
cǎi fá liànɡ
  • cut
  1. 林龄空间理论与减反率法应用初探&湖南省会同集体林区森林采伐量预估研究

    An approach for using the age-class-space theory and the gentan probability method & predicting standard cut of the collective-owned forest in Huitong County

  2. 实现在保证森林资源永续利用的基础上实现目标最优、采伐量最大,为森林资源资产评估探讨了一个全新的方法。

    On the basis of ensuring realization of sustainable utilization of forest resources , it can achieve the optimal target and maximal cut , which explores a new method for the for the asset assessment of forest resources .

  3. 加拿大BC省确定年允许采伐量的基本程序和方法

    Methods and Procedures of Allowable Annual Cut Determination in British Columbia

  4. 森林合理年采伐量&分期计算,综合平衡计算

    Calculation of optimal annual forest felling volume by stages and comprehensive balance

  5. 森林资源连续清查中未测采伐量测算方法

    Calculating method of unmeasured cut in continuous forest inventory

  6. 利用遥感和地理信息系统技术加强对森林采伐量的监督

    Monitoring forest felling by using RS and GIS technigues

  7. 线性回归分析在伐区采伐量测定中的应用

    Application of Linear Regressive Analysis to Determination of Timber Cutting Volume at Logging Sites

  8. 用材林森林采伐量测算系统应用分析

    Application of Calculating System of Timber Forest Logging

  9. 重新确定合理采伐量的必要性

    The Necessity of Re-Determining the Reasonable Cutting

  10. 合理年采伐量信息管理系统

    The Management System of Reasonable Cut Information

  11. 森林采伐量的最优控制

    Optimal control of forestry harvest volume

  12. 十一五期间森林合理年采伐量测算及存在问题的探讨

    Probing into the Issues about the Rational Annual Forest Harvest Calculation of the 11th 5-year Plan Period

  13. 年采伐量的确定

    The Determination of Annual Cutting

  14. 模拟计算法在确定十一五期间合理年采伐量中的应用

    Application of Simulating Calculation Method to the Annual Allowable Cut Quota Estimating in the Eleventh Five-year Plan Period

  15. 采伐量是小于林分的总生长量的,林木的蓄积减少了27.03%。

    The yield from felling less than the increment of stand and the volume decreased 27 . 03 % .

  16. 由于过去森林过伐,采伐量高于森林生长量,使川西山区森林生态系统发生明显退化。

    The ecological system of the mountainous region 's forest evidently deteriorated due to the deforestation in the past .

  17. 本文讨论了森林可持续采伐量测算中需要考虑的几个问题,并就改进森林可持续采伐量测算工作提出了几点建议。

    This paper discusses some issues in the determination of sustainable forest harvest level and gives suggestions for its improvement .

  18. 六大重点林业工程实施以后,原有的森林采伐量测算方法需要进行修改和完善。

    The methods for the determination of forest harvest level should be revised after the implementation of the six main Forest Programmes and other ecological projects .

  19. 由于中国天然林相对比较缺乏,加之我国现在正在实行天保工程,木材采伐量递减。

    China is comparatively lack of the natural forest , and the yield of wood harvesting is decreasing because of " the National Natural Forest Conservation Project " .

  20. 桉树具有速生、丰产、用途广泛等性质,成为我国栽种面积最广、采伐量最大的人工林之一。

    Because of fast growing , high yield and versatile natures , eucalyptus is one of the plantations with the largest harvesting and the most plantation area in China .

  21. 我国竹类植物资源十分十富,无论是竹子的种类、面积蓄积量和年采伐量均居世界之首。

    The bamboo plant resource in our country is rich , no matter the kind or the area or the harvest quantity of bamboo is the number 1 in the world .

  22. 林业管理者关心的是树木的最终采伐量,而树木采伐量是与树高、胸高直径等基本参数有关的;

    What forest governors concern about is the fall of arboreal which is relevant to the basic parameters such as diameter at breast height , height of tree and so on .

  23. 第二十九条国家根据用材林的消耗量低于生长量的原则,严格控制森林年采伐量。

    Article 29 In compliance with the principle that the consumption of timber shall be lower than the growth , the State shall impose strict controls over the annual forest cutting volume .

  24. 有证采伐量的调查,其标志值为单位发证采伐量的实际采伐蓄积,以自然村为一阶单元进行总体平均数的不等群抽样估计。

    Survey on harvesting rate with certificate adopts non-equal cluster sampling estimation of general average number , regarding nature village as the fist rank unit , and its marking value should take actual harvesting volume as harvesting rate by unit certificate .

  25. 天然红松成过熟林伐区设计与实际商品出材量存在着误差.一元立木材积表超过20.635、红松误差为15.68%。实际超采伐量的设计资源消耗量大25%-50%。

    There is error between cutting area design and practical wood product in the crude pine overstand wood . Wood cubic table over percent 20 . 63 . pine error is percent 15 . 68 . Practical cutting out & put is percent 25 to Percent 50 than resource design .

  26. 应用灰色系统建模方法,建立年可采伐木材蓄积量的GM(1.1)灰色动态预测模型,并结合实例对年可采伐木材蓄积量进行预测,取得了良好的预测效果。

    The predicting gray model of the annual wood quantity for cutting has been set up using the method of gray system in this paper . The annual wood quantity for cutting has been predicted with a practice example , and the good predicting results have been achieved .

  27. 年可采伐木材蓄积量的灰色预测

    The predicting gray model of the annual harvesting volumes

  28. 但是全国主要林区超量采伐,消耗量大于生长量,出现了森林资源危机。

    But in major national forest , there was a forest resources crisis due to excessive logging , consuming more than growing .

  29. 阐述了森林采伐中如何通过采伐方式和工艺类型的合理选择、采伐量的合理确定,来满足林业经济的持续性。

    This Paper mainly introduced hoe to satisfy forestry economical duration by reasonably selecting logging ways and technology type .

  30. 在设置样地对采伐总量调查时,其标志值应为单位面积的实际采伐量,可用总体平均数的双重分层抽样法估计,其分层因子为地貌和林木地。

    The marking value should be actual rate by the unit area , it can estimate by method with dual layering and sampling of the general average number , and layering factor as landform and forest site during the survey for total harvesting rate of setting sample plot .