
  1. 提出了构建民族传统体育学专业硕士研究生实践教学的新内容体系。

    This thesis proposes to build new content system of traditional sports specialty practice teaching graduate .

  2. 对这两个词条的释义进行了探讨,并指出编写体育学专业词典是一项重要的基础工作,一定要保持优良学风和严谨的科学态度。

    Sports > nd the explanation of sports in This paper discusses these paraphrases , then the writer points out that it is an important work to compile sports professional dictionary and we must build up religious attitude .

  3. 重庆市体育教育训练学专业硕士研究生就业现状研究

    Chongqing Municipality Sport Master Employment Status of Graduate Students Research

  4. 我国体育人文社会学专业硕士学位论文选题述评

    Topic selection of master degree theses on humanistic sports sociology

  5. 毕业于北京体育大学教育学专业,博士学位。

    Graduate from athletics university pedagogy in Peking particularly an industry , Ph.D.degree .

  6. 体育人文社会学专业下体育管理(方向)教育发展的研究

    The Research on the Development of Sports Management Education Beyond Humanity Sociology of Sports

  7. 对山西省体育教育训练学专业硕士学位论文选题的分析研究

    Analysis on the Subject Selection of the Masters ' Thesis of Physical Education in Shanxi Province

  8. 5所大学体育教育训练学专业研究生培养比较研究

    A Comparative Research in Fostering Project of Postgraduate Specializing in Physical Education and Training in Five Universities

  9. 它是对体育教育训练学专业硕士研究生各项素质发展要素的总体规定和设计。

    It is an overall prescription and imagination of each developing quality factor for masters of Physical Education and Training .

  10. 从就业难审视体育教育训练学专业篮球方向硕士研究生培养、教育现状。

    From employment hard to education training study examines sports professional basketball direction education graduate cultivation , the status quo .

  11. 对我国体育人文社会学专业的课程结构从开设课程的分类、比重、内容等方面进行分析。

    The authors analyzed the curriculum structure of sports humanistic sociology specialty in terms of the classification , proportion and content of the curriculum established .

  12. 我国高校体育学本科特色专业建设现状研究涉及到高校办学理念、人才培养、专业设置等教育的核心问题。

    Our college physical education undergraduate specialty construction present situation research involves the University-running idea , talent training , professional setting and the core question of education .

  13. 对体育教育训练学专业硕士研究生教育实习质量管理活动实施监控与评价,为提高教育实习质量、实习生教育综合能力发挥了积极的向导和促进作用。

    The monitor and evaluation of the teaching practice quality management about the Graduates in Theory of Sports Pedagogy and Training can make a positive instruction and foster the improving of the teaching practice quality and the students ' integrative ability in practice .

  14. 论体育院系运动训练学专业学生教学实习的作用

    Analysis on the movement training study college major teaching practice function research

  15. 学校体育学是体育教育专业的主干课程,对培养合格的体育教师发挥着重要的指导作用。

    School physical education theory is one of the main courses for PE speciality . It plays a guiding role in training qualified physical education teachers .

  16. 作者呼吁,必须加强体育学研究生的专业基础教育和科学方法教育,实质性地提高他们的逻辑思维与文字表达能力。

    It is proposed that graduate programs in sport sciences should pay close attention to the education of basic theories and methodology and the substantial improvement in logic thinking and writing ability are badly and urgently needed .

  17. 引出了国内高等体育院校民族传统体育学专业硕士研究生实践教学质量保障体系中存在的问题。

    And we lead out the assurance system problems of practice teaching quality in the domestic Traditional Sports College of Physical Education Graduate Students .

  18. 通过对我国11所高等体育院校民族传统体育学专业硕士研究生实践教学调查分析,分析了国内民族传统体育学专业硕士研究生实践教学的现状,分析了现行实践教学的特点及存在的问题。

    We analyze the characteristics of the current teaching practice and problems of the domestic National Traditional Sports Professional Practice in Teaching of Graduate Students , according to the analysis of practice teaching survey of 11 Traditional Sports College of Physical Education Graduate Students .

  19. 论体育本体产业结构与体育学专业毕业生就业结构的关系

    On the Relation between Sport Industry Structure and Sport Major Graduates ' Employment Structure

  20. 在与国外体育硕士生课程及国内人文社会科学专业课程比较的基础上,提出适合我国体育人文社会学专业特点的课程结构。

    On the basis of comparing foreign master sports curriculums and domestic curriculums of sports humanistic sociology specialty , the authors put forward the curriculum structure that was adapted to the characteristics of sports humanistic sociology specialty in China .