
  • 网络Experience
  1. 于是,他们通过结识共同创建了“4D死亡体验馆”。

    That was when the two hooked up to createthe " 4D Experience of Death . "

  2. 4D死亡体验馆将于2014年9月份在上海开业,体验馆将邀请参与者完成一系列避开“死亡”的挑战。

    When it opens in Shanghai in September 2014 , it will inviteparticipants to compete in a series of challenges to avoid " dying . "

  3. GBD将打造包括设计型酒店、酒店式公寓、餐饮、酒吧、高级时装品牌商店、家居体验馆在内的综合视觉商业消费场所。

    GBD will include the design-build hotels , apartment-style hotel , restaurants , bars , senior fashion brand shops , Museum home to experience the visual integrated commercial consumer sites .

  4. 基于本文的原型系统,我们开发了数字科技馆的虚拟生物实验室部分和淮扬菜数字文化博物馆的虚拟烹调美食体验馆部分。

    Based on prototype system , we developed a virtual genetic laboratory , which is a part of Digital Science and Technology Museum , and Cooking Huaiyang Cuisine system of Digital Culture Museum .