
  • 网络academic career;academic life;Academia;Life of Learning
  1. 但我们仍然希望能继续自己的学术生涯。

    Still the hope of an academic career keeps us going .

  2. 现在你可以在这里建立真正的学术生涯。

    Now you can build a real academic career here .

  3. 学者们逐渐将成立公司视为学术生涯的一个正常部分,一些“连续创业者(serialentrepreneurs)”开始逐步出现。

    Dons increasingly see setting up companies as a normal part of academic life and some " serial entrepreneurs " have begun to emerge .

  4. 这几年的学术生涯,我教授面向对象分析和设计(OOAD)的课程。

    This academic year , as in the last few years , my schedule started out by teaching a course in object-oriented analysis and design ( OOAD ) .

  5. 金恩辉:立足于图书馆实践的学术生涯40年

    Jin Enhui : 40 Years of Academic Research of Library Science

  6. 在我本人的学术生涯中,遇到过这里的许多问题。

    Many of these issues have arisen in my own academic life .

  7. 《普通法传统》是卢埃林三十多年学术生涯的凝结。

    The Common Law Tradition is the congelation of Llewellyn 's learning career .

  8. 本文是关于著名的美国人类学家玛格丽特·米德学术生涯的评述。

    This dissertation is a review and re-understanding of Margaret Meads professional life .

  9. 摘要巴赫金将对话的思想贯穿于其学术生涯的始终。

    The theory of dialogue goes through all Mikhail bakhtin 's academic life .

  10. 我从不知道学术生涯意味着投入几十年的人生给这个当初误打误撞进入的学科。

    I didn 't know it meant devoting decades to this field I entered reluctantly .

  11. 他的生活经历在他的学术生涯中一直扮演着一个重要角色。

    His life experiences have always been playing a big role in his academic career .

  12. 然而,这仍然是我学术生涯中,非常喜爱的研究项目。

    However , it is still my on going favorite interest in my academic career .

  13. 中国政治思想史研究贯穿吕振羽学术生涯始终。

    The research about political ideology history of Chinese run through Lu Zhenyu 's learning career .

  14. 在其学术生涯后期,奥尔森转向了对解决措施的求索。

    In his later years , it was to " medicine " that Mr Olson turned .

  15. 论文主要探讨了早年罗尔纲的学术生涯。

    The thesis mainly discussed the academic career of Luo Er gang in the early years .

  16. 如果学术生涯中没有发表科研成果,他(她)将失去工作。

    If your scholarship does not result in publications you will be out of a job .

  17. 安全感和获得更薪水的前景可能会使学术生涯看上去稍微多了一份吸引力。

    Security and the prospect of higher salaries may make an academic career look marginally more attractive .

  18. 在托福考试的设计是在您的学术生涯的第一个障碍之一。

    The TOEFL test is designed to be one of the first hurdles in your academic career .

  19. 威廉姆斯和赛西分析了男性和女性(有孩子和没孩子)的学术生涯相关资料。

    Williams and Ceci analyzed data about the academic careers of men and women with and without children .

  20. 作者于2001年3月12日对他作了采访,了解到他的学术生涯和学术成就。

    The author interviewed him on March 12 , 2001 and got to know his academic career and achievements .

  21. 凯恩斯的学术生涯在英国剑桥大学渡过;熊彼特在1932年移民到了美国马萨诸塞州的剑桥。

    Keynes 's academic life was in Cambridge , England ; Schumpeter emigrated to Cambridge , Massachusetts , in 1932 .

  22. 菲尔普斯回忆说,他在学术生涯中相对较晚的时期才开始从事基本工作&35岁左右。

    Phelps reflects that he did his seminal work relatively late in his career - he was in his mid-thirties .

  23. 南高派史学精神对郑鹤声而言,应当说持续并贯穿了其治史的全部学术生涯。

    The spirit of the high camp of the Southern , sustained his rule and the history of his academic career .

  24. 以自己的教育学教学与研究的学术生涯为背景,对教育学的时代困境进行了思考。

    This paper , from a background of the author 's teaching and research career , discussed the present dilemma of pedagogy .

  25. 从辞章到考据&论姚鼐学术生涯第一次重大转折与戴震的关系

    From Rhetoric to Textual Criticism : On the Relation of the First Reorientation in YAO Nai 's Academic Career and DAI Zhen

  26. 他在发展他的学术生涯方面,并未形成一个正常人的社会关系,他不像他的大部分朋友,

    In developing his intellectual life , he did not form the social connections that a less shy person could have made .

  27. 在其六十余年的学术生涯中,创新思想日益得到发展完善和高度重视。

    During his more than 60 years academic profession , the innovation thought obtains the development consummation day by day and takes highly .

  28. 在其学术生涯中,他都坚定地捍卫和发展了马克思主义,彰显了英国文化学派的理论倾向。

    In their academic career , he firmly defended and developed Marxism , and highlighted the theoretical tendencies of the British Culture School .

  29. 他告别了学术生涯,辞掉了原先的咨询公司,专心研究大型企业成功之道。

    He rejected careers in both academia and consulting in order to focus exclusively on the question of what makes great companies tick .

  30. 著名的心血管研究人员将协助您开发整合与科研,帮助教学和病人护理以及学术生涯计划。

    Renowned cardiovascular investigators will assist you in developing a plan for integrating an academic career with research , teaching and patient care obligations .