
  • 网络ghent;GENT;Gand
  1. 根特市的万豪酒店已经在试用Mario,让他递交房门钥匙、和顾客击掌,以及在酒店承办的会议上朗读展示稿来活跃气氛。

    The Marriott hotel in Ghent has been trialling Mario , using him to hand out room keys , high-five guests and liven up meetings held in the hotel by reading out presentations .

  2. 比利时根特大学发展中国家植物生物技术研究所的NancyTerryn在接受本网络记者采访时,表示同意这一报告的结论。

    Speaking to SciDev . Net , Nancy Terryn , of the Institute for Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries at Ghent University , Belgium , agreed with the report .

  3. 好。六:雷根特商学院MBA的学生毕业之后会做什么?

    Woman : Right . Six : What do MBA graduates do after studying at Regent Business School ?

  4. 木薯SBEI基因片段克隆及块根特异性反义表达载体的构建

    Cloning of Cassava SBEI Gene Fragment and Construction of its Storage Root Specific Antisense Expression Vectors

  5. 来自比利时根特大学的研究领导者克劳德·力博特博士说:“数据表明,在人类和其他哺乳动物中,女性寿命更长,更能抵御因败血症发作引起的休克、感染病和创伤。我们认为这可以归因于X染色体。”

    Study leader Dr Claude Libert , from Ghent University in Belgium , said : " Statistics show that in humans , as with other mammals , females live longer than males and are more able to fight off shock episodes from sepsis , infection or trauma . We believe this is due to the X chromosome . "

  6. 目前在中国国内认可的院校有中欧商学院、上海交通大学以及弗拉瑞克-鲁汶-根特管理学院VlerickLeuven-Gent北京分校。

    The recognising institutions in China currently include : China Europe International Business School , Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School ( Beijing ) .

  7. 比利时根特大学疫苗学中心的GeertLeroux-Roels和他的同事上周(8月17日)在《柳叶刀》杂志上发表了他们的这项结果。

    Geert Leroux-Roels , from the Belgium-based Centre for Vaccinology at Ghent University , and colleagues published their results in the Lancet last week ( 17 August ) .

  8. 整个早上她在根特市的狭窄街道上闲荡。

    She spent the morning strolling through the narrow streets of ghent .

  9. 比利时根特大学的心理学家研究了98名儿童。

    Psychologists from Ghent University in Belgium studied 98 children .

  10. 木薯淀粉分支酶基因双价块根特异性反义表达载体的构建

    Construction of Antisense Bivalent-expression Vectors Containing Cassava SBE Gene

  11. 松树根特异性启动子驱动的转CMO/BADH基因水稻的耐盐性研究

    Salt-tolerance analysis of transgenic rice with CMO / BADH driven by Pine-root specific promoter

  12. 林肯的角力功夫成为根特维拉小镇附近谈论的话题。

    Lincolns feats of strength became the talk of the nearby town of Gentryville .

  13. 烟草根特异性启动子植物表达载体的构建及其对番茄的转化

    Construction of expression vector driven by tobacco root-specific promoter and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of tomato

  14. 植物根特异性基因表达研究

    Review of plant root specific gene expression

  15. 拟南芥黑芥子酶基因根特异性表达启动子的克隆

    Cloning of root specific expression promoter of myrosinase ( pyk10 ) gene from Arabidopsis thaliana

  16. 我们为自己身为雷根特商学院的一员感到骄傲。

    Man : Here at Regent Business School , we 're proud of our record .

  17. 锦鲤八月十七日于比利时根特附近的池塘里悠游。

    Koi carps swim in a pond of a breeding farm near Gent in Belgium on Aug.17 .

  18. 雷根特商学院的学生毕业拿到工商管理学硕士学位后会做什么?

    Woman : What do graduates from Regent Business School do when they 've got their MBAs ?

  19. 在根特,贝克兰德应有一个安全的职业,并支持他的化学实验。

    At Ghent , Baekeland would have had a secure career and support for his chemistry experiments .

  20. 比利时根特年夜学的研究人员说,这样做有可能对患者造成“严重的临床后不美观”。

    Researchers from Ghent University in Belgium said there could be " serious clinical consequences " for patients .

  21. 根特维拉有人见过他一个人搬动一个鸡笼,估计鸡笼重达600磅。

    People in Gentryville saw him move a chicken house alone and they swore it weighed 600 pounds .

  22. 布鲁塞尔和根特之间的火车线路于周六日至少停运两天。

    Train services between Brussels and Ghent will close for at least two days on Saturday and Sunday .

  23. 现在,城市有了一个有效的交通规划,其中包括根特市的员工骑自行车或在市外停车。

    Now the city has an effective transportation plan which includes Ghent City bicycles for staff and outlying parking .

  24. 比利时警方拘捕了三名涉嫌绑架人质者。这三人涉嫌星期一在西部城市根特绑架了三名人质。

    Belgian police have detained three people who took a hostage in the western city of Ghent on Monday .

  25. 我想我会投布朗的票,而不投那个看起来很高雅的艾利根特。

    I think I 'll vote for Jimmy Brown instead of the other guy James Leland Elegant the third .

  26. 此外公司在比利时根特的一家工厂将招聘200人。

    In Belgium , where the carmaker has a plant in Ghent , it will hire another 200 people .

  27. 比利时国王利奥波德二世在安特卫普被点燃,在根特被浇上红色油漆。

    King Leopold II of the Belgians was set on fire in Antwerp and doused in red paint in Ghent .

  28. 不过,一些工作岗位也会流向沃尔沃在比利时根特的第二大工厂,以及海外的销售分支机构。

    However , jobs will also go at its second plant in Ghent , Belgium , and at overseas sales subsidiaries .

  29. 比利时根特大学,博士研究生,拟南芥在渗透胁迫下脯氨酸积累的分子机理。

    Ph. D student , Gent University , Belgium . Molecular mechanism underlying proline accumulation during osmotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana .

  30. 热刺前锋迪福以及纽根特都将会是有实力的替补。

    Tottenham striker Jermain Defoe , and maybe Nugent , will be a good option to come off the bench if needed .