
  • 网络Health information;health informatics
  1. 皮尤互联网项目成员苏珊娜福克斯说,医生仍然是人们获得健康信息的主要来源。

    Susannah Fox from the Pew Internet Project says doctors are still the main source of health information .

  2. 44%的人在网上搜索健康信息时实际上是在寻找医生或其他状况相同的信息提供者。

    Forty-four percent of people are actually looking for doctors or other providers when they search for health information online .

  3. 一项新的研究发现,美国80%以上的互联网用户在网上搜索健康信息。

    A new study finds that more than eighty percent of Internet users in the United States search of health information online .

  4. 基于GIS的城市大气环境污染与人体健康信息系统研究&以广西南宁市为例

    Information System of Nanning Atmospheric Environment Pollution and Human Health

  5. 我们请求《健康信息保密安全法案》的提交者和“健康、教育、劳动与养老金委员会”(HELP)的委员们能严肃考虑是否有必要设立医疗信息的永久保密规定。

    We implore the authors of HIPSA and the members of the HELP Committee to consider seriously whether it is necessary to place perpetual privacy restrictions on medical information .

  6. 作为推动更多的个人可控制的健康信息的一个组成部分,微软和Google最近已开始提供基于Web的个人健康档案。

    As part of a push toward greater individual control of health information , Microsoft and Google have recently begun offering Web-based personal health records .

  7. 它形成了大部分健康信息交换(HIE)实现的基础。

    It forms the basis for most Health Information Exchange ( HIE ) implementations .

  8. 来自凯撒家庭基金会(kaiserfamilyfoundation)的一项2010年的研究显示已经有多半初高中学生从互联网上查阅过健康信息。

    A 2010 study from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that more than half of middle - and high-school students have looked up health information online .

  9. OptimPerformanceManager提供的概览和诊断指示板是在一个屏幕内显示大量关于DB2系统健康信息的强大方法。

    The overview and diagnostic dashboards provided by Optim Performance Manager are a powerful way to present a lot of information about DB2 system health in a single screen .

  10. 各种应用(app)从计步器、心率计量仪到酒精测定计和排卵期计算器为人们提供了大量个人健康信息。

    Apps ranging from step-counters and heart-rate meters to alcohol breathalyser kits and ovulation calculators already provide individuals with a wealth of personal health information .

  11. 根据美国卫生与公众服务部(DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices)的统计,就受影响的人数而言,此次信息失窃是同类事件中迄今规模最大的。该部保有一份自2009年以来受保护健康信息遭窃的清单。

    The theft is the largest of its kind in terms of the number of people affected , according to the US Department of Health and Human Services , which has kept a list of breaches of unsecured protected health information since 2009 .

  12. 通过比较几种网络上的传输协议,确定了SOAP为代理网站和Web服务的通信协议,并且根据健康信息数据的特点设计了SOAP体的数据结构。

    Compared several kinds of network transfer protocols , this paper adopts SOAP to be its proxy website and web services transfer protocol , and also designs the structure of SOAP by characteristic of health information data .

  13. 基于PIX和XDS集成规范的个人健康信息共享方案的研究

    Research on the Solution of Personal Health Information Sharing Based on PIX and XDS

  14. 论文首先介绍了个人健康信息管理系统的理念和现状,然后分析了Android的架构和基本组件。

    This paper firstly introduces the concept and Development Current Situation of the personal health record , and then introduces the history , system structure and some basic knowledge of the Android component .

  15. 系统使用HL7医疗健康信息传输与交换标准作为数据交换标准,具有良好的互操作性,使用Ensemble平台作为数据处理工具,降低了系统开发的复杂度,提高了系统运行的效率。

    This system used HL7 standard as the data exchange standard , use Ensemble as data-processing tool . That decreases the complexity of system development and improves the efficiency of the system .

  16. 折扣连锁超市利德(lidl)也曾暗中窥探上班员工,并记录他们的健康信息。

    Lidl , a discount supermarket chain , spied on staff at work and logged information about their health .

  17. 更多的适于当前受保护健康信息的保护应由伦理审查委员会采用《健康保险便利和责任法案》(HIPAA)的公平合理模式以裁定其研究需求。

    More appropriate protection for current protected health information would be to adopt HIPAA 's fair and reasonable model for adjudicating research requests through IRBs .

  18. “我们相信患者应当能很轻松地存取和管理他们自己的健康信息。”MarissaMayer说,他是谷歌的副总裁,负责搜索产品和使用经验。

    " We believe patients should be able to easily access and manage their own health information ," said Marissa Mayer , Vice President , Search Products and User Experience , Google .

  19. 目前,CureTogether和HealthTap公司共同赞助量化自我网站;HealthTap公司是一家为用户量身定制个人健康信息的企业。

    Now , CureTogether and a firm that personalizes health information for individuals called HealthTap sponsor the Quantified Self website .

  20. 苹果上月为自己的iWatch夯实了基础。它宣布推出一款健身应用,该应用将扮演用户健康信息中心的角色——这些信息有很大一部分是由嵌入可穿戴设备的传感器从用户身体各处收集的。

    Apple laid the ground last month for its own iWatch , with the announcement of a fitness app that would act as a hub for a user 's health information , much of it collected from around the body by sensors embedded in wearable gadgets .

  21. 健康信息的传播对改变个体行为之刍议

    Influence of communication of health information on change of individual behaviors

  22. 他们还解释说,会为私人的健康信息保密。

    They explained that private information health would be kept confidential .

  23. 健康信息的不间断访问:为什么如此困难?

    Around-the-clock access to health info : Why is it so hard ?

  24. 80%的学生从电视上了解吸烟和健康信息

    83 percent learned about smoking and health information from television

  25. 社区健康信息系统的功能与评价

    Functions and assessment of a new community health information system

  26. 调查对象对性与生殖健康信息和服务、包括避孕服务具有特殊的需求。

    They had special needs for reproductive information and services .

  27. 健康信息管理人员致力于为诊疗、科研和收费提供高质量的数据。

    Monitoring and Management of Data Quality to Public health information system ;

  28. 高校健康信息系统的设计以及数据的聚类分析

    Design of the College Health Information System and Cluster Analysis of Data

  29. 个性特征分析与心理健康信息系统的研究

    Analysis of Personality Feature and Research of Information System of Psychological Health

  30. 还有6%曾传输病人的电子保密健康信息。

    and another 6 % transmitted patients ' electronic protected health information .