
yuān yang
  • mandarin duck;lovebirds;an affectionate couple;aix galericulata
鸳鸯 [yuān yāng]
  • (1) [mandarin duck]∶亚洲一种亮斑冠鸭(Aix galericulata),它与西半球的林鸭关系较近,常被人工饲养。比鸭小,雄的羽毛美丽,头有紫黑色羽冠,翼的上部黄褐色;雌的全体苍褐色;栖息于池沼之上,雌雄常在一起

  • 自名为鸳鸯。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (2) [an affectionate couple]∶比喻恩爱夫妻

鸳鸯[yuān yang]
  1. 论鸳鸯蝴蝶派小说与受众接受的关系

    Relationship between The Mandarin Duck Butterfly and the acceptance of audience

  2. 现代性建构:被忽视的途径&重识文学研究会与鸳鸯蝴蝶派的论争

    The Controversy between Literature Research Society and Mandarin Duck & Butterfly School

  3. 杰克和他太太现在是一对快乐的鸳鸯。

    Jack and his missis are as happy as two lovebirds now .

  4. 据称,她和一个巡佐在极可意浴缸里玩鸳鸯浴,但是她并不承认。

    It was claimed she cavorted with a police sergeant in a Jacuzzi but she denies this .

  5. 鸳鸯(Aixgalericulata)在我国被列为国家Ⅱ级保护动物,国际鸟类联盟将其列为无危(LC)物种。

    Mandarin Ducks was listed as a Class II key state protection animal of China and BirdLife International ( 2000 ) listed the Mandarin Duck ( Aix galericulata ) as a least concern species .

  6. 好!鸳鸯锅总是辣的一边先开。

    This side is boiling ! Put some mutton in first !

  7. 鸳鸯、火鸡、孔雀、鸭子3276枚;

    Mandarin ducks , turkeys , peacocks , ducks , 3276 ;

  8. 宁夏鸳鸯湖电厂空冷气象条件分析

    Analysis of Air-Cooling Meteorological Conditions at Ningxia Yuanyang Lake Power Plant

  9. 想起那拆鸳鸯离魂惨。

    When I recall our separation , my battered spirit fleets .

  10. 我们就像鸳鸯鸟,比翼双飞在人间。

    We are like mandarin ducks flying together in the world .

  11. 历史夹缝中的鸳鸯蝴蝶派电影

    The Mandarin Duck and Butterfly Film School Caught at a Historical Moment

  12. 论鸳鸯蝴蝶派与大众接受

    The School of Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies and Commonalty Acceptance

  13. 审视鸳鸯蝴蝶派

    A Closely Look to the Mandarin Duck - Butterfly School

  14. 鸳鸯湖棹歌试论

    A Trial Discussion on Oaring Folk Songs on Yuanyang Lake

  15. 鸳鸯港发展规划问题研究

    Researches of Development and Planning on the Port of Yuanyang

  16. 你们只是点错了鸳鸯谱。

    You guys just haven 't met the right girl .

  17. 鸳鸯在吉林地区的新记录

    New distribution of Aix galericulata in Jilin and its vicinity

  18. 鸳鸯鸭霉菌病的诊断和治疗

    The diagnosis and treatment of M and arin duck mycosis

  19. 鸳鸯戏水后,他们离开了旅馆。

    Mandarin ducks playing in the water , they left the hotel .

  20. 我们可以鸳鸯共浴,月下小酌。

    We will swim with dolphins , and sip champagne by moonlight .

  21. 鸳鸯蝴蝶派文学新论

    A New Perspective into the Literary School of the Mandarin Duck and Butterfly

  22. 近代翻译文学史上不该遗忘的角落&鸳鸯蝴蝶派作家的翻译活动及其影响

    An Undeserved Forgotten Corner in the History of Modern Translated Literature of China

  23. 一男一女打算做一对鸳鸯。

    Girl and guy decide to make like the birds and the bees .

  24. 近十年鸳鸯蝴蝶派研究述评

    A summary of the research into Mandarin-Butterfly literary school in recent ten years

  25. 双方对于情感安全的需要让这对鸳鸯极为忠诚。

    Their mutual need for emotional security fosters extreme loyalty to one another .

  26. 你知道鸳鸯浴我们刚才

    You know , the hot tub * we were

  27. 鸳鸯时刻关注着自己的孩子

    mandarin ducks keep a close watch over their young

  28. 从鸳鸯看《红楼梦》中的痴情世界

    The Spoony World in A Dream in Red Mansions Seen from Maid Yuan Yang

  29. 鸳鸯蝴蝶派的兴起不是偶然的。

    The rise of the school of " Yuanyang Hudie " was not occasional .

  30. 图中鸟为鸳鸯,花为莲花的变体。

    The birds are mandarin ducks , and the flowers are transfigurations of lotuses .