
jiàn kāng
  • health;healthy;wellness;well;fitness;well-being;sound;physique
健康 [jiàn kāng]
  • (1) [healthy;physique]

  • (2) 人的一切生理机能正常,没有疾病或缺陷

  • 身体健康

  • (3) 事物的情况正常

  • 为祖国语言的健康发展而奋斗

健康[jiàn kāng]
  1. 我们互相碰杯,祝对方身体健康。

    We chinked glasses and drank to each other 's health .

  2. 经常性锻炼对于身体健康有直接影响。

    Regular exercise has a direct bearing on fitness and health .

  3. 我每天游泳以保持健康。

    I go swimming every day in order to keep fit .

  4. 作为点心,水果比巧克力更有益于健康。

    It 's healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate .

  5. 她在使自己和子女的健康遭受威胁。

    She was risking her own and her children 's health .

  6. 总统的健康正引起公众的严重关切。

    The President 's health was giving serious cause for concern .

  7. 休手术后又恢复健康了。

    Sue 's back on her feet again after her operation .

  8. 由于健康恶化,他最后几个月的公职工作受到了影响。

    His last months in office were marred by failing health .

  9. 痛苦的经历损害了她的身心健康。

    The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health .

  10. 你应该把锻炼和健康饮食结合起来。

    You should try to combine exercise with a healthy diet .

  11. 孩子们在农场期间健康活泼有生气。

    The children had bloomed during their stay on the farm .

  12. 注重身体健康的消费者想得到更多有关他们所购买的食物的信息。

    Health-conscious consumers want more information about the food they buy .

  13. 一个人只要避免紧张,健康状况就会改善。

    A person 's health improves with the avoidance of stress .

  14. 为保持身体健康,她戒了烟。

    She gave up smoking for the sake of her health .

  15. 她的健康状况急剧恶化,不久便去世了。

    Her health deteriorated rapidly , and she died shortly afterwards .

  16. 他们碰杯互祝身体健康。

    They clinked glasses and drank to each other 's health .

  17. 五岁儿童牙齿不健康的比例高。

    A high proportion of five-year-olds have teeth in poor condition .

  18. 这项新法规涉及工作场所的健康与安全。

    The new legislation concerns health and safety at work .

  19. 我们孩子们的健康正受到排放出的废气的损害。

    The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes .

  20. 她宣扬了健康生活的好处。

    She preached about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle .

  21. 只要身体健康,其他任何事都无关紧要。

    As long as you have your health , nothing else matters .

  22. 健康与安全的问题应该认真予以考虑。

    Careful consideration should be given to issues of health and safety .

  23. 我们认为健康状况与社会地位成相反关系。

    We regard health as inversely related to social class .

  24. 不健康的饮食会抵消锻炼的效果。

    An unhealthy diet will nullify the effects of training .

  25. 听说你们都健康幸福,我感到高兴。

    I 'm glad to hear you 're all flourishing .

  26. 她的健康状况急剧衰退,此后她再未离开过家。

    Her health declined rapidly and latterly she never left the house .

  27. 健康的人较能应付压力。

    Fit people are better able to cope with stress .

  28. 他从巴哈马群岛回来时看上去健康得令人眼红。

    He looked disgustingly healthy when he got back from the Bahamas .

  29. 雇主有义务遵行健康安全法。

    The onus is on employers to follow health and safety laws .

  30. 经常锻炼会使你感觉更加精力充沛,身体健康。

    Regular exercise will help you feel fresher and fitter .