
  • 网络Student visa;study permit;study visa;student pass
  1. W:你是旅游签证还是学生签证?

    W : Are you on a tourist visa or a student visa ?

  2. 英国议员对英国边境管理局(ukborderagency)发起严厉抨击,指责其未能阻止外国人滥用学生签证制度非法进入英国。

    MPs have launched a scathing attack on the UK Border Agency over its failure to prevent people abusing the student visa system to enter the country illegally .

  3. 高达40%的学生签证均已过期。

    Up to forty per cent of the students had overstayed their visas .

  4. 他们持F1学生签证合法入境。

    Here legally on F-1 student visas .

  5. 围绕学生签证的不确定性也意味着,各大学也担心可能无法从欧盟(eu)以外地区招收到大量学生。

    Uncertainty about student visas means institutions are also concerned about potentially losing the right to bring in large numbers of learners from outside the EU .

  6. 然而,以上学生签证的持有者可以按照新的SOL表内的职业来申请技术移民永居签证。

    However these student visa holders will be required to have an occupation on the new SOL to apply for a permanent GSM visa .

  7. 现行的用以认定学生签证风险等级的评估等级(AL)制度是按照申请人的国籍和教育类别对他们予以评级,并确定申请人在申办签证时需要提供的经济担保、教育背景和英语语言证明材料。

    The current AL system for identifying student visa risk ranks applicants according to their nationality and education sector and determines the financial , educational and English language evidence applicants are required to provide .

  8. 如果学生签证持有人提名的职业不是在CSL上?

    What if the student visa holder is nominated for an occupation which is not on the CSL ?

  9. 尽管2011年和2010年从印度移民至英国的人数分别以6万人和6.5万人位居第一,今年在英国收紧学生签证及英国内政部宣称要减少欧盟(EU)外移民人数之后,这一数字下跌至3.7万人

    While Indian arrivals topped 60000 in 2011 and 65000 in 2010 , the number has now fallen to 37000 after a clampdown on student visas and Home Office rhetoric about cutting immigration from outside the EU .

  10. 与此同时,我们也讲到了学生签证和SEVIS的职责所在。

    And we talked about student visas and the job of SEVIS .

  11. 宾夕法尼亚州西区的联邦检察官戴维·希克顿(DavidHickton)称,有些被告人已被全国各地的大学录取,于是他们有了获得进入美国所需要的学生签证的资格。

    David J. Hickton , the United States attorney for the District of Western Pennsylvania , said some of the defendants were admitted to universities around the country , which would have helped them qualify for student visas necessary for entrance into the country .

  12. 移民部长JamesBrokenshire说有证据显示学生签证系统的滥用为犯罪活动,现在将等待更充分的调查。

    Immigration Minister James Broken shire told the Commons that an inquiry into abuse of the student visa system had found evidence of criminal activity , which would now be investigated fully .

  13. 但是,如果你没有你的学生签证工作许可,您不能工作,除非你获得批准的H1-B类地位。

    However , if you didn 't have work permission with your student visa , you cannot work unless and until you get approved for H1-B status .

  14. 新的审理办法将使DIAC签证官在做签证决定时可以根据所有相关情况来考虑是否应取消学生签证,为学生提供一个更公平的签证结果。

    The new process would allow DIAC decision-makers to take all relevant circumstances into account when considering whether or not a student visa should be cancelled , providing a fairer outcome for clients .

  15. 该校金融中心(CentreforFinance)主任丹尼斯.芬克(DennisVink)指出,奈尔洛德的留学生受益于荷兰相对宽松的移民规定,它允许学生签证持有者在毕业后工作最长一年时间。

    Dennis Vink , director of its Centre for Finance , notes that those coming from overseas to study at Nyenrode benefit from the relatively generous Dutch immigration rules , which allow people to work for up to a year after graduating on their student visa .

  16. 内政大臣安伯.拉德(AmberRudd)在保守党会议上表示,政府正在考虑两级学生签证制度,确保我们世界领先的院校能够吸引最聪明和最优秀的学生……同时对质量较低的课程的学生实施较严的规则。

    Amber Rudd , the home secretary , told the Conservative party conference that the government was considering a two-tier student visa system , making sure our world-leading institutions can attract the brightest and the best   .   .   .   while looking at tougher rules for students on lower-quality courses .

  17. 去年,澳大利亚宣布全面放宽学生签证制度。

    Last year it announced sweeping liberalisation of student visa rules .

  18. 然后我就怕极了,因为我拿的是学生签证

    and then I got scared , with my shitty student visa

  19. 申请学生签证的程序没有改变。

    The application procedure for an F-1 visa remains the same .

  20. 新出台的减少海外学生签证的规定危害极大。

    New rules to reduce student visas would be very destructive .

  21. 持学生签证的话,不允许做全职工作。

    On a student visa , full-time work is not permitted .

  22. 签证官对学生签证申请人有三个主要的考虑因素

    There are three main factors Visa Officers consider for student visa applicants

  23. 我来求学。我拿的是学生签证。

    I am here for studying . I have a student visa .

  24. 史蒂芬说,“我是选学生签证还是旅行签证?”

    Steven says ," Should I check student or tourist ?"

  25. 政府颁发的身份证,工作许可证,学生签证

    Government issued I.D. , work papers , student Visa .

  26. 我可以从哪里获得现行的学生签证评估等级信息?

    Where can I find information on existing student visa assessment levels ?

  27. 没有任何财政援助,我不能获得学生签证。

    Without any financial aid , I can 't get a student visa .

  28. 持学生签证在奥地利半年。

    Living for a half a year in Austria on a student visa .

  29. 究竟需要办理什么样的学生签证呢?

    What type of student visa do I need ?

  30. 一些9.11事件的劫匪就是用学生签证蒙混进美国的。

    Some of the September eleventh hijackers entered the country on student visas .