
  • 网络polar glacier;polr glcier
  1. 报告明确指出:毫无疑问,人类活动是海平面上升、极地冰川融化、高温、洪水以及旱灾等气候快速变化事件的原因。

    Human activity was “ unequivocally ” the cause of rapid changes to the climate , including sea level rises , melting polar ice and glaciers , heat waves , floods and droughts .

  2. 可惜的是,极地冰川调查(ExtremeIceSurvey)中的多数冰河都还没有在历史图像中。

    Unfortunately , many of the glaciers in the Extreme Ice Survey do not yet have much in the way of historical images .

  3. 你还记得你在新德里做的演讲吗?有关极地冰川融化…

    You recall what you said in New Delhi about how polar melting ...

  4. 在2009年的40个国家共同的主题是保护极地冰川。

    The common theme for40 countries in2009 was Preserve the Polar Regions and Glaciers .

  5. 实际上,地球上总淡水量的85%以上见之于极地冰川。

    In fact , over 85 % of the earth 's entire fresh water is found in the polar ice .

  6. 全球变暖的副作用包括极地冰川融化、海平面上升以及其他一些最终会祸及动植物的环境反应。

    Side effects of global warming include melting polar ice , rising sea levels and other environmental reactions that ultimately affect plants and animals .

  7. 与太空政策、干细胞和艾滋病等其它一些科学问题相比,气候科学的极度复杂性从大气物理学到极地冰川学使其更加难以表达。

    The sheer complexity of climate science , from atmospheric physics to polar glaciology , makes it harder to convey than some other science-based issues such as space policy , stem cells or HIV / AIDS .

  8. 北极地区可能发展出类似南中国海的对抗性态势,在这里,至少5个国家美国、俄罗斯、加拿大、挪威和丹麦正在随着极地冰川以前所未有的速度融化,争夺一席之地。

    A similar dynamic to that in the South China Sea may well develop in the Arctic , where at least five countries – the US , Russia , Canada , Norway and Denmark – are scrambling for position as the polar ice melts at ever-accelerating rates .

  9. 该团队表示,影响地球转动的因素包括月球的制动力,自冰河世纪以来极地冰川消融造成的地球形状的改变,地幔和地核的电磁相互作用以及海平面的变化等。

    Factors which influence the earth 's rotation include the moon 's braking effect , earth 's altering shape due to shrinking polar ice caps since the last Ice Age , electro-magnetic interactions between the mantle and core , and changes in the mean sea level , said the team .

  10. 我国极地型冰川发育的气候条件

    The Climatic Conditions of Polar & type Glaciers Developing in China

  11. 极地深层冰川微生物研究的现状与意义

    Glacier masterpieces progress and significance of studies on microorganisms in deep glacial ice

  12. 但是全球变暖正在融化极地的冰川而这干扰了这个洋流

    But global warming is melting the polar ice caps and disrupting this flow .

  13. 极地记录冰川和达尔克冰川流速的遥感监测研究

    The study of remote sensing on monitoring ice velocities of the polar Record Glacier and the dark glacier

  14. 极地和山地冰川雪冰中重金属的研究进展

    Progress in the Studies of Heavy Metals in Snow and Ice in Polar Ice Sheets and Alpine Glaciers

  15. 现在全球变暖有很多负面影响,但是我觉得全球变暖最大的问题之一就是极地冰盖和冰川的融化。我们的地球在两极地区都有大量的冰川覆盖。

    Now global warming has many negative effects , but I think one of the biggest problems with global warming is the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers . See , our planet has huge chunks of ice at both of its poles .