
  • 网络Health Ecology
  1. 生态系统健康是生态学领域的研究热点之一。

    Ecosystem health is one of the research hotspots in ecology .

  2. 生态系统健康是生态学和环境管理方面一个新兴的多学科综合性研究领域。

    Ecosystem health is a new field in ecology and environmental management .

  3. 第三部分:以生态系统健康学和景观生态学理论为基础,通过遥感与GIS技术,建立评价模型,对尉犁县土地荒漠化现状进行评价。

    Third : Based on the theory of ecosystem health and landscape , by RS and GIS , the assessment model is build . The author finishes the assessment of land desertification .

  4. 这洋宽泛的处理健康叫做健康社会生态学。

    This broad approach to health is called the socio-ecological view of health .

  5. 以该理论框架为依据提出了3种青少年性健康行为综合干预的理论模式:性健康行为的生态学模式、性健康信念模式和性健康的认知行为矫正/自我管理干预模式。

    The article presented three kinds of theory patters of intervention in adolescents ' sexual health behavior : ecological model of sexual health behavior , sexual health belief model and cognition behavior modification / self-management intervention model .