acquisition;technology-acquiring
  1. 论反向工程的技术获取与后发优势

    Technology Acquisition and Backwardness Advantage of Reverse Engineering

  2. 本课程亦检验技术获取理论。

    Theories of technology acquisition are examined .

  3. 基于位图和字库技术获取LED点阵信息的方法

    Methods of Getting Lattice Information for LED by Using Device Independent Bitmap and Chinese Character Library

  4. 提出了应用逆向工程技术获取C构件模型和项目级构件模型的方法,应用模型描述技术及版本描述技术来实现C构件模型版本描述、演化及跟踪管理;

    NET and puts forward the method of obtaining C # Component Model and Model of C # Component based on Project by using the reverse engineering technology .

  5. 浏览器端以JavaScript语言开发,利用Ajax异步通信技术获取图像数据。

    Its browser end is coded in JavaScript language while utilizing Ajax tech to achieve asynchronous image data obtaining .

  6. 利用InSAR技术获取三峡地区的数字高程模型

    Acquisition of DEM of Three Gorges area by InSAR

  7. 利用透射式太赫兹时域光谱技术获取人体正常皮肤组织和癌变组织的THz时域光谱,并对得到THz谱线进行分析。

    The THz-TDS spectrums of normal human skin tissue and cancerous tissue are obtained by THz-TDS transmission way .

  8. 利用D-InSAR和AZO技术获取Bam地震同震三维形变场

    Acquiring 3D coseismic deformation field of Bam earthquake by using D-InSAR and azo techniques

  9. 运用TAIL-PCR(热不对称交错PCR)技术获取和分析T-DNA侧翼序列。

    Meanwhile , Using TAIL-PCR ( Thermal Asymmetric Interlace PCR ) technology obtained and analyzed Transferred-DNA flanking sequences .

  10. 以透明颤菌染色体基因组DNA为模板,利用PCR技术获取透明颤菌(Vitreoscilla)血红蛋白基因(vgb)。

    Polymerase chain reaction-PCR technique was used to obtain Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene ( vgb ) using its genomic DNA as a template .

  11. 利用PCAP技术获取网卡MAC地址

    Obtaining MAC Addresses of Network Cards with PCAP

  12. 目的:通过反义RNA技术获取稻属曲霉(AspergillusOryzae)新的表现型。

    Objective : To acquire the new clear color phenotype of Aspergillus oryzae by the antisense strategy of siderophore regulation protein ( SREP ) like gene .

  13. 利用星载D-INSAR技术获取的地表形变场研究张北-尚义地震震源破裂特征

    Using Deformation Field Obtained by Spaceborne D-INSAR Technique to Research Characteristics of Source Rupture of Zhangbei-Shangyi Earthquake

  14. 底层的pureQuery技术获取应用程序元数据,以用于影响分析、隐私分析、问题隔离、以及热点分析。

    The underlying pureQuery technology gathers application metadata for use in impact analysis , privacy analysis , problem isolation , and hot-spot analysis .

  15. 提出一种以核磁共振(NMR)技术获取蛋白质分子多肽链中原于对(主要是H&H对)的距离约束,来计算蛋白质在溶液中的三维结构的方法。

    A method of determining the three-dimensional structure for proteins in aqueous solution by a set of distance constraints between backbond atoms ( mainly for H - H , obtained from NMR ) was developed .

  16. 结论采用PTSA技术获取的睾丸精子进行ICSI是治疗梗阻性及非梗阻性无精子症的一种安全、简单、有效的方法。

    Conclusions : PTSA combined with ICSI is an effective method for treatment of obstructive azoospermia and non - obstructive azoospermia .

  17. 该系统利用GPS(全球卫星定位系统)技术获取货车位置、速度等信息,通过GPRS(通用分组无线业务)技术建立车载端与地面监控中心的交互通道。

    The system obtains information such as vehicle locations and speed by GPS ( Global Positioning System ), while builds an interactive channel between the vehicle and the ground control center by GPRS ( General Packet Radio Service ) .

  18. 系统采用基于FourierMellin变换的2D图像匹配技术获取用户的视点参数,利用已标定的来自不同视点的图像作为参考图像库。

    Accurate registration was achieved by using Fourier-Mellin transform based 2D image registration algorithm and a set of reference images captured from different viewpoint was calibrated and used as reference image database .

  19. 利用He-Ne激光束在透明件内的全反射散光信息,借助数字图象处理技术获取双折射条纹的定量结果;

    The total reflection of scattered light of He-Ne laser beam in a transparent body was used to get the distribution of birefringence fringes over the principal beam by digital image processing technique .

  20. 利用遥感和GIS技术获取20世纪90年代中期和2000年的土地利用数字数据以及土壤侵蚀数字数据。利用GIS技术获取坡度分级数据、环境质量等级数据、地貌分区数据和地市州行政单元数据。

    With the technologies of remote sensing and / or GIS , we obtained the land-use digital data of 1995 and 2000 , the soil erosion data of 1995 and the data of slope grade , environment quality grade , geomorphic region , and administration districts .

  21. 在科技全球化浪潮冲击下,跨国公司产业竞争优势演化催生的RD资源全球转移为发展中国家实现技术获取型对外直接投资(TSFDI),获取反向技术外溢创造了机遇。

    With the impact of Technology Globalization , RD resource global transfer caused by the evolution of TNCs ' industry competition advantage helps the developing nations to enforce technology sourcing FDI and obtain reverse technology spillover .

  22. 本文从公司层面出发,通过理论分析加实证研究的方法,在分析影响企业技术获取型OFDI模式选择影响因素的基础上,通过实证检验验证这些影响因素的显著性。

    Based on the company level and by the method of theoretical analysis plus empirical study , this article tries to prove the significance of variables through empirical study .

  23. 方法经显微切割技术获取前列腺癌及PIN各10例患者DNA,采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)及微卫星多态性技术,对6号染色体上的20个微卫星标志位点LOH进行检测。

    Methods Pure DNA was obtained from prostate neoplasms and normal tissues after tissue microdissection . LOH of chromosome 6 was detected by PCR based microsatellite polymorphism analysis technique using 20 pairs of microsatellite primers in 10 prostate carcinoma cases and 10 high grade PIN cases .

  24. 方法6例患者应用No-touch技术获取小隐静脉7条,作为端侧或者序贯吻合的旁路材料。

    Method Seven pieces of lesser saphe - nous veins of 6 patients were harvested as the single or sequential grafts of CABG procedure with No-touch technique .

  25. 因此,在由三维扫描技术获取的点云数据领域,基于kd-tree的数据组织应用越来越广泛。

    Therefore , in the field of point cloud data obtained by the three-dimensional scanning technology , the application of data organization based on kd-tree becomes more and more wide .

  26. AOI是指用光学成像技术获取被检测物的数字图像,然后由计算机对图像进行计算以实现对被检测物的检验、分析和判断。

    AOI ( Automated Optical Inspection ) refers to the process of photographing the inspected products , transferring the digital pictures to the computer then calculate , analyze and make judgement about the inspected products .

  27. 以Linux为平台,利用PCAP技术获取以太网范围内IP地址所对应的网卡MAC地址,使网管人员在网络管理中获得主动,同时为自主开发网络管理软件提供可能。

    This paper presents obtaining MAC address of network adapter corresponding to IP address within the Ethernet scope by using PCAP technique and on the basis of Linux platform , making network administrator know IP address for convenient network management , and is probable to develop network management software autonomously .

  28. 由于在资源访问控制中运用可信网络连接技术获取了平台因素和实体及平台的可信等级,因此,本文提出的TL-BLP模型可以实现TNC架构上的资源访问控制的可信性。

    As Trusted Network Connection technology was applied to obtain platform factors and trusted level of entities and platforms , the creditability of resource access control on TNC structure can be achieved in TL-BLP .

  29. 首先,介绍了Nose-to-Nose校准技术获取示波器冲激响应、阶跃响应、过渡时间、幅频特性和相频特性的各种算法。

    At first , the algorithms for " Nose-to-Nose " calibration technology acquiring the parameters are introduced , including the algorithms for acquiring the impulse response , the step response , the rise time , the amplitude response and the phase response .

  30. 第五章建立了对接跨国公司R&D资源转移的N-C-P分析框架,提出基于国家创新体系,从五个层面实现内向对接;发展技术获取型对外直接投资,实现外向对接的双向(内外向)对接思想。

    Chapter 5 builds a N-C-P model for analyzing jointing with TNC R & D resources . This part also puts forward the theory of an inward five layers jointing system based on NIS and an outward jointing way by Technology Sourcing FDI .